✒ Do not hesitate to contact us:
● To ask technical or administrative questions about the site or organization.
● If you need further clarification regarding the information provided on the site, we will do our best to respond and update the site accordingly.
● If, in the context of your contribution to the encyclopedia, you feel the need or desire to contact us via a more informal message without having to go through the forms (e.g. large file, significant development, inappropriate forms).
● If you are an individual or a representative of an organization and need to contact us to have material added, modified, or removed from our site, particularly regarding intellectual property issues.
● To congratulate us, provide criticism and suggestions. In all cases, messages are read, taken into account, subjected to statistics, and archived. You can simply want to greet us: it’s always a pleasure!
↳ Depending on the content of your message, the most qualified member available to respond will send you a message as soon as possible.
✒ On the other hand, we will not respond to the following emails:
● Those that initiate an exchange unrelated to the development of the encyclopedia, particularly those with a private or commercial tone.
● Illegitimate requests for censorship regarding the texts and documents made available online.
● All messages of a spam, flaming, or similar nature.
✒ Finally, before sending us a message, please take a moment to review the various manuals for each section and the FAQ located just below, perhaps the answer you’re looking for is already there!
Name : Alchemy
Author : Théodore de Bry
Date : 1596
Type : Engraving
Source : in Emblemata Saecularia gc. Amsterdam State Museum
Traduction : That through my art, my spirit is all wisdom

⟴Questions & Answers
✒ The following questions were the most frequently asked. They concern general aspects of the project. For internal questions, please consult the manuals for each category.
I. The Encyclopedia
E.1. What is the precise object of your site?
E.2. Why did you create this site?
E.3. What do you offer that other encyclopedias do not?
E.4. The pedagogical orientation of the project.
E.5. Prejudice to third-party organizations.
E.6. Why the Creative Commons license?
E.7. Knowledge and gnosis in the encyclopedia.
E.8. The research axis of the encyclopedia?
II. The Website
S.1. What does "Oraedes" mean?
S.2. How did you create your site?
S.3. How far along is the encyclopedia?
S.4. What will be the next entries in the encyclopedia?
S.5. I’ve found errors on your site!
S.6. I’d like to help, where do I start or what should I choose?
S.7. Incorrect sources.
S.8. Retrieving, publishing, and manipulating content from Oraedes.
S.9. Publishing a work on Oraedes.
S.10. Sites about Free-culture.
S.11. Why clone resources?
S.12. How do you write non-Latin languages?
S.13. How does the search function on your site work?
S.14. Don’t you have syndication feeds?
S.15. Can I know the statistics of your site?
S.16. Can I link to your site?
III. The Organization
O.1. Who are you?
O.2. Reliability of information.
O.3. Are you affiliated with an organization/religion/philosophy?
O.4. ORAEDES in the Official Journal/RCS (French authorities).
O.5. Can one join your organization?
O.6. Do you plan to print your encyclopedia?
O.7. Community aspect of ORAEDES.
O.8. Do you have advice/opinions to offer?
The Encyclopedia
⟴E.1. What is the precise object of your site?
✒ The precise object of our site is:
● On the one hand, archiving and knowledge management relating to religious anthropology. Related areas of the religious sciences, such as the philosophy and psychology of religion, the history of religions and the history of sacred art, are therefore particularly relevant to our subject.
● And on the other hand, the journalistic exploitation of these data. We prioritize the esoterological approach, without omitting the use of esotericosophy and esoterography.
● We focus more specifically on esotericism፧ and mysticism. We are thus particularly attentive to the fields of comparative mythology, symbolic hermeneutics, and ascetic dialectics. We also give precedence to the Western world.
● Our goal is to promote, in a non-dogmatic and pedagogical manner, knowledge and understanding related to spirituality.
● We operate within the framework of elementary moral principles and the ethics of Free-culture.
⟴E.2. Why did you create this site?
✒ In working on this site, we have nurtured and continue to nurture the hope of being able to make our modest and perfectible contribution to the development of spirituality and French-speaking esotericology. We hope that our work will contribute to laying the foundations, on the one hand by cataloging available materials and synthesizing the essential knowledge, and on the other hand by opening up fields of reflection, particularly through the comparative method and interdisciplinary tools. These methods are fitting, as they are concurrent with the intellectual approach of esotericism.
