
Classification des groupes d’harmonic metal

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Groupe Album Année Alternatif (…) Extreme (…) Folk Gothique Heavy (…) Mélodique Néoclassique Power Progressif Symphonique (…) Pays Piste(s) notable(s) Note
Groupe Album Année Alternatif (…) Extreme (…) Folk Gothique Heavy (…) Mélodique Néoclassique Power Progressif Symphonique (…) Pays Piste(s) notable(s) Note
Nightwish Century Child 2002 EuropeFinlande The end of all hope / Ever dream / Beauty of the beast 18.25
Orion's Reign Scores Of War 2018 EuropeGrèce Elder blood / Together we march / Freedom is not negotiable 18.25
Xandria Sacrificium 2014 EuropeAllemagne Nightfall / Stardust / Temple of hate 18.25
Armory Empyrean realms 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis Reflection divine / Horologium / Inner sanctum 18
Devin Townsend Project Transcendance 2016 AmériqueCanada Failure / Transcendance / Offer your light 18
Freedom call Master Of Light 2016 EuropeAllemagne A world beyond / Kings rise and fall / Riders in the sky 18
Galneryus Resurrection 2010 AsieJapon Carry on / Emotions / Fall in the dark 18
Moonlight haze Lunaris 2020 EuropeItalie Enigma / Wish upon a scar / Without you 18
Nightwish Once 2004 EuropeFinlande Romanticide / Ghost love score / Live to tell the tale 18
Nightwish Wishmaster 2000 EuropeFinlande Come cover me / Bare grace misery / Crownless 18
Nocturnal Rites Phoenix 2017 EuropeSuède The ghost inside me / Nothing can break me / Welcome to the end 18
Orden Ogan Gunmen 2017 EuropeAllemagne Field of sorrow / Come with me to the other side / One last chance 18
Pythia The Serpent's Curse 2012 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Betray my heart / Dark star / Heartless 18
Twilight force Dawn of the dragonstar 2019 EuropeSuède Winds of wisdom / Queen of eternity / Blade of immortal steel 18
Visions of Atlantis Trinity 2007 EuropeAutriche Passing dead end / Wing-shaped heart / Through my eyes 18
Voices of Destiny From The Ashes 2010 EuropeAllemagne Twisting the knife / Relief / Hourglasses 18
Voyager The Meaning Of I 2011 OcéanieAustralie Stare into the night / The meaning of I / Are you shaded ? 18
Within Temptation The Heart Of Everything 2007 EuropePays-Bas Our solemn our / Hand of sorrow / The cross 18
Within Temptation The silent force 2004 EuropePays-Bas See who i am / Forsaken / Angels 18
Xandria Theater Of Dimensions 2017 EuropeAllemagne Call of destiny / Song for sorrow and woe / A theater of dimensions 18
Xandria Neverworld's End 2012 EuropeAllemagne Euphoria / Soulcrusher / The lost elysion 18
Enemy of reality Rejected gods 2014 EuropeGrèce Lifeless eyes / Her descending ghost / Torn appart 17.5
Irradiance Dissidence 2015 EuropeFrance Theorists of the void / Until the last one / Vain bravery 17.5
Last Performance Allegiance to fall 2017 EuropeRussie End of pretense / Alone with the wind / Awake 17.5
Aenigma Into the abyss 2018 EuropeItalie Infected / Essence of life / City of fallen stars 17
After Forever Remagine 2005 EuropePays-Bas Free of doubt / Only everything 17
Almanac Kingslayer 2017 International Children of the sacred path / Losing my mind / Kingdom of the blind 17
Ancient bards Origine 2018 EuropeItalie Fantasy's wings / Obscurita / Titanism 17
Arion Vultures die alone 2021 EuropeFinlande Bloodline / I'm here to save you / I don't fear you 17
Arwen Memories Of A Dream 2002 EuropeEspagne Infinity / No more tears / Touch the sky 17
As night falls Embrace the journey 2016 EuropePologne Stronger / Beyond the heatred / Tale of blood 17
Astralium Land of Eternal Dreams 2019 EuropeItalie The journey / Whisper in the silence / A dream's elegy 17
Avantasia A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society 2022 EuropeAllemagne Kill the pain away / The inmost light / I tame the storm 17
Avantasia Moonglow 2019 EuropeAllemagne Starlight / Alchemy / The piper at the gates of dawn 17
Avantasia The Wicked Symphony 2010 EuropeAllemagne Scales of justice / Blizzard on a broken mirror / States of matter 17
Avantasia The Metal Opera Part 2 2002 EuropeAllemagne The seven angels / The final sacrifice / Memory 17
Avantasia The Metal Opera 2001 EuropeAllemagne Serpents in paradise / The glory of Rome / The tower 17
Battle beast Unholy Savior 2015 EuropeFinlande Lionheart / I want the world and everything / Wild child 17
Beyond The Black Songs of Love and Death 2015 EuropeAllemagne When angels falls / Hallelujah / Numb 17
Blind guardian Beyond The Red Mirror 2015 EuropeAllemagne At the edge of time / The holy grail / The throne 17
Blind guardian At The Edge Of Time 2010 EuropeAllemagne Sacred worlds / Valkyries / Control the divine 17
Blind guardian A night at the opera 2002 EuropeAllemagne Precious Jerusalem / Wait for an answer / And then there was silence 17
Carmeria Advenae 2021 OcéanieAustralie To lead the blind / Solaris / Morningstar 17
Celestivl (Celestial Wish) TenTimesTwo 2019 EuropeRoyaume-Uni My place is in the stars / Spires / TenTimesTwo 17
Coffeinne Circle Of Time 2016 EuropeEspagne Life in a showcase / No escape / The hate within 17
Crownless Confines of silence 2018 AmériquePérou Contestatory / Black heart / Fugitive of light 17
Dark Moor Automnal 2009 EuropeEspagne Swan lake / Phantom queen / Faustus 17
Dawn of destiny To Hell 2015 EuropeAllemagne To hell / Hateful heart / Life 17
Delain The Human Contradiction 2014 EuropePays-Bas Stardust / Sing to me / The tragedy of the commons 17
Diabulus In Musica Argia 2014 EuropeEspagne From the embers / Spoilt vampire / Healing 17
Dionysus Anima mundi 2004 EuropeSuède Divine / Anima mundi / Eyes of the world 17
Eden's curse Cardinal 2016 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Saints and Sinners / Messiah complex / Rome's on fire 17
Enemy of reality Arakhne 2016 EuropeGrèce Reflected / Weakness lie within / Showdown 17
Epica Design Your Universe 2009 EuropePays-Bas Martyr of the free world / Kingdom of heaven / Tides of time 17
Epica Consign to oblivion 2005 EuropePays-Bas Dance of fate / Blank infinity / Mother of light 17
Everdawn Cleopatra 2021 AmériqueEtats-Unis Cleopatra / Infinity divine / Hearth of a lion 17
Excalion Emotions 2019 EuropeFinlande Lost control / Solitude / Deep water 17
Exlibris Innertia 2018 EuropePologne Shoot for the sun / Multiversal / Thunderbird 17
Feuerschwanz Das Elfte Gebot 2020 EuropeAllemagne Kampfzwerg / Schildmaid / Ding 17
Galneryus One For All - All For One 2007 AsieJapon The night craver / Everlasting / Sign of revolution 17
Galneryus Phoenix Rising 2005 AsieJapon Tear of your chain / Scars / The time has come 17
Hamka Multiversal 2017 EuropeFrance Inner conviction / Modern cowboys / Seed of a new world 17
Holyhell Holyhell 2009 AmériqueEtats-Unis Prophecy / Holy water / Gates of hell 17
Imperial age The legacy of Atlantis 2018 EuropeRussie The monastery / Love eternal / And i shall find my home 17
Jupiter Zeus ~Legends Never Die~ 2019 AsieJapon Drastic night / Straight into the fire / The spirit within me 17
Kamelot The Black Halo 2005 AmériqueEtats-Unis When the lights are down / Soul society / The black halo 17
Lovebites Electric Pentagram 2020 AsieJapon When destinies align / Signs of delivrance / Swan song 17
Lovebites Awakening from the abyss 2017 AsieJapon Shadowmaker / Inspire / Bravehearted 17
Lovebites Clockwork immortality 2018 AsieJapon Rising / Journey to the otherside / The final collision 17
Lovebites Judgment day 2023 AsieJapon Judgment day / Wicked witch / Lost in the garden 17
Masterplan Aeronautics 2005 EuropeAllemagne Wounds / Into the arena / Falling sparrow 17
Meden Agan Catharsis 2018 EuropeGrèce No escape / Veil of faith / Lustful desires 17
Moonlight haze Animus 2022 EuropeItalie Kintsugi / Never say never / A ritual of fire 17
Moonlight haze De rerum natura 2019 EuropeItalie Time / A restless mind / Goddess 17
Morton Horror of Daniel Wagner 2022 EuropeUkraine Carry on / Escapist / Grand awakening 17
Morton Come Read The Words Forbidden 2012 EuropeUkraine Brotherhood of light / Oblivion / Burning prisoner 17
Nightwish Oceanborn 1998 EuropeFinlande Devil and the deep ocean / Passion and the opera / The riddler 17
Nocturnal Rites The 8th Sin 2007 EuropeSuède Call out the world / Leave me alone / Pain & pleasure 17
Once After earth 2018 EuropeAllemagne My masterpiece / The sins of saints / The final stage 17