● We also hope to encourage the public, regardless of their level of investment and advancement, to participate (with us or on their own) in a sincere, serious, and active manner in these developments, inspired by our methods and observing our ethics. In this sense, we hope to challenge those who are not interested, encourage and assist those who are beginners, support and relieve those who are confirmed, and elicit the help of experts (esotericists and esotericologists) by convincing them of the feasibility and usefulness of such an enterprise.
● In any case, we hope to provide a comprehensive body of knowledge in order to present a broad overview, define the main axes of interest and build rudimentary but solid and justified access points for each internal discipline. This will be achieved particularly through the promotion and valorization of works and libraries, artworks and museums, and through a dense synthesis work that sparks curiosity and leads to autonomous research through the multiplicity of interconnected information.
● By doing so, we wish to give a real choice to the majority of esotericists, by making them aware of the different existing and past currents, as well as their interconnections. We also wish to contribute to demystifying esotericism, both for the general public and intellectuals, in order to give it the place it deserves in human adventure. Finally, we wish to participate in increasing the overall level of spirituality in the French-speaking world, which seems to us to be the sine qua non condition for improving the human condition.
● In short, we wish:
⟴E.3. What do you offer that other encyclopedias do not, including Wikipedia?
✒ Although we use the resources of all available encyclopedias, which are often complementary (see the archiving section of Links and the General Bibliography), and we find interest in the way they approach knowledge, our project is different, first and foremost in its editorial line. Other encyclopedias also have their own editorial axis, which makes them interesting and unique, if only because they present the fruit of other people’s or groups’ work, offering a different perspective or formulation. The main axes of our editorial line, as well as other more general points, deserve to be presented in order to highlight the specificity of this project.
● First and foremost, this encyclopedia is specialized, which implies a more in-depth and exhaustive treatment of the subject matter than in generalist encyclopedias, a specialization all the more important in the subjects that concern us since they require, beyond shared qualities with all sectors of knowledge, specific dispositions to approach them effectively.
● Then, being smaller in size and directed by only a handful of people, our project can benefit from greater flexibility, reactivity, and the use of modern techniques. Moreover, we emphasize principles of pedagogy, synthesis, hierarchization, coherence, and transversality in the presentation and organization of knowledge, which we also try to make original. This is to facilitate memorization. These qualities are impossible to combine simultaneously in both classically structured encyclopedias and those with a participatory model.
● We allow ourselves, beyond accumulating and distributing knowledge, to enrich it also with new analyses and comments. In general, encyclopedias describe and explain, they do not propose interpretations. This would be very difficult in contexts where the mechanical increase of information, hierarchical or militant pressure, or popular consensus, more or less legitimate, would intervene, as can be the case in participatory encyclopedias. These factors influence the quality of articles in these encyclopedias in several ways, making their content, quality, and orientation generally fluid.
● We are therefore embarking on a project that seems to us a good compromise between the exhaustiveness and rigor of an elitist university or initiatory approach and the accessibility and pedagogy of popular democratization, between a scientific encyclopedic approach and an artistic and creative one, which appears to us as the only possible and valid approach in the context of the subject that concerns us.
● Wikimedia projects, in particular, are free and open-source, and contribute directly or indirectly to preserving the ephemeral information of the internet. Their ethical intentions are thus in phase with those of our project. Many anonymous individuals choose Commons to make their work available; we ourselves use it to retrieve resources. Regarding the themes that interest us, Wikipedia, as a generalist site of immense size with many different contributors, possesses the inherent qualities and flaws of such a platform.
↳ It provides abundant and varied information, even fluctuating: articles intended to improve over time (unfortunately, this is not always the case). These articles, sometimes grappling with issues related to neutrality, are of highly variable quality in both form and content. Sometimes, a contributor does remarkable work, while other times the articles are erroneous and/or, all too frequently, copied verbatim from more or less enlightened sources. Wikipedia ultimately offers our subjects better visibility, albeit with a double-edged, as certain information is drowned out. It thus constitutes, in many respects, and to its credit, a privileged point of entry for exploring a given subject.
⟴E.4. You propose to give a pedagogical orientation to your project, but some of your sheets are dense and laborious to read.
✒ Producing pedagogical content does not mean sacrificing the relevance and impact of articles. Some of our texts are, by design, dense with information and peppered with historical data or allusions to philosophical concepts, so that they serve both as notes for more advanced readers and as a stimulus for less informed readers to question and explore, suggesting research paths or reflection. We believe that this is the outcome that a text should achieve, situated midway between an intellectual and artistic approach.
↳ Moreover, regardless of the domain addressed, there is no universal consensus, and the same subject can be viewed from diverse perspectives, more or less dominant depending on the currents of thought, fields of expertise, and eras. All of these perspectives convey a conglomeration of mentalities, representations, and knowledge. Our notes, of course, cannot substitute for in-depth research or reflection, as they cannot simultaneously present all viewpoints and levels of depth. Therefore, although we strive to provide external documentation, our notes imply critical practice and invite it through their form.
● An encyclopedia that aims to be universal in its accessibility and exhaustive in its presentation of data, to an unreasonable extent, could only produce diluted content, tedious to read, and with a lukewarm impact, ultimately leading to laborious memorization and a patronizing attitude towards its readership. These texts are thus meant to be re-read, not just consumed - or even skimmed - mechanically.
● We regret, however, that you may find certain texts too difficult or perhaps even abstruse, and we stand at your disposal to rectify our mistake if you need it. If numerous feedback suggests this, we will consider the possibility of providing a detailed version of the incriminated articles or even simplifying the syntax and vocabulary.
⟴E.5. By making works available in this way, even in full, high-resolution versions, and sometimes even improving them, aren’t you harming booksellers, museums and libraries?
✒ Regarding the provision of digitized works distributed by various museums and libraries, since we systematically cite sources with the utmost precision, we are convinced that we contribute to their notoriety and do not harm them in any way. Concerning the digitizations and photographs produced by us, we also believe that we are doing them a service.
● Firstly, we agree that one of the objectives we share with cultural entities (commercial or non-commercial) is to spark the interest of a new audience and to nourish that of those already interested. Now, in our modern societies where everything is rapidly accessible, it is necessary to gain visibility by making these data available and digestible through practical and pedagogical media, capable of offering a vast content.
● Secondly, we observe through experience that those who truly wish to benefit from a work acquire a copy and/or visit the location to access the various facets of the original, facets that a screen can never perfectly retranscribe. What Hugo enthusiast doesn’t have one of his works at home? Finally, it would be inaccurate to assume that the public is unaware that museums and libraries have a considerable number of pieces on display and in reserve, and that, consequently, what we present will always be only a fragment of their treasures. This is why nothing will ever replace, in quality or quantity, a visit on site.
● As cultural supply and demand continue to grow, driven by the mechanical effects of population growth and improved transportation and communication means, it is certain that many people will be satisfied with a digital approach to works of art. However, taking the example of a book, there is no indication that those who only consult its digitized version would have gone out of their way to procure it or even bothered to open it if it hadn’t been dematerialized. It is even permissible to think that, without this digitization, the existence of certain works, their authors, and the personalities and organizations connected to them would remain unknown to a part of the public.
↳ As the digital era allows and the evolution of mentalities suggests, it is thus interesting to create emulation and cross-pollination by multiplying and relating freely available data. Beyond the legal aspect, which is respected by the encyclopedia, and the moral aspect, which seems evident to everyone, it is necessary, in the context of the economic aspect, to think collectively, on a large scale, and in the long term in order to create a leveraging effect at the global level. We believe that it is only thus that culture can be understood in the modern era and combat the entertainment sector in its less desirable aspects, and many actors in the cultural domain have already understood this.
⟴E.6. Why have you licensed your work under Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-SA) ?
✒ This license seemed to us to be the most relevant for achieving our objectives without compromising our ethical imperatives. For technical aspects related to this license, refer to sections S.7 and S.8.
● Firstly, we believe that knowledge, by its very nature, belongs to humanity; it cannot and should not be associated with a person or organization, except for purely archival purposes. Wanting to compartmentalize it is necessarily going against its essence and thus harming it. Moreover, the know-how consisting of extracting information from the deep web and various specialized bibliographies, organizing this information, synthesizing it, and maintaining an informational watch, must be shared freely to bear fruit.
● Secondly, we ourselves rely on the work of others, and without them, we would not have been able to offer this encyclopedia, or at least it would have been diminished.