Orden Ogan Ravenhead 2015 EuropeAllemagne Ravenheart / Here at the end of the world / Deaf among the blind 17
Pathfinder Firth Element 2012 EuropePologne Ready to die between the stars / Chronokinesis / Ad futuram rei memoriam 17
Pathfinder Beyond The Space Beyond The Time 2010 EuropePologne Pathway to the moon / Stardust / Beyond the space, beyond the time 17
Pyramaze Epitaph 2020 EuropeDanemark Your last call / Indestructable / World foregone 17
Pyramaze Contingent 2017 EuropeDanemark Land of information / Nemesis / Symphony of tears 17
Pythia The solace of ancient earth 2019 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Spirits of the trees / Hold of winter / Ghosts in the woods 17
Secret Sphere The Nature of Time 2017 EuropeItalie Courage / Faith / The awakening 17
Serious Black As Daylight Breaks 2015 International High and low / My mystic mind / Setting fire to the earth 17
ShadowStrike Legends of human spirit 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis Fly with me / The fiery seas and icy winds / Forever as one 17
Sharone Morbid illusion 2021 AmériqueEtats-Unis Fade away / Can we pretend / Project 17
Shield of wings Unfinished 2022 AmériqueEtats-Unis Frozen harbor / Sunfire shower / The scarred clay reshaping 17
Sirenia Arcane astral aeons 2018 EuropeNorvège In styx embrace / Love like cyanide / The wilight hour 17
Sirenia The Seventh Life Path 2015 EuropeNorvège Serpent / Elixir / Insania 17
Sirenia Perils Of The Deep Blue 2013 EuropeNorvège My destiny coming to pass / Cold caress / Blue collen 17
Sirenia The Enigma of Life 2011 EuropeNorvège The end of it all / Coming down / Fading star 17
Six Magics Falling Angels 2012 AmériqueChili Falling angels / Sick & tired / How to live 17
Sōlborn Dark lights of delirium 2018 AmériqueCanada Ad infinitum / Starbreath / Voyage to the world's end 17
Sound Storm Vertigo 2016 EuropeItalie Metamorphis / The ocean / Gemini 17
Sound Storm Immortalia 2012 EuropeItalie The curse of the moon / Promises / The portrait 17
Symphony X Underworld 2015 AmériqueEtats-Unis Nevermore / Run with the devil / Legend 17
Symphony X Iconoclast 2011 AmériqueEtats-Unis The end of innocence / Bastards of the machine / Reign of madness 17
Symphony X V - The New Mythology Suite 2000 AmériqueEtats-Unis Evolution / The death of balance / A fool's paradise 17
Syrens Call Emoceans 2004 EuropeFrance Fears and hopes / Mission to earth / The awakening / 17
Temperance Diamanti 2021 EuropeItalie Black is my heart / The night before the end / Follow me 17
The Chronicles Project When Darkness Falls 2015 International Void of the damned / When darkness falls / Promised lands 17
The Uncrowned Revive 2016 AsieJapon Shiver / Blue moon / Duello 17
Theocracy As the world bleeds 2011 AmériqueEtats-Unis The master storyteller / Altar of the unknow god / Light of the world 17
Therion Gothic Kabbalah 2007 EuropeSuède Three theasures / Son of the staves of time / Adulruna rediviva 17
Therion Secret of the runes 2001 EuropeSuède Asgard / Muspelheim / Summernight city 17
Thunderstone Apocalypse Again 2016 EuropeFinlande Veterans of the apocalypse / Wounds / Force sublime 17
Thunderstone Dirt Metal 2009 EuropeFinlande I almighty / Ghosts of youth / Dodge the bullet 17
Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 2007 EuropeFinlande 10000 ways / Swirled / Face in the mirror 17
Thunderstone Tools Of Destruction 2005 EuropeFinlande Without wings / The last song / Weight of the world 17
Thunderstone The Burning 2004 EuropeFinlande Break the emotions / Spire / Side by side 17
Unleash The Archers Abyss 2020 AmériqueCanada Abyss / Return to me / Faster than light 17
Unleash The Archers Apex 2017 AmériqueCanada Shadow guide / Ten thousand against one / Apex 17
Vanishing Point Dead Elysium 2020 OcéanieAustralie To the wolves / The fall / The healing 17
Vanishing Point Distant Is The Sun 2014 OcéanieAustralie King of empty promises / When truth lies / Denied delivrance 17
Vision Divine Perfect Machine 2005 EuropeItalie The ancestor's blood / God is dead / The river 17
Vision Divine Stream of Consciousness 2004 EuropeItalie La vita fugge / Through the eyes of god / Out of the maze 17
Visions of Atlantis Delta 2011 EuropeAutriche New dawn / Twist of fate / Elegy of existence 17
Vivaldi Metal Project The Four Seasons 2016 International Vita / Thunderstorm / Alchemy 17
Voices of Destiny Crisis Cult 2014 EuropeAllemagne Wolfpack / At the edge / The great hunt 17
Voices of Destiny Power Dive 2012 EuropeAllemagne My separation / Kami / Dedication 17
Voyager I am the reVolution 2009 OcéanieAustralie Common ground / Total existence failure / One the run from the world 17
White skull Will of the Strong 2017 EuropeItalie Will of the strong / I am your queen / Shieldmaiden 17
Wisdom Rise Of The Wise 2016 EuropeHongrie Raven's night / Hero / Secret life 17
Wisdom Marching For Liberty 2013 EuropeHongrie Dust of the sun / My fairytale / Marching for liberty 17
Within Temptation Resist 2019 EuropePays-Bas Supernova / Holy ground / Trophy hunter 17
Within Temptation Hydra 2014 EuropePays-Bas 17
Within Temptation The Unforgiving 2011 EuropePays-Bas In the middle of the night / Iron / A demon's fate 17
Xandria The Wonders still waiting 2023 EuropeAllemagne You will never be our god / Illusion is their name / The Maiden and the child 17
Angus McSix Angus Mcsix and the Sword of Power 2023 International Starlord of the sixtus stellar system / Eternal warrior / Fireflies of doom 16.75
Volturian Crimson 2020 EuropeItalie New life / Broken / Days before you die 16.75
Aeternitas Haunted minds 2020 EuropeAllemagne Fountain of youth / The birthmark / The beautiful 16.5
Deep Sun Das Erbe der Welt 2019 EuropeSuède Heroes / Abandon cyberspace / My darkness 16.5
Delain Dark waters 2023 EuropePays-Bas Beneath / Invictus / Underland 16.5
Divided we fall Dreamcrusher 2014 EuropeRoyaume-Uni A date with the darkness / Until i win / Escaping wonderland 16.5
Dream ocean Lost love symphony 2018 Moyen-OrientTurquie Beyond the greed / Everstorm / Forever 16.5
Emerald mind Civilization 2015 EuropeRussie Secrets / Astronaut in her space / Neverend 16.5
Pyramaze Bloodlines 2023 EuropeDanemark Fortress / Broken arrow / The midnight sun 16.5
Ravenword Transcendence 2020 EuropeItalie Rain of stars / What i need / Dylan 16.5
Sinheresy Out of connection 2019 EuropeItalie Zero One / Facts, Words, Sand, Stone / Blood Like Water 16.5
Snow white blood Hope springs eternal 2020 EuropeAllemagne Drop a stitch / The court jester / Rising of the sun 16.5
Surma The light within 2020 International Like the river flows / Fire and wind / Lost to time 16.5
The Erinyes The Erinyes 2022 International On my way to love / My kiss goodbye / Take me 16.5
Xystus Equilibrio 2008 EuropePays-Bas Last breath / Divided we stand / Forever bound 16.5
Mystfall Celestial vision 2023 EuropeGrèce Celestial vision / Kings of utopia / Freedom path 15.25
Ad Infinitum Chapter I : Monarchy 2020 EuropeSuisse Marching on Versailles / Maleficiant / Demons 16
Adagio Life 2017 EuropeFrance The grand spirit voyage / Torn 16
Adamantra Act II - Silent Narratives 2014 EuropeFinlande Lionheart / In the shadow of the cross / Circle of sorrow 16
After Forever After Forever 2007 EuropePays-Bas Evoke / Withering time 16
After Forever Invisible Circles 2004 EuropePays-Bas Sins of idealism / Digital deceit / Two sides 16
Amberian dawn Darkness of eternity 2017 EuropeFinlande I'm the one / Maybe / Ghostwoman 16
Amberian dawn The Clouds Of Northland Thunder 2009 EuropeFinlande Kokko / Shallow waters / Lionheart / Morning star 16
Anaria Seasons of the mind vol. 1 : Inception 2015 AmériqueEtats-Unis Intoxicate / Aurora / Constellations 16
Ancient bards A New Dawn Ending 2014 EuropeItalie Across this life / The last resort / A new dawn ending 16
Anga Shadows 2021 EuropeAllemagne Mercy / Save you / Rest in heaven 16
AngelSeed Crimson Dyed abyss 2015 EuropeCroatie Dancing with the gods / Schizohead / The healer 16
Angra Secret Garden 2014 AmériqueBrésil Newborn me / Violet sky / Perfect symmetry 16
Angra Aurora Consurgens 2006 AmériqueBrésil The voice commanding you / Ego painted grey / Scream your heart out 16
Angra Rebirth 2001 AmériqueBrésil Nova era / Acid rain / Judgment day 16
Anubis Gate Andromeda Unchained 2007 EuropeDanemark Waking hour / Beyond redemption / The final overture 16
Arion Life is not beautiful 2018 EuropeFinlande No one stands in my way / At the break of dawn / Unforgivable / 16
Arion Last Of Us 2014 EuropeFinlande Seven / I am the storm / Lost 16
Armory The Dawn Of Enlightenment 2007 AmériqueEtats-Unis Riding the cosmic winds / Heart of a dreams / The eyes of time / 16
As night falls Awareness 2021 EuropePologne Shackles of the mind / Canceled / Never look back 16
Avantasia Ghostlights 2016 EuropeAllemagne Let the storm descend upon you / Master of the pendulum / Unchain the light 16
Avantasia The Mystery Of Time 2013 EuropeAllemagne The watchmaker dream / Savior in the clockwork / Dweller in a dream 16
Ayreon 1011001 2008 EuropePays-Bas Age of shadows / Liquid eternity / Ride the comet 16
Bare Infinity The Butterfly Raiser 2017 EuropeGrèce Hear me out / Orion's light / The devil's call 16
Bare Infinity Always Forever 2009 EuropeGrèce Lost again / The crying shore / Serenity 16
Battle beast Steel 2012 EuropeFinlande Die-hard warrior / Show me how to die / Victory 16
Beast in Black Dark connection 2021 EuropeFinlande Bella donna / One night in Tokyo / Revengeance Machine 16
Beorn Time to dare 2015 EuropeRussie Riders of the sky / Galaxy in flames / The beast 16
Beyond The Black Lost In Forever 2017 EuropeAllemagne Lost in forever / Dies Irae / Our little time 16
Bloodbound War Of Dragons 2017 EuropeSuède Battle in the sky / King of swords / Guardians at heaven's gate 16
Brainstorm Downburst 2008 EuropeAllemagne Falling spiral down / Redemption in your eyes / Frozen 16
Cain's offering Stormcrow 2015 EuropeFinlande Antemortem / My heart beats for no one / Child of the wild 16
Cathubodua Continuum 2019 EuropeBelgique Hero of ages / My way to glory / Apotheosis 16
Choirs of veritas I am the way, the truth and the life 2017 EuropeItalie The searching / Miracles / I am the way, the truth and the life 16
Civil War The Last Full Measure 2016 EuropeSuède Delivrance / Gangs of new york / People of the abyss 16
Crownless Dark evolution 2011 EuropeEspagne Dark embrace / Ataraxia / Thorns 16
Crusade of Bards Tales of the seven seas 2022 EuropeEspagne An ocean between / Naupaktos / Lies and ashes 16
Crusade of Bards Tales of Bards & Beasts 2019 EuropeEspagne The golden vessel / An ocean between us (I) / Gunpowder 16
Cry Venom Vanquish the demon 2016 Etats-Unis / EuropeRussie Vanquish the demon / Stronger than steel / Diamond 16
Dark Moor Tarot 2007 EuropeEspagne The star / Whell of fortune / The hanged man 16
Dark Sarah Grim 2020 EuropeFinlande The chosen one / Melancholia / The hex 16
Dark Sarah The puzzle 2016 EuropeFinlande Island in the mist / Little mens / Aquarium / 16
Dark Sarah Behind The Black Veil 2015 EuropeFinlande Evil roots / Hunting the dreamer / Fortress 16
Dawn of destiny F.E.A.R 2014 EuropeAllemagne My memories / Rising angel / Then i found you 16
Dawn of destiny Rebellion In Heaven 2008 EuropeAllemagne Ending dreams / Days of crying / Unepexted guest 16
Dead of night The evolving science of self 2018 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Seraphim / Invasion / Onward 16
Delain Apocalypse & Chill 2020 EuropePays-Bas Bruning bridges / Let's dance / Master of destiny 16
Delain Moonbathers 2016 EuropePays-Bas The glory and the scum / Fire with fire / Pendulum 16
Delain We Are The Other 2012 EuropePays-Bas Electricity / Generation me / Babylon 16
Delain April Rain 2009 EuropePays-Bas April rain / Virtue and vice / Go away 16
Devious Mine Exilium 2018 EuropeItalie Beyond the darkness / Struggle of hope / The last hope 16
Diabulus in musica Euphonic entropy 2020 EuropeEspagne In quest of sense / On the edge / One step higher 16
Diabulus In Musica Secrets 2010 EuropeEspagne New era / Lies in your eyes / St. Michael's nightmare 16
Divine Ascension The uncovering 2018 OcéanieAustralie New world / Revolution phase / Beyond the line 16
Downcast Art Forbidden memories 2011 EuropeCroatie Forbidden memories / Face without a name / Downlight 16
Dragonland Astronomy 2006 EuropeSuède Astronomy / Beethoven's nightmare / Direction perfection 16
Dream Theater Dream Theater 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis The ennemy inside / The bigger picture / Surrender to reason 16
Dreamtale Everlasting flame 2022 EuropeFinlande Blood of the morning star / Last goodbyes / Immortal souls 16
Dreamtale World Changed Forever 2013 EuropeFinlande Tides of war / Join the rain / The end of our days 16
Dreamwalkers Inc First re-draft 2019 EuropePays-Bas Mourning after / Innerburn / New strenght 16
Ebony Ark Decoder 2004 EuropeEspagne Damned by the past / Desire / Searching for an anwser 16
Elvellon Until dawn 2018 EuropeAllemagne Oraculum / Until dawn / Dreamcatcher 16
Elvenking Secrets of the Magick Grimoire 2017 EuropeItalie A grain of truth / 3 ways to magick / Summon the dawn light 16
Elvenking Red Silent Tides 2010 EuropeItalie Silence de mort / Runereader / This nightmare will never end 16
Enemy Inside Phoenix 2018 EuropeAllemagne Falling away / Angel's suicide / Oblivion 16
Entwine Chaotic Nation 2015 EuropeFinlande End of silence / Fortune falls / As we rise 16
Epica Omega 2021 EuropePays-Bas Seal of Salomon / Synergize / Twilight reverie 16
Epica The quantum enigma 2014 EuropePays-Bas The essence of silence / Unchain utopia / Chemical insomnia 16
Epica The Divine Conspiracy 2007 EuropePays-Bas The obsessive devotion / Never enough / Fools of damnation 16
Estate Mirrorland 2018 EuropeRussie Mirrorland / Stolen heart / Knight of hope 16
Ethernity The human race extinction 2018 EuropeBelgique The human race extinction / Artificial souls / The prototype 16
Fellowship The saberlight chronicles 2022 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Atlas / Oak and ashes / The hours of wintertime 16
Feuerschwanz Memento Mori 2021 EuropeAllemagne Ultima nocte / Hannibal / Twilight of the thunder god 16
Freedom call Land Of The Crimson Dawn 2012 EuropeAllemagne Rockstars / Hero on video / Eternity 16
Freedom call Legend of the shadowking 2010 EuropeAllemagne Thunder god / The darkness / Kingdom of madness 16
Freedom call Dimensions 2007 EuropeAllemagne Queen of my world / Blackened sun / Far away 16
Frozen crown The fallen king 2018 EuropeItalie Fail no more / The shieldmaiden / Across the sea 16
Frozen crown Call of the north 2023 EuropeItalie Legion / Now and never / Far away 16
Galloglass Heavenseeker 2005 EuropeAllemagne After forever / Heavenseeker / Knigs who die 16
Galneryus Angel Of Salvation 2012 AsieJapon Temptation through the night / Lonely as a stranger / Stand up for the right 16
Galneryus Reincarnation 2008 AsieJapon Shining moments / Stardust / The flag of reincarnation 16
Galneryus Beyond The End Of Despair 2006 AsieJapon Shriek of the vengeance / Vanishing hope / My last farewell 16
Galneryus Advance to the fall 2005 AsieJapon Silent revelation / The scenery / Quiet wish 16
Glasya Heaven's demise 2019 EuropePortugal Coronation of a beggar / Eternal winter / Neverland 16
Glasya Attarghan 2019 EuropePortugal Way to victory / Journey to Akhbar / A new era has come 16
Grand finale Descent with modification 2018 AsieJapon Kudoko no hana / Innocence / Perfect world 16
Hammerforce Access Denied 2013 EuropeRussie Templates for all / Fugitive / Access denied 16
Heavenly Virus 2006 EuropeFrance Spill blood on fire / Bravery in the field / Liberty 16
Highlord The Warning After 2013 EuropeItalie Standing in the rain / No more heroes / In this wicked world 16
Ideas Oneness 2017 EuropeHongrie Decision / After midnight / Living in the stars 16
Ignea The sign of faith 2017 EuropeUkraine Alexandria / Alga / Leviathan 16
Imperia The last horizon 2021 EuropePays-Bas Dream away / Starlight / One day 16
Imperia Flames of eternity 2019 EuropePays-Bas Unspoken words / Blinded / My guardian angel 16
Imperia Secret Passion 2011 EuropePays-Bas Touch of your hand / Violence / Like rain 16
Imperia Queen Of Light 2007 EuropePays-Bas Braveheart / Norway / The calling 16
Kambrium Dawn of the five suns 2018 EuropeAllemagne Against all gods / Tribe of darkness / Sacrifices must be made 16
Kamelot Haven 2015 AmériqueEtats-Unis Insomnia / My therapy / Liar liar 16
Kamelot Ghost Opera 2008 AmériqueEtats-Unis Rule the world / Ghost opera / Silence of the darkness 16
Kamelot Epica 2003 AmériqueEtats-Unis Descent of the archangel / The mourning after / Snow 16