● Finally, we believe that a mercantile approach to culture can only harm it.
As we suggest in S.8, outside of commercial purposes, the fact that our work is copied, reworked, or inspiring is for us a source of honor and not discontent. Moreover, the pursuit of personal ambitions and the search for notoriety do not motivate our project.
● Finally, we should add that the source of knowledge is inexhaustible and that, whatever happens, we will always have the opportunity to make our contribution to the edifice.
⟴E.7. Book knowledge or artistic emotion are no substitute for gnosis. No matter how much information you make available, it will not help anyone to progress spiritually: increased knowledge or even psychological fulfilment are not directly linked to spirituality.
✒ It is the truth and we are aware of it. We are, in fact, of the opinion that ultimately, nothing but mystical ontology can constitute the keystone of spiritual edification: neither books, nor human exchanges, nor aesthetics, nor even asceticism, rituals, or diverse practices. It is, above all, an interior and personal adventure that finds its development in the darkness of the soul, hence, indeed, the name "esotericism". As with everything, nothing can substitute for practice: words only have the power to provide a map, not the territory. This does not mean, however, that this project is useless from a spiritual perspective, provided that it is given the place it deserves within its own framework and that the notion of spirituality is understood in a broader and, in our opinion, more complete sense:
● Firstly, the knowledge we aim to disseminate through ORAEDES can be apprehended as gnosis. Although it appears that each individual comes into contact with gnosis through forms that seem appealing to them, we nonetheless wager that knowledge, whether intellectual or emotional, is one of the primary initiatory vehicles. Indeed, knowledge, like the marvelous, has an inciting effect. We estimate that its enlightened exploitation can generate a virtuous circle in the individual seeking spirituality. By giving this knowledge a pedagogical and aesthetic form, we propose to make it as attractive and digestible as possible. Pursuing this idea, it is not only the duty of the esotericist but also in their interest to synthesize and sublimate the knowledge of those who have trodden this path before them, if only to transmit what is transmissible and to make what becomes transmissible for them.
● Secondly, from the perspective of personal enrichment, it must be added that the acquisition of knowledge harmoniously balances the approach of one who seeks to elevate themselves to mysticism. Moreover, as humanity amplifies nature and vice versa, spirituality blossoms in a more elaborate and aesthetic manner when it is borne and matured by a rich and marked context. We consequently add that it is thus receivable that, within the framework of a universal and eschatological soteriology, esotericism is of a higher degree than mysticism.
● Finally, we estimate that if, at first glance, knowledge and imagination cannot be the starting point of spirituality and may even prove to be hindering factors, it nonetheless remains that they must be, in form, the crowning achievement, and in essence, an indispensable springboard. As we have already shown, for example, through the Humanists or the Brethren of Purity, encyclopedism is first a useful and elegant feint, then a valuable companion that proves to be little dispensable. More prosaically, we add in conclusion that who can do more can do less, and one only masters correctly what one surveys. For all these reasons, who is more legitimate than an esotericist to concern themselves with esoterology?
⟴E.8. You have chosen an extremely broad area of research, with admittedly porous but vague internal links. Aren’t you afraid of spreading yourself too thin?
✒ It results, first and foremost, from a choice to prioritize diversity and abundance, pedagogy, and openness to specialization and deepening, elitism, and compartmentalization. This choice can, of course, be expressed in various proportions and manners. Although we estimate the value of both approaches and attempt not to prejudice either, we are well aware that positioning oneself pertinently in relation to the expectations of each individual, the majority, or specific institutions is futile since it is inevitably contradictory. Most academics will esteem esotericists as being unqualified or even unserious when it comes to addressing certain subjects, while most esotericists believe that it is not in churches that one should go to meet good Christians or in literature faculties to find literature enthusiasts. It remains, in any case, evident that the human psyche is vast and that one should not, in general, confuse intelligence, wisdom, instruction, sensitivity, formation, and skill. Noting all these cleavages that we believe will reduce over time, we ask for your indulgence regarding this difficult project in many aspects, but which aims to be federative in intention.