Kamelot The awakening 2023 AmériqueEtats-Unis One more flag in the ground / Nightsky / New Babylon 16
Kliodna Way of heroes 2022 EuropeBélarus Jester killer / Forgotten heroes / For a new day to come 16
Leecher Deviant 2020 EuropeHongrie One-second confusion / Messengers of fear / Lake of contradiction 16
Legenda Aurea Aeon 2016 EuropeSuisse The seventh wish / Eternal essence / Internal ennemy 16
Lithian Eternal 2018 AmériqueMexique Earthbound / Monster / Eternal 16
Lord of the lost Thornstar 2018 EuropeAllemagne Loreley / Morgana / Under the sun 16
Lorenguard Eve Of Corruption The Days Of Astasia, Part 1 2011 AmériqueEtats-Unis Black sails and phoenix flames / The prince and the pariah / Hand of chaos 16
Lost sacrament Praesidio in animo 2021 AmériqueEtats-Unis Voice of illusion / Trials of the flame / Cure in the dream sequence 16
Luca Turilli's Rhapsody Prometheus, Symphonia Ignis Divinus 2015 EuropeItalie Il cygno nero / Prometheus / Of Michael the archangel and the fall of Lucifer part 2 16
Luca Turilli's Rhapsody Ascending to Infinity 2012 EuropeItalie Dante's inferno / Excalibur / Of Michael the archangel and the fall of Lucifer 16
Machinae supremacy Phantom Shadow 2014 EuropeSuède Beyond good and evil / The bigger they are, the harder they fall 16
Machinae supremacy Rise of a Digital Nation 2012 EuropeSuède Transgenic / Republic of gamers / Battlecry 16
Magistarium Dreamlord Opera 2022 EuropeAllemagne No world without heroes / Dreamlord opera / New reality 16
Magnus Karlssons Free Fall We are the night 2020 EuropeSuède We are the night / Dreams and scars / All the way to the stars 16
Majestica Above the sky 2019 EuropeSuède The rat pack / The way of redemption / The legend 16
Masterplan Novum Initium 2013 EuropeAllemagne Black night of magic / No escape / Return from avalon 16
Masterplan Time to be king 2010 EuropeAllemagne Far from the end of the world / The sun is in your hands / Under the moon 16
Masterplan MK II 2007 EuropeAllemagne Keeps me burning / Watching the world / Enemy 16
Metalite A virtual world 2021 EuropeSuède Talisman / Peacekeepers / We're like the fire 16
Metalite Heroes in time 2017 EuropeSuède Purpose of life / Heroes in time / Black horse rider 16
Metalwings For All Beyond 2018 EuropeBulgarie There's no time / For all beyond / Realm of dreams / 16
Miracle flair Synchronism 2020 EuropeSuisse Synchronism / Presence of death / In charge 16
Narnia Narnia 2016 EuropeSuède Reaching for the top / Who do you follow ? / Moving on 16
Nemesea Mana 2004 EuropePays-Bas Angel in the dark / Lucifer / Disclosure 16
Neuroheart (Arcane Symphony) No more time 2019 EuropeRussie Reveal your demons / Phantom dream / Eternal rain 16
Neurotech Solace 2021 EuropeSlovénie Light betides / A moment lost / Solace 16
Neurotech The Catalyst 2017 EuropeSlovénie Our burial ground / At a standstill / The seductive void 16
Neurotech Ave Neptune 2023 EuropeSlovénie The coming storms / The serpent bites / The years of the flood 16
Nightwish Endless Forms Most Beautiful 2015 EuropeFinlande Weak fantasy / Endless forms most beautiful / The greatest show on earth 16
Nightwish Imaginaerum 2011 EuropeFinlande Ghost river / I want me tears back / Last ride of the day 16
Nightwish Dark Passion Play 2007 EuropeFinlande The poet and the pendulum / Bye bye beautiful / Master passion greed 16
Nocturna Daughters of the night 2022 EuropeItalie Daughters of the night / Darkest days / The trickster 16
Nocturnal Rites Grand Illusion 2005 EuropeSuède Still alive / End of our hope / Never ending 16
Noveria Aequilibrium 2019 EuropeItalie The awakening / Broken / Stronger than before 16
Noveria Forsaken 2016 EuropeItalie If only / Regrets / Archangel 16
Noveria The Gates of the underworld 2023 EuropeItalie Origins / Revenant / Eternal 16
Orden Ogan Final Days 2021 EuropeAllemagne Interstellar / Black hole / Hollow 16
Penumbra Seclusion 2003 EuropeFrance Seclusion / The prophetess / Hope 16
Penumbra The last bewitchment 2002 EuropeFrance Neutral / Moaning on earth / Testament 16
Perfection Selection Dracula Battle II 1995 AsieJapon [Reprises de Castlevania] 15
Perfection Selection Dracula Battle I 1994 AsieJapon [Reprises de Castlevania] 15
Powerized The Mirror's Eye 2018 EuropePays-Bas For the fallen / Behind the gates / God of this world 16
Powerwolf Blessed and Possessed 2015 EuropeAllemagne Army of the night / Sanctus dominus / The evil men do 16
Powerwolf Bible Of The Beast 2009 EuropeAllemagne Catholic in the morning… Satanist at night / Resurrection by erection / Seven deadly saints 16
Pyramaze Disciples Of The Sun 2015 EuropeDanemark The battle of Paridas / Fearless / Hope spring eternal 16
Pyramaze Immortal 2008 EuropeDanemark Ghost light / Caramon's poem / Shadow of the beast 16
Pythia Shadows of a Broken Past 2014 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Sword of destiny / War games / Bring me home 16
Pythia Beneath the Veiled Embrace 2009 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Swett cantation / My pale prince / Oedipus 16
Qantice The anastoria 2019 EuropeFrance Without a hero / Fractal universe / Timeline tragedy 16
Quadrus Entropia 2017 EuropeGrèce The Alpha origin / Attribution theory / Entropia 16
Raintime Psychromatic 2010 EuropeItalie Fire ants / Beaten roads / Walk-on actor 16
Raintime Flies and lies 2007 EuropeItalie Rolling chances / Rainbringer / Another transition 16
Raintime Tales from Sadness 2005 EuropeItalie The experiment / Using the light forever / Daily execution - Paradox defeat 16
Rakshasa Rikudo Rasetsu {六道羅刹} 2017 AsieJapon Gekkabijin / Owari no tabiji / Hanoo mau 16
Rammstein Mutter 2001 EuropeAllemagne Links 234 / Ich will / Splieuhr 16
Rammstein Sehnsucht 1997 EuropeAllemagne Sehnsucht / Du hast / Eifursucht 16
Reasons behind Architecture of an ego 2023 EuropeItalie Heart begin to break / I3 / The flame inside 16
Rhapsody of fire The eighth mountain 2019 EuropeItalie White wizard / The courage to forgive / The legend goes on 16
Rhapsody of fire The Frozen Tears of Angels 2010 EuropeItalie Reign of terror / Raging starfire / On the way to Ainor 16
Rhapsody of fire Symphony Of Enchanted Lands II 2004 EuropeItalie Unholy warcry / Sacred power of raging winds / Shadow of death 16
Rhapsody of fire Power of the dragonflame 2002 EuropeItalie The power of the dragonflame / Agony is my name / Steelgods of the last apocalypse 16
Ride The Sky New Protection 2007 EuropeSuède The prince of darkness / Far beyond the stars / Endless 16
Rose Avalon Northern Strengths 2014 EuropeEspagne My sad martyrdom / Empty hearts / From my darkness 16
Rose Avalon Universe 2023 EuropeEspagne Angel / Not in my name / Universe 16
Samael Eternal 1999 EuropeSuisse Together / Ways / Telepath 16
Sanctorium Ornaments 2020 EuropeRussie The arcane way / Mokosh / Night of Ivan Kupala 16
Secret Illusion Awake Before the Dawn 2018 EuropeGrèce Hope is lost / Kings and pawns / Eerie 16
Secret Sphere Lifeblood 2021 EuropeItalie The end of an ego / Alive / Solitary fight 16
Secret Sphere A Time Never come 2015 EuropeItalie Legend / Oblivion / Hamelin 16
Secret Sphere Sweet Blood Theory 2008 EuropeItalie Bring on / Feed my fire / Vampire's kiss 16
Serenity Lionheart 2017 EuropeAutriche Lionheart / Hero / Eternal victory 16
Serenity Codex Atlanticus 2016 EuropeAutriche Reason / Fate of light / The order 16
Serenity War Of Ages 2013 EuropeAutriche The art of war / Age of glory / Symphony for the quiet 16
Silent Force Walk The Earth 2007 EuropeAllemagne Walk the earth / The king of fools / Blind learning the blind 16
Silent Force Worlds Apart 2004 EuropeAllemagne No one live forever / Death come in disguise / Iron hand 16
Sinheresy Event Horizon 2023 EuropeItalie The life you left behind / ( R )revolution / Even Horizon II Entropy 16
Sirenia Dim Days Of Dolor 2016 EuropeNorvège The 12th hour / Elusive sun / Playing with fire 16
Sirenia Nine Destinies And A Downfall 2007 EuropeNorvège Sundown / The other side / Seven keys and nine doors 16
Sirenia 1977 2023 EuropeNorvège Wintry heart / The setting darkness / Delirium 16
Six Magics Behind The Sorrow 2010 AmériqueChili Animal / Lies and rules / All my dreams 16
Sonata Arctica Reckoning Night 2004 EuropeFinlande Ain't your fairytale / Don't say a word / My selene 16
Sonata Arctica Winterhearts Guild 2003 EuropeFinlande The cage / Victoria's secret / The ruins of my life 16
Sonata Arctica Silence 2001 EuropeFinlande Weballergy / San sebastian / Wolf and raven 16
Sonata Arctica Ecliptica 1999 EuropeFinlande 8th commandement / Fullmoon / Unopened / 16
Sound Storm Twilight Opera 2009 EuropeItalie Bound to hell / Falling star / Lord of the blood 16
Stratovarius Survive 2022 EuropeFinlande Broken / We are not alone / Glory days 16
Stratovarius Eternal 2015 EuropeFinlande My eternal dream / Rise above it / Man in the mirror 16
Stratovarius Nemesis 2013 EuropeFinlande Unbreakable / Halcyon days / Nemesis 16
Symphonic destiny The fountain of eternal life 2015 EuropeSerbie Light in the darkness / Compass of fate / The fountain of eternal life 16
Symphonity King of Persia 2016 EuropeRépublique Tchèque The choice / Children of the light / Live to tell the tale / 16
Symphonity Voice from the Silence 2008 EuropeRépublique Tchèque Gates of fantasy / Salvation dance / Evening star 16
Symphony X Paradise Lost 2007 AmériqueEtats-Unis Domination / Paradise lost / Eve of seduction 16
Syrens Call Raging Waters 2010 EuropeFrance I'm your only one / Perfidious paradise / Never come back home 16
Temperance Of Jupiter and Moons 2018 EuropeItalie Broken promises / Of Jupiter and Moons / The art of believing 16
Teodasia Upwards 2012 EuropeItalie Revelations / Hollow earth / Eulogy / 16
Teramaze Her Halo 2015 OcéanieAustralie Out of subconscious / For the innocent / Delusions of grandeur 16
Thaurorod Upon Haunted Battlefields 2010 EuropeFinlande Shadows and rain / Guide for the blind / Upon haunted battlefield 16
The dark element Songs the night sings 2017 EuropeFinlande Songs the night sings / Pills of my pillow / You will learn 16
The dark side of the moon Metamorphosis 2023 International Misty mountains / The wolven song / Jenny of oldstones 16
The Midgard project The great divide 2022 AmériqueCanada Winter slumber / The wolf and the raven / The great divide 16
Theocracy Ghost Ship 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis Ghost ship / Stir the embers / Castaway 16
Theocracy Mirror of souls 2008 AmériqueEtats-Unis Laying the demon to the rest / Absolution day / Mirror of souls 16
Therion Sitra Ahra 2010 EuropeSuède Hellequin / Cu Chulainn / Din 16
Therion Lemuria 2004 EuropeSuède Uthark runa / Quezacoalt / Feuer overture 16
Therion Sirius B 2004 EuropeSuède Son of the sun / Melek Taus / The Fourth Way 16
Therion Deggial 2000 EuropeSuède Enter Vril-ya / The invicible / The flesh of gods 16
Therion Theli 1996 EuropeSuède To Mega Therion / Nightside of eden / Grand final 16
Thornbridge Theatrical masterpiece 2019 EuropeAllemagne Theatrical masterpiece / Revelation / The helmsman / 16
Triosphere The Heart Of The Matter 2014 EuropeNorvège Steal away the light / The heart's dominion / The sphere 16
Turilli / Lione Rhapsody Zero gravity 2019 EuropeItalie D.N.A / Decoding the multiverse / Arcanum 16
Twilight force Heroes Of Mighty Magic 2016 EuropeSuède Riders of the dawn / Rise of a hero / Heroes of might and magic 16
Twilight guardians Ghost Reborn 2007 EuropeFinlande Bring it on / The weight / Fallen lamb 16
Twilight guardians Sintrade 2006 EuropeFinlande Wanderer / My spoiled reign / Room of shadow and light 16
Twilightning Delirium Veil 2003 EuropeFinlande Jester realm / Delirium veil / Seventh dawn 16
Twins Crew Veni Vidi Vici 2016 EuropeSuède Sky if falling / Out of time / Under my command 16
Universal mind project The jaguar priest 2016 AmériqueMexique Truth / The jaguar priest / The force of our creation 16
Unleash The Archers Time Stands Still 2015 AmériqueCanada Frozen steel / Tonight we ride / No more heroes / 16
Vanden Plas Chronicles of the Immortals Netherworld II 2015 EuropeAllemagne Stone roses edge / Blood of eden / The last fight 16
Victoria K Essentia 2020 OcéanieAustralie Surreal / Matrix / The Haunting 16
Victorius Heart of the Phoenix 2017 EuropeAllemagne End of the rainbow / Hammer of justice / Beyond the iron sky 16
Victorius The Awakening 2012 EuropeAllemagne The awakening / Under burning skies / Through the dead lands 16
Vision Divine When all the heroes are dead 2019 EuropeItalie Were i god / The king of the sky / 300 16
Vision Divine Destination Set To Nowhere 2012 EuropeItalie The dream maker / The ark / The house of angels 16
Vision Divine 9 Degrees West Of The Moon [2009] 2009 EuropeItalie Violet loneliness / Fading shadows / The streets of laudomia 16
Vision Divine The 25th Hour 2007 EuropeItalie The 25th Hour / Eyes of a child / 16
Vision Divine Send Me An Angel 2002 EuropeItalie Send me an angel / The call / Nemesis 16
Visions of Atlantis Pirates 2022 EuropeAutriche Master the hurricane / Legions of the seas / Wild Elysium 16
Visions of Atlantis Ethera 2013 EuropeAutriche Avatara / Hypnotized / Burden of divinity 16
Visions of Atlantis Cast Away 2004 EuropeAutriche Lost / State of suspense / Lemuria 16
Voyager Colours in the Sun 2019 OcéanieAustralie Colours / Reconnected / Sign of the times 16
Voyager Univers 2007 OcéanieAustralie Everwaiting / Pulse 04 / White shadow 16
White skull Under This Flag 2012 EuropeItalie Bottled mind / War after war / Nightmares 16
Wisdom Judas 2011 EuropeHongrie Age of lies / Live forevermore / Silent hill 16
Wisdom Words Of Wisdom 2006 EuropeHongrie Wisdom / Wheels of war / Wiseman said 16
Within Silence Gallery Of Life 2015 EuropeSlovaquie Emptiness of night / Love is blind / Road to the paradise 16
Within Temptation Mother Earth 2000 EuropePays-Bas Deceiver of fools / Bittersweet / Dark wings 16
Adrana Foreshadow 2015 EuropeFrance No more / Draconian wind / Demon's run 15.75
Degrees of truth Alchemists 2023 EuropeItalie Godless symphony / Flightmare / Bound to rise 15.75
Edenwar Edenwar 2015 International Beyond eternity / Depths of eternity / Save my life 15.75
Operose Oceans of starlight 2020 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Battle swan / Oceans of starlight / Octavian 15.75
Serious Black Vengeance is mine 2022 International Fallen hero / Soul divider / Soldiers of eternal light 15.75
Voyager Fearless in love 2023 OcéanieAustralie Prince of fire / Submarine / Promise 15.75
Will of nothing Will of nothing 2018 EuropeItalie Riot / Staring into my eyes / Grasp my wings 15.75
Aetherea Through Infinite Dimensions 2021 AmériqueBrésil Weekend prophets / Beyond hell / 15.5
After evolution War of the worlds 2022 EuropeRépublique Tchèque The path / In the chains / Infinity flames 15.5
Aqvilea Beyond the Elysian Fields 2020 EuropeItalie Aeterna / Bridges to liberty / Mother earth time 15.5
Battle beast Circus of doom 2022 EuropeFinlande Eye of the storm / Freedom / The lightbringer 15.5
Brothers of metal Emblas Saga 2020 EuropeSuède Hel / Emblas saga / Ride of the valkyries 15.5
Coffeinne Requiem 2020 EuropeEspagne Back to the light / The showdown / Open your eyes 15.5
Deathless legacy Mater larvarum 2022 EuropeItalie Hollow / Fade into the black / Queen of the infernal pantheon 15.5
Deep Sun Dreamland 2022 EuropeSuède Dreammaster / Killer in a dream / Hands in anger 15.5
Diskelion Remember sorrow 2014 AmériqueEtats-Unis Far away / Call my name / My spirit despair 15.5
Dragonland The Power of the nighstar 2022 EuropeSuède A light in the dark / Flight from destruction / Resurrecting and ancient technology 15.5
Dreams in fragments Reflections of a nightmare 2019 EuropeSuède Incomplete / Defy every storm / Unireverse 15.5
Elegy of madness Invisible world 2020 EuropeItalie Apnoea / Believe / Fil rouge 15.5
Evenoire Herons 2014 EuropeItalie Drops of amber / The newborn spring / Tears of Medusa 15.5
Helloween Helloween 2021 EuropeAllemagne Best time / Rise without chains / Save my hide 15.5
Helloween Gambling with the Devil 2007 EuropeAllemagne Paint a new world / Final fortune / Dreambound 15.5
Lingua Mortis Orchestra LMO 2013 EuropeAllemagne The devil's bride / Witche's judge / Eye for an eye 15.5
Lord of the lost Empyrean 2016 EuropeAllemagne The love of god / Adonai / Now we are the aliens 15.5
Lost in grey The waste land 2019 EuropeFinlande The waste land / Far beyond and further / Drfting the universe 15.5
Oxymorya Save your mind 2019 EuropeFrance The cave / Arcadia / This is the end 15.5
Schwarzer Engel Sieben 2022 EuropeAllemagne Teufel / Vollmond / Endzeit 15.5
Serious Black Suite 226 2015 International When the stars are right / Way back home / We still stand tall 15.5
Signum Draconis The Divine comedy 2021 EuropeItalie The mission of Virgil / Under eternal rain / Regnum dite 15.5