● We estimate that our approach will be the most productive for the majority of individuals interested in the subjects that occupy us, and who represent, more than those who are external or specialized, the heart of our editorial target. It is fundamental to take note that the objectives we have defined in E.1, are more associated with a journalistic and archival approach than with an esoteric or academic approach. Although our position does not exclude hermeneutics and scholarly developments, and although the actors in both domains are indispensable to us in our research, both positions, if practiced exclusively, seem too personal, closed, or confidential to allow us to carry out our project. As this project advances, and as the inventory work appears to have reached a reasonable threshold for having an overall view, we will likely broaden and deepen the exercise of both aforementioned aspects.
The Website
⟴S.1. What does the name of your organisation, which is also the domain name of your website, mean?
✒ "AEDES" means "Accumulation, Enrichment, Distribution, and Exchange of Sapiences". The "OR" situated before the domain name is an abbreviation for Organization. We selected it based on various factors: anagrammatic results, occurrences on search engines, and diverse meanings in the language of the birds. Our two logos, one abbreviated and the other extended, have both numerical and symbolic significance.
⟴S.2. How did you create your website?
✒ We coded our site with Html5 and Css3. We used a bit of php5 and javascript when necessary. Our reference source for nomenclature and tutorials is W3schools.
⟴S.3. There’s already a lot of data on the site. How much progress do you estimate the encyclopaedia will make?
✒ In its current state (June 2020), the encyclopedia is at an experimental stage, both in its form and in the aggregation, organization, and exploitation of data. It consists, in fact, of a collection of documents and notes, more or less scattered, that we are trying to decompile and organize as best as possible. At present, we prioritize exposure, quantity, and connection over in-depth analysis, which will come with the years, accompanying the project’s maturity. The number of entries present in each category represents, in some cases, a minor fragment of all that is possible to list, even if we try to start with the essential.
● The work being important, it would be difficult to judge its progress, but we can estimate at the time of its official release that we have not even reached ten percent of the objectives we initially set for ourselves. If the pace we maintained during the non-public phase remains the same, the end of the project, if it is achievable, will take several decades, which is why we hope to shorten this deadline by appealing to good will and, if possible, by increasing the organization’s finances at the same rate in order to be able to expand it effectively.
⟴S.4. What are the next entries in the encyclopaedia?
✒ There are pre-entered data in the tables (a pop-up window indicates In progress
). Often, we have preliminary documentation. If you want to help us but don’t know what to do, consult these anticipated entries (but warn us before you start so that we don’t work on the same thing as you!).
⟴S.5. I’ve spotted a few errors and inaccuracies on your site, and I’ve got some suggestions for improving it!
✒ It is certain that a certain quantity of errors and/or approximations remain and will remain, since for various reasons we have made the choice (temporary and contextual) to prioritize quantity over quality. We invite you to intervene on the relevant page via the forms present in the left sidebar or to send us a message, we are entirely open to dialogue since we have set up these systems to mitigate as much as possible the dysfunctions generated by our editorial choices. If it were necessary to specify, the goal in this framework is, as much as possible, to approach the truth, not to defend an opinion…
⟴S.6. I’d like to help you but, despite having read the sheets carefully, I don’t know how to go about it, where to start or what to choose…
✒ We have written a documentation that can help you, in part, to respond to these problems.
⟴S.7. I am the owner, or I know the owner, of material on the site whose source you have not indicated, or have indicated incorrectly!
✒ In addition to giving credit where credit is due, mentioning the origin of a material allows for traceability in knowledge and facilitates research. Moreover, according to French law, one cannot disavow the paternity of a production and it is consequently obligatory to cite the rights holder, even if they have distributed their work under the Creative Commons license. This is therefore a moral and legal requirement, and it is thus very important for us to indicate the source of a document, whatever it may be.
● Although we do our best to source texts found on the internet that do not indicate their origin, we have not always been able to do so and have published these works a priori, assuming, based on their deployment - sometimes across several pages - and our unsuccessful verifications, that they were in the public domain. Therefore, we encourage you to come forward if you have noticed an omission or error in our database. Apart from human error, these omissions remain possible given the protean and tentacular way the internet evolves, regularly deleting and adding data, breaking chronological links between files, and thus exposing itself to recoveries at least by omission and negligence, and at worst by dishonesty. Based on your information, we will take rapid action.
⟴S.8. I’d like to retrieve, publish and manipulate content found on your site. What should I do?
Unless otherwise stated (notably in the Memorandum of Artistic Works (post 2000)), we only publish material under the Creative Commons license. This means that you are at least allowed to copy and publish any material on the site, provided you cite the original source we cite ourselves. However, please verify this for yourself: several variants of Creative Commons (or other licenses like GNU or MIT) exist, and some authors specify particular conditions that you must respect.
● Regarding our own work (i.e., essentially the texts and their formatting, graphic manipulations, and database), we do not wish to claim ownership of anything: it originates from the human collective and is, in principle, offered to humanity in general and dedicated to the French people in particular. In this sense, you are welcome to retrieve the source code of a page, for example, to benefit from our systematic reworking of the markup to ensure its relevance, homogeneity, semantic validity, and typographical universality. If you wish to copy a text, we invite you to download the current version of the site available on Internet Archive , which will greatly facilitate your task!
● We do, however, warn those with less than noble intentions: if you were to use our work for commercial purposes, we would not hesitate to assert our legal paternity over it and demand that you cease using it, with the support of the informational and legal provisions we have already undertaken. In the license we have used, while we do not require the BY or SA, we do insist that the NC be strictly respected. It is to protect this work from fraudulent uses that we have unfortunately been forced to license the site under BY-NC-SA rather than WTFPL…
⟴S.9. Is it possible to have a text or work published on your site?
✒ Yes. Just as contributions to the encyclopedia’s data are encouraged and considered, you can submit a text or work for publication, which we will categorize according to their nature, in the memorandum of artistic works or in the archiving of summaries. Although we reserve the right to publication, we have no a priori thematic, quantitative, or qualitative requirements, as long as it is not discordant with the object of the encyclopedia.
⟴S.10. You use concepts and tools from the free and open-source community. Do you have any suggestions on this subject?
✒ Get started with Privacytools, Prism-break and ThatOnePrivacy (AlternativeTo can also be usefull). For theory and politics, the EFF and in France, the CNIL and the Quadrature. All these websites offer technical and documentary resources, as well as various more or less underground links for information on the subject.
⟴S.11. Why do you make copies of the resources you put online? Isn’t a link enough?
✒ From a general perspective, duplicating resources and gathering them in a thematic manner enables them to be shared more skillfully and gives them a greater impact on the web. Increasing the visibility of this information is one of the goals of our organization, and we achieve this by giving specific names to the files, directly indicating their author, nature, and proper name. Furthermore, this approach also helps to alleviate the load on the servers of the various organizations from which we retrieve these documents, or even serves as a backup for them.
● Côté utilisateur, cela lui permet d’une part de faire une recherche globale sur notre site et d’ainsi grouper ses recherches et d’autre part, de bénéficier des optimisations que nous faisons bien souvent sur les documents que nous réunissons.
● Enfin de notre côté, cela nous permet d’avoir à disposition les documents et de ne pas avoir à tenir à jour un grand nombre de liens hypertexte dispersés sur le site.
⟴S.12. How do you write non-Latin languages?
✒ With Michael Langlois’ keyboards for the most common ones, and by copying and pasting from tables for the rarer ones.
⟴S.13. How does search work on your site?
✒ For performance and relevance reasons, we do not have an internal search engine. For the version 2 of the encyclopedia, we are considering, in addition to a site overhaul, the implementation of Redis. For now, we invite you to perform a specific search on third-party search engines. To make the procedure as convenient as possible, we have added a form for you to submit a query on Google.
● In general, precede your search command with (automatically done with our form). Other keywords work on most engines: preceding a term with - excludes it from your search, surrounding a string with " asks the engine to search for the exact phrase (useful for finding a passage in a text), and OR asks the engine to search for either of the preceding or following terms. For other tools (extensions, page versions, etc.), refer to each engine’s specific documentation to learn its syntax.
⟴S.14. Don’t you have a syndication feed?
✒ We rejected the idea due to its perceived lack of relevance. However, if there is sufficient interest, we may revisit the topic.
⟴S.15. Can I find out the statistics for your site?
✒ Make a request on audience measurement sites or send us a message, and we will provide you with this information. Here are some statistics as well:
(September 21, 2021)
● General tables: 27
● Indexed entries: 10,201
● Files: 1,533
● Unique resources: 22,984
● Total weight: 30 gigabytes
● Total files: 75,044
◆ Unique visitors in October 2023 (according to the host): 31,813
⟴S.16. Can I link to your site?