Teramaze Flight of the wounded 2022 OcéanieAustralie The thieves are out / For the thrill / Battle 15.5
Victoria K Kore 2022 OcéanieAustralie The Child / Persephone / Pomegranate 15.5
Victorius Space Ninjas From Hell 2020 EuropeAllemagne Super sonic samurai / Nippon knights / Wrath of the dragongod 15.5
Ad Infinitum Chapter III : Downfall 2023 EuropeSuisse Seth / Somewhere better / Architect of paradise 15.25
All for metal Legends 2023 International Goddess of war / Born in Valhalla / Mountain of power 15.25
Anette Olzon Strong 2021 EuropeSuède Sick of you / I need to stay / Parasite 15.25
Beyond The Black Beyond The Black 2023 EuropeAllemagne Winter is coming / Into the light / Not in your name 15.25
Cristiano Filippini's Flames of heaven The Force Within 2020 EuropeItalie We fight for eternity / Lightning in the night / Moonlight phantom 15.25
Edge of paradise The Unknow 2021 AmériqueEtats-Unis Tidal waves / False idols / Leaving earth 15.25
ElisaDay Never Be the Same 2017 EuropeRussie Hear me 15.25
Eternal Silence Timegate Anathema 2021 EuropeItalie Edge of the dream / Gilde in the air / My soul sad until death 15.25
Glassgod Ancestral stories 2021 EuropeAllemagne Luca / Hunter and prey / Mankind 15.25
Macbeth Neo-gothic Propaganda 2014 EuropeItalie Slow motion tragedy / Void of light / The archetype 15.25
Saint Deamon League of the serpent 2023 EuropeSuède League of the serpent / Raise hell / They call us demons 15.25
Victorians - Aristocrats' Symphony Revival 2012 EuropePologne Siren / Prince of the night / Don't let them cut my wings 15.25
Zaria Tell the wind 2022 EuropeSlovénie Where adventures begin / Dream of a frozen dragon / Warlord 15.25
A Persuasive reason A Persuasive reason 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis Sandstorm / Carry on / Discernment 15
Ad Infinitum Chapter II: Legacy 2021 EuropeSuisse Unstoppable / Afterlife / Into the night 15
Adamantia Una nueva odisea 2017 EuropeEspagne Interestelar / El sordo de bonn / Linaje de un dios 15
Adamantra Revival 2009 EuropeFinlande Beyond desillusion / In triumph / Ungiven 15
Aethra Time and eternity 2011 AmériqueMexique Never too late / Heroes we are / The magic book 15
Aevum Multiverse 2020 EuropeItalie Tair / The time machine / Hopeless 15
Aevum Glitch 2022 EuropeItalie Black swan theory / Desire / Lucretia 15
Age of Athena Gate to oblivion 2021 AmériqueCanada Dance with the devil / Burn down the sun / Sickness without sens / Ephemeral 15
Agnes Hegemony Shift 2021 AsieCorée du Sud Agnes dei / Polar summer / Capital empire 15
Aina Disc 2 - The story of Aina 2003 Allemagne / AmériqueEtats-Unis The beast within / The siege of Aina / Oriana's wrath 15
Aina Disc 1 - Days Of Rising Doom 2003 Allemagne / AmériqueEtats-Unis Revelations / Rebellion / Oriana's wrath 15
Alight Spiral of silence 2018 EuropeItalie The Portal / Lost in the past / Look closer 15
Allen - Lande The great divide 2014 International In the hands of time / Dream about tomorrow / Reaching for the stars 15
Allen - Lande The Showdown 2010 International Turn all into gold / The guardian / The artist 15
Almah E.V.O 2016 AmériqueBrésil Higher / Indigo 15
Almanac Tsar 2016 International Self-blinded eyes / Children of the future / Flames of fate 15
Altair Descending: A Devilish Comedy 2017 EuropeItalie Limbo / Seven / Flame of knowledge 15
Amaranthe Maximalism 2016 EuropeSuède Maximize / Limitless / Fireball 15
Ambehr Here you are 2018 Moyen-OrientArménie Halloween / Steps we made along / Of the eternal 15
Amberian dawn End Of Eden 2010 EuropeFinlande Come and fallow / Sampo / Blackbird 15
Anam'Kara Maze 2016 EuropeSuisse Wasted / The dying swan / What i've become 15
Ancestral dawn Souldance 2017 AmériquePérou Rise of the ancestor / Leading to nowhere / The eyes of the universe 15
Ancient bards Soulless Child 2011 EuropeItalie All that is true / Valliant ride / Through my veins 15
Angel Nation Aeon 2017 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Burn the witch / Breath again / Farewell 15
Angra Ømni 2018 AmériqueBrésil Insania / War horns / Silence inside 15
Angra Temple Of Shadows 2004 AmériqueBrésil Sprend your fire / The temple of hate / Winds of destination 15
Ankhalimah I 2013 AmériqueBrésil Two edged / For our beast / Plot against humanity 15
Anna Fiori In ohtli tonalli 2017 AmériqueMexique El ritual / Nunca más / Mictlan 15
Antti Martikainen Northern Steel 2017 EuropeFinlande Heathen sword / The crown of war / Final kingdom 15
Anubis Gate A Perfect Forever 2005 EuropeDanemark Kingdom come / The wanton blade of lust / A perfect forever 15
Anubis Gate Interference 2023 EuropeDanemark Emergence / Equations / World of clay 15
Aonia The Seven 2018 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Wake up, Lucretia / Still, i rise / Heartsword! 15
Apocalyptica Cult 2000 EuropeFinlande Path vol. 2 / Struggle / Beyond time / Hall of the moutain king 15
Aquaria Shambala 2007 AmériqueBrésil Lost / Child of the universe / Liberty 15
Arcantis From ashes to eternity 2017 AmériqueBrésil Legend of life / I am free / Hemlock 15
Arthemis Back from the heat 2005 EuropeItalie Escape / Let it roll 15
Artical Illusion X 2013 EuropeGrèce Chasing my life / Wings of time / Illusion X 15
At Vance Dragonchaser 2001 EuropeAllemagne Ages of glory / Crucified / Two kings 15
Atargatis Nova 2007 EuropeAllemagne Riven / Stars are falling / Crucified 15
Atargatis Wasteland 2006 EuropeAllemagne Selina / My solace / Angels crying 15
Avaland The Legend of the Storyteller 2023 EuropeFrance The Gift / Betrayers / Madness of the wise 15
Awaken Solace In Nightfall's Embrace 2012 OcéanieAustralie Moonlights wake / The slaying of shallow's queen / Dear Evelyn 15
Axenstar End of all hope 2019 EuropeSuède Honor and victory / My kingdom come / Mistress of agony 15
Axxis Doom Of Destiny 2007 EuropeAllemagne Blood angel / Father, Father / Astoria 15
Ayreon Timeline 2009 EuropePays-Bas Sail away to avalon / Isis and Osiris / Dawn of a million souls 15
Battle beast Bringer Of Pain 2017 EuropeFinlande Beyond the burning sky / Bastard son of Odin / The eclipse 15
Battle beast Battle Beast 2013 EuropeFinlande Neuromancer / Kingdom / Rain main 15
Battlelore Third Age Of The Sun 2005 EuropeFinlande Storm of blades / Gwaith I / Touch of green and gold 15
Beast in black From hell with love 2019 EuropeFinlande From hell with love / Repentless / No surrender 15
Beast in black Berserker 2017 EuropeFinlande Zodd the immortal / Go to hell / End of the world 15
Beneath My Sins I Decide 2020 EuropeFrance I decide / Your muse / Despicable 15
Beyond The Black Heart Of The Hurricane 2018 EuropeAllemagne Heart of the hurricane / Beneath a blackened sky / Echo from the past 15
Beyond the bridge The old man and the spirit 2012 EuropeAllemagne Triumph of irreality / The struggle / All man can do 15
Black yet full of stars Black yet full of stars 2016 EuropeItalie Golden child / Every great man's ghost / The last against the wolves 15
Blackbriar The Cause of Shipwreck 2021 EuropePays-Bas Confess / The Séance / Deadly diminuendo 15
Blind guardian The God machine 2022 EuropeAllemagne Damnation / Secrets of the american gods / Life beyond the spheres 15
Blind Guardian Twilight Orchestra - Legacy of the Dark Lands 2019 EuropeAllemagne In the red dwarf's tower / Point of no return / Beyond the wall 15
Blind guardian A Twist In The Myth 2006 EuropeAllemagne This will never end / Fly / The edge / 15
Bloodbound Creatures of the dark realm 2021 EuropeSuède Creatures of the dark realm / Eyes come alive / Death will lead the way 15
Bloodbound Rise of the dragon empire 2019 EuropeSuède Slayer of kings / Giants of heaven / Balerion 15
Bloodbound Tales from the north 2023 EuropeSuède Odin's prayer / Mimir's crystal eye / Land of heroes 15
Boudica Chaos theory 2019 AmériqueArgentine The tides of doubts / Master of your own thoughts / Self paradox 15
Brainstorm Wall of skulls 2021 EuropeAllemagne Where ravens fly / Turn of the light / My distopia 15
Butterfly Kiss Inside a Good Atmosfear 2018 EuropeRépublique Tchèque Miami eyes / Break it / Power of a crowd 15
Cain's offering Gather the Faithful 2009 EuropeFinlande More than friends / Thorn in my side / Stolen waters / 15
Canterra (ex Avatar) Heartmachine 2020 EuropeAllemagne Heartmachine / Revolution / Fear me 15
Celesty Vendetta 2009 EuropeFinlande Euphoric dream / Autum leaves / New Sin 15
Chronosfear Chronosfear 2018 EuropeItalie Symphonies of the dreams untold / The last dying ember / The ascent 15
Civil War Invaders 2022 EuropeSuède Heart of darkness / Soldiers and kings / Warrior soul 15
Confidential Devil inside 2022 EuropeNorvège Devil inside / Salvation / Release my symphony 15
Coronatus Fabula Magna 2009 EuropeAllemagne Geisterkirche / Wolfstanz / Der letzte tanz 15
Crimson Wind The Wings Of Salvation 2011 EuropeItalie Hold your dreams / Mask of hatred / Rebirth 15
Daedric tales The divine menace 2017 EuropeAutriche Son of storms / Seven companions / The divine menace 15
Dakrua Shifting Realities 2002 EuropeItalie The waiting / Of life and will / Divine masquerade 15
Dark Moor Beyond the sea 2005 EuropeEspagne Houdini's great escape / The silver key / Alea jacta 15
Dark Moor Gates of Oblivion 2002 EuropeEspagne Nevermore / The night of the age / Dies irae 15
Dark Sarah Attack of Orym 2023 EuropeFinlande Invincible / Warning sign / Piece of my heart 15
Dark Sarah The Golden Moth 2018 EuropeFinlande Trespasser / Wheel / Pirates 15
Dark symphonica Immersion 2015 OcéanieAustralie Chains of misfortune / Envy / Estrella 15
Dawn of destiny Of Silence 2022 EuropeAllemagne Judas in me / Not the way it is / Bruning heart 15
Dawn of destiny Praying To The World 2012 EuropeAllemagne My life lies in ruins / Place of mercy / This aching heart 15
Dawn of destiny Human Fragility 2009 EuropeAllemagne Unborn child / In a heartless world / For love 15
Deathward Crush the enemy 2015 EuropeRépublique Tchèque The omen / Frogs / Crush the ennemy / The lost king 15
Degrees of truth Time Travel Artifact 2019 EuropeItalie The void within / Dream II / Proximate 15
Derdian Revolution Era 2016 EuropeItalie Lord of war / The hunter / New era 15
Diabulus In Musica Dirge For The Archons 2016 EuropeEspagne Crimson gale / The voices of your dreams / Lies in your eyes 15
Diabulus In Musica The Wanderer 2012 EuropeEspagne Blazing a trail / Hidden reality / Oihuka bihotzetik 15
DiAmorte The red opera 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis Ashes and sorrow / Lovesong of the damned / Vae Victis 15
Divine Ascension Liberator 2014 OcéanieAustralie Dawn brings no mercy / Liberator / The final stand 15
Divine Ascension As the truth appear 2011 OcéanieAustralie Visionary / One last caress / Unscathed 15
Divinefire Into a new dimension 2006 EuropeSuède Facing the liar / Alive / The final victory 15
Dol Ammad Cosmic Gods Episode II - Astroatlas 2018 EuropeGrèce The nova temple / Astroatlas / Nebula 71 15
Dol Ammad Cosmic Gods Episode I - Hyperspeed 2012 EuropeGrèce Titan warriors / Hyperspeed / Supernova 15
Domination black Dimension: Death 2012 EuropeFinlande Passage of the dead / The final sign / Cold Touch 15
Dragonforce Inhuman Rampage 2006 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Through the fire and flames / Operation ground and pound / Cry for eternity 15
Dragonforce Reaching Into Infinity 2017 EuropeRoyaume-Uni The sun is dead / Extraction zone / Power and glory 15
Dragonforce Maximum Overload 2014 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Symphony of the night / Extraction zone / Fight to be free 15
Dragonforce The Power Within 2012 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Cry thunder / Seasons / Heart of the storm 15
Dragonland Under the grey banner 2011 EuropeSuède Shadow of the mithril mountains / A thousand towers white / Under the grey banner 15
Dragonland Starfall 2004 EuropeSuède Starfall / In perfect harmony / Rusty nail / 15
Dream Ocean The missing stone 2021 Moyen-OrientTurquie Dark miracles / Lucid air / The missing stone 15
Dream Theater The Astonishing 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis Ravenskill / A new beginning / The path that divide 15
DreamEvil United (2006) 2006 EuropeSuède Let me out / Falling / Doomlord 15
Dreamslave Rest in phantasy 2015 EuropeFrance Masquerade / Torments / Angel requiem 15
Dreamtale Seventhian …Memories of Time 2016 EuropeFinlande True life / Reality reborn / Moral messiah 15
Ebony Ark When The City Is Quiet 2008 EuropeEspagne Endless road / True friendship never die / Enough is enough 15
Edguy Rocket Ride 2006 EuropeAllemagne Rocket ride / Return to the tribe / Superheroes 15
Elderoth Mystic 2015 AmériqueCanada My future / Falling star / Far in the sea 15
Eleine Until the End 2018 EuropeSuède Echoes / From the grave / Whisper my child 15
Eleine We shall remain 2023 EuropeSuède Stand by the flame / Blood in their eyes / Suffering 15
ElisaDay Auftakt 2021 EuropeRussie Find the answer 15
Elusion Singularity 2019 EuropeBelgique The strive / My war within / Anamnesis 15
Elvenking Readers of the runes - Divination 2019 EuropeItalie Divination / The misfortune of virtue / Malefica doctrine 15
Elvenking The Scythe 2007 EuropeItalie Infection / A riddle of stars / Dominhate 15
Elysion Silent Scream 2012 EuropeGrèce Killing my dreams / The rules / Loss 15
End of the dream Until you break 2017 EuropePays-Bas Who do you think you are / The heart in me / From your sky 15
Epica Requiem For The Indifferent 2012 EuropePays-Bas Internal warfare / Requiem for the indifferent / Avalanche 15
Epica The phantom agony 2003 EuropePays-Bas Sensorium / Illusive consensus / The phantom agony 15
Essence Of Sorrow Reflections Of The Obscure 2006 EuropeFinlande Mind control / The essence of sorrow / The mirror 15
Eternal Dream Daementia 2018 EuropeEspagne Anxiety / Delusion / Amnesia 15
Eternal Idol The Unrevealed Secret 2016 EuropeItalie Awake in Orion / Hall of sins 15
Ethereal kingdoms Hollow mirror 2019 EuropeDanemark Beginnings / Heartchamber / My kantele 15
Evanescence The bitter truth 2021 AmériqueEtats-Unis Broken piece shine / Better without you / Take cover 15
Evergrey A hearthless portrait 2022 EuropeSuède Omnious / Call out the dark / Reawakening 15
Evergrey Escape of the phoenix 2021 EuropeSuède Where august mourn / A dandelion cipher / Eternal nocturnal 15
Evergrey The Storm Within 2016 EuropeSuède Someday / Passing through / The lonely monarch 15
Ex Libris Ann 2019 EuropePays-Bas The motherland / The annex / The raid 15
Excalion Dream Alive 2017 EuropeFinlande Amelia / Release the time / One man kingdom 15
Excalion High Time 2010 EuropeFinlande Bring on the storm / Firewood / Lifetime 15
Excalion Waterlines 2007 EuropeFinlande Life on fire / Arriving as the dark / Between the lines 15
Excalion Once upon a time 2023 EuropeFinlande Resolution / I am i / Radiant halo 15
ExistRuth Rebirth the end 2019 AsieJapon Violet columbine / Rhododendron / Acacia 15
Exit Eden Rhapsodies In Black 2017 International [Reprises] 15
Fairyland Score To A New Beginning 2009 EuropeFrance Master of waves / Godsent / Score to a new beginning 15
Fallen arise Enigma 2020 EuropeGrèce Reborn / Embers / The storm inside 15
Feuerschwanz Fegefeuer 2023 EuropeAllemagne Bastard von Asgard / Die Horde / Eis & Feuer 15
Fierine Rise through the flames 2015 EuropeSlovénie Fear / City of angels / Rise through the flames 15
Firewind Immortals 2017 EuropeGrèce Ode to leonidas / War of ages / Warriors and saints 15
Follow the cipher Follow the cipher 2018 EuropeSuède Valkyria / The rising / Starlight 15
Freedom call M.E.T.A.L 2019 EuropeAllemagne Spirit of Daedalus / Days of glory / Ronin 15
Freedom call Beyond 2014 EuropeAllemagne Union of the strong / Edge of the ocean / Paladin 15
Frozen crown Winterbane 2021 EuropeItalie Towards the sun / Crown eternal / Night crawler 15
Galneryus Into the purgatory 2019 AsieJapon Fighting of eternity / Never again / The end of the line 15
Galneryus The flag of punishment 2003 AsieJapon Struggle for the freedom flag / In the delight / Final resolution 15
Ghost city Tragic soul symphony 2015 EuropeItalie Nobody will be in you / Desireless future / Slaves of yourself 15
Gloryhammer Legends from beyond the galactic terrorvortex 2019 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Masters of galaxy / Hootsforce / The fires of ancient cosmic destiny 15
Gloryhammer Space 1992 - Rise of the Chaos Wizards 2015 EuropeRoyaume-Uni The unicorn invasion of Dundee / Magic dragon / Beneath cowdenbeath 15
Gloryhammer Tales from the Kingdom of fire 2013 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Rise of the chaos wizard / The hollywood / hootsman / Universe on fire 15