✒ Yes, of course.
The organisation
⟴O.1. Who are you (and other similar questions)?
✒ Anonymity is one of our principles : so we can’t answer your question! We can assure you that there would be nothing interesting to tell, except that we are certainly, like you, people interested in spirituality in its various manifestations.
⟴O.2. How can I trust the accuracy of the information you publish online if I’m not familiar with your identity or credentials?
✒ You don’t have any a priori reason to trust someone simply because they claim to have a certain university degree, belong to a particular initiatory organization or religion, have a certain number of years of practice, or have had certain experiences. Nor should you trust someone who gives you the impression, through their authority or charisma, that they deserve your approval. This is because, in reality, human and intellectual competencies vary greatly across all social classes, professions, and personality types, even when they are framed by institutions.
● Actions and how each person interprets them speak louder than words, so it’s through your own judgment of the quality of our work that you will decide whether or not to trust us. As our objective is to empower our readers to go beyond the knowledge presented on this site, we actually encourage you to approach our sheets with a critical eye.
● If our work falls short of your expectations, we apologize. Additionally, if you’re willing and able, you can contribute to the encyclopedia or provide feedback on how we can improve.
⟴O.3. Are you linked to any particular organisation, religion or philosophy?
✒ No: It is the organization’s vocation to remain neutral, even though it is composed of members with divergent opinions and different paths. Differences are generally enriching as long as they respect the convictions of their opponents. The AEDES Organization aims not to abolish the boundaries separating people and philosophies, nor to reinforce them, but to connect them in order to facilitate communication, which requires the members to set aside their personal opinions.
↳ Guided by this vision, we uphold and will always uphold the following principles: the genuine quest for truth, self-respect and respect for others, and altruistic mutual support. The Good, the Beautiful, the True.
⟴O.4. I haven’t found your organisation in the archives of the Journal officiel / to the RCS !
✒ This is perfectly normal: our organisation is a de facto organisation. It is not declared and we are not considering this possibility at the moment insofar as we would not derive any administrative or financial benefit from it.
⟴O.5. Can I join your organisation?
✒ Naturally, memberships evolve organically: we believe that anyone who voluntarily supports us, whether through words, actions, or financial contributions, is a benefactor member by definition; subsequently, if an individual regularly contributes to the development of one of our projects and participates in decision-making, they become an active member of the organization. The board members, who must have a proven track record of both benefactor and active membership over several years, are responsible for guiding the project and upholding its moral principles.
⟴O.6. Do you plan to print your encyclopaedia?
✒ This is highly unlikely given the size of the project and its evolving nature.
⟴O.7. Do you plan to develop the community aspect of the site (comments, forums, chat, etc.)?
✒ Not at present. However, if the encyclopedia proves successful and Gildi operates smoothly, we may revisit this idea in the future.
⟴O.8. Do you have any advice (ntm. spiritual, divinatory, magical) to offer? Do you know a good clairvoyant/astrologer/magnetizer/healer/…? What do you think of [such-and-such person, website, book]? What do you think of [such-and-such ideology, school of thought]
✒ Not at all and nothing particular. It is not within the organization’s purview to officially endorse a specific position, to practice occultism, or to promote a particular professional. And even less so to provide a form of spiritual cybermentorship. We are exclusively focused on our objective. Consequently, we relay all viewpoints, these latter being the responsibility of those who formulated them. This stance appears to us as the most healthy and productive, given the current context of Western society, a notion that the internet subculture has already demonstrated in its own domains.
● In this sense, we are, on the other hand, at your disposal as a consultant to assist you in your research on currents or domains that may interest you, whether by guiding you through the encyclopedia, explaining passages, or suggesting an adequate bibliography, provided that our current work, particularly through the Guides, does not already suffice and if our schedule permits.
● Furthermore, we do not have an opinion to express on the quality of the work of third parties, colleagues who operate in the same domains and with a similar approach. We are in favor of encouraging all initiatives related to our activities, if only because they prove to be complementary in one way or another, and promote, if not collaboration, at least a cordial atmosphere.
Version: 2.0 (eng.ver.: 1.0)
Upd : 31/01/2025 (eng.ver: June 7, 2024)