Gloryhammer Return to the kingdom of Fife 2023 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Imperium Dundaxia / Wasteland warrior hoots patrol / Keeper of the celestial flame of Abernethy 15
Gods of silence Neverland 2017 EuropeSuisse Full moon / The phoenix / Alone 15
Gothminister The other side 2017 EuropeNorvège The sun / We are the ones who rule the world / Taking over 15
Harmony Theatre Of Redemption 2014 EuropeSuède The window of my soul / Theatre of redemption / Bloodbound 15
Harmony Chapter II Aftermath 2008 EuropeSuède Rain / Weak / Hollow faces 15
Heavatar Opus I - All My Kingdoms 2013 EuropeAllemagne All my kingdoms / Born to fly / Luna! Luna! 15
Heavenly Carpe Diem 2009 EuropeFrance Lost in your eyes / The face of truth / Save our souls 15
Heavenly Dust to dust 2004 EuropeFrance Lust for life / Fight for delivrance / Kingdom come 15
Helloween My God-Given Right 2015 EuropeAllemagne My God-given right / Creatures in heaven / Living of the edge 15
Helloween Straight out of hell 2013 EuropeAllemagne Burning sun / Waiting for the thunder / Another shot of life 15
Highlord Hic Sunt Leones 2016 EuropeItalie Be king or be killed / Hic sunt leones / Warmight 15
Holy Knights Between Daylight and Pain 2012 EuropeItalie Frozen paradise / Awake / Resolution 15
Hydria Freakshow 2013 AmériqueBrésil Reality shows / Close ennemy / Believe 15
Ignea The Realms of Fire and Death 2020 EuropeUkraine Чорне Полум'я / Í Tokuni / Jinnslammer 15
Ignea Dreams of Lands Unseen 2023 EuropeUkraine Dunes / Camera Obscura / Nomad's luck 15
Illuminata A World So Cold 2011 EuropeAutriche Colds hands warm hearts / The divine pupett / Dead warden dreamer 15
Illusion Suite Final Hour 2009 EuropeNorvège The devil in your heart / The passage / The adventures of Arcan 15
Imperia Tears Of Silence 2015 EuropePays-Bas Crossroads / My screaming heart / The vikingsong 15
Imperial age New world 2022 EuropeRussie The way is the aim / The wheel / Distant shores 15
Invictus Invictus 2015 EuropeRoumanie Conquer / Turn the tide / Black widow 15
Iron Fire To The Grave 2009 EuropeDanemark The beast from the blackness / Hail to Odin / The battlefield 15
Ishtar Rise! 2015 AsieCorée du Sud Center F your soul / Stars have the key / Let me weep 15
Ivalys Lumen 2013 EuropeFrance Nothing grows / Havens / Lumen 15
Ivory Moon Lunar Gateway 2020 EuropeItalie Human greed / Darkside / Astaroth 15
Jupiter The History Of Genesis 2015 AsieJapon Last moment / Arcadia / The history of genesis 15
Kalidia The Frozen Throne 2018 EuropeItalie Black sails / To the darkness i belong / Go beyond 15
Kambrium Synthetic Era 2021 EuropeAllemagne Cybernetic overload / Holographic satisfaction / Nightly beast mode 15
Kamelot The shadow theory 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis Kevlar skin / Mindfall remedy / The proud and the broken 15
Kamelot Silverthorn 2012 AmériqueEtats-Unis Torn / My confession / Solitaire 15
Kamelot Poetry for the Poisoned 2010 AmériqueEtats-Unis My train of thoughts / Dissection / Once upon a time 15
Kamelot Karma 2001 AmériqueEtats-Unis The spell / Karma / Fall from grace 15
Karmaflow Karmaflow 2015 EuropePays-Bas The muse and the conductor / The bird goddess / The twins 15
Kliodna The dark side… 2016 EuropeBélarus Kliodna / Dead princess dreams / Set me free 15
Krusader Angus 2009 AmériqueBrésil Cerridwen wind / Again / Battle memories 15
Labÿrinth Architecture of a God 2017 EuropeItalie Take to my legacy / Children / Stardust and ashes 15
Lanewin Electic tour 2012 EuropeRussie The Day / Eclectic tour / Earth is an angel 15
Lark puden Stories of a mind gone astray 2014 AmériqueArgentine Firestarter / The dark tower / Lady in black 15
Last Tribe The Uncrowned 2003 EuropeSuède Healer / The uncrowned / Blessed by the dark 15
Legenda Aurea Ellipsis 2009 EuropeSuisse Parasomnia / Abscondence / Outbreak 15
Leverage Circus Colossus 2009 EuropeFinlande Wolf and the moon / Legions of invisible / Broken wings 15
Leverage Blind Fire 2008 EuropeFinlande King of the night / Mister universe / Rockethead 15
Leverage Tides 2006 EuropeFinlande Dreamworld / Follow down that river / Twilight symphony 15
Lione/Conti Lione/Conti 2018 EuropeItalie Glories / Gravity / Crosswinds 15
Lords of Black Icons of the new days 2018 EuropeEspagne Not in a place like this / Forevermore / Wait no prayers for the dying 15
Lords of Black II 2016 EuropeEspagne Merciless / Only one life away / Live by the lie, die by the truth 15
Lost Horizon A Flame To the Ground Beneath 2003 EuropeSuède Pure / Cry of a restless soul / Think not forever 15
Lost Horizon Awakening The World 2001 EuropeSuède Sworn in the metal wind / Denial of fate / The kingdom of my will 15
Luca Turilli Demonheart 2002 EuropeItalie Demonheart / Black realms' majesty / I'm alive / 15
Luca Turilli's Dreamquest Lost Horizons 2006 EuropeItalie Dreamquest / Sospiro divino / Gothic vision 15
Lunatica Edge of infinity 2006 EuropeSuisse The edge of infinity / Together / Words unleashed 15
Lunatica Fable & dreams 2004 EuropeSuisse Avalon / Still believe / A little moment of desperation 15
Lureaway Unchained and soaring 2019 EuropeLettonie Ode to infinity / In bed with the beast / Imperium et voluntas 15
Lyria Immersion 2018 AmériqueBrésil Get me what you want / Best of me / Hard to believe 15
Machinae supremacy Into the Night World 2016 EuropeSuède Throne of games / Into the night world / Space boat / Sid metal legacy 15
Machinae supremacy A View From The End Of The World 2010 EuropeSuède Force feedback / Nova prospekt / Shinigami 15
Machinae supremacy Overworld 2008 EuropeSuède Edge and pearl / Truth of tomorrow / Violator 15
Magic Kingdom Symphony of War 2010 EuropeBelgique Evil magician / Monte christo / Unholy abyss 15
Magion A different shade of darkness 2013 EuropePays-Bas Masquerade / Ever and a day / Chance to change 15
Magistarium War for All and All for Won 2019 EuropeAllemagne Rising from the ashes / Another world / Follow your dream 15
Magistina saga Reingrimonation 2017 AsieJapon After artifice / Arbiter / Realize 15
Masterplan PumpKings 2017 EuropeAllemagne Mankind / Still we go / The dark ride 15
Masterplan Masterplan 2003 EuropeAllemagne Kind hearted light / Sail on / Bleeding eyes 15
Mena Brinno Princess Of The Night 2012 AmériqueEtats-Unis Sonorous dream / Serpentine lullaby / Drown within 15
Metalite Biomechanicals 2019 EuropeSuède Warrior / Mind of a monster / Social butterflies 15
Mortemia Misere Mortem 2010 EuropeNorvège The eye of the storm / The wheel of fire / The new desire 15
Mytology Nemesis 2017 EuropeFrance One eyed oracle / Shaman / Overkill / 15
Narnia Course of a generation 2009 EuropeSuède Kings will come / Armageddon / Miles away 15
Nautiluz Leaving All Behind 2013 AmériquePérou Burning hearts / Eden's lair / Scent of lust 15
Nemesea The Quiet Resistance 2011 EuropePays-Bas High enough / Stay with me / Allein 15
Neurotech Symphonies II 2022 EuropeSlovénie Prophetic / Seraphic / Messianic 15
Neurotech In Remission 2016 EuropeSlovénie Divided bless / The lost hope / Evolving equations 15
Neurotech Evasive 2015 EuropeSlovénie Compass / Uplift / Maelstorm 15
Neurotech Stigma 2015 EuropeSlovénie Fear the fear / Of adversity / Through hardships 15
Neveryon The blind side 2018 EuropeItalie Oblivion / Gloria / Twin spirits 15
Nightwish Human :II: Nature 2020 EuropeFinlande Noise / Pan / Endlessness 15
Nocturnal Rites New World Messiah 2004 EuropeSuède Against the world / End of days / One nation 15
Nostra morte Sin retorno 2012 AmériqueMexique Nova / El Llamado / Erik el rojo 15
Noveria Risen 2014 EuropeItalie Ashes / Fallen from grace / Waste 15
Obsidian shell Mooniversary 2019 EuropeHongrie Farewell / Nightshadow / Tizenharom 15
Oceanpath No man's land 2019 EuropeLettonie Masquearade / Water horse / The puppet show 15
Olympos Mons Medievil 2007 EuropeFinlande Frozen / The price / Kingdom of winter 15
Orden Ogan To The End 2012 EuropeAllemagne Land of the dead / Till the stars cry out / Mystic symphony 15
Orden Ogan Easton Hope 2010 EuropeAllemagne Welcome liberty / Nothing remains / The black heart 15
Ormyst Arcane dreams 2017 EuropeFrance Following three ghosts / Above airplanes / Scratching game 15
Ostura The room 2018 Moyen-OrientLiban Beyond / Only one / Deathless / 15
Palantír Chasing a dream 2022 EuropeFinlande Queen of the moon / Among the stars / Transcension 15
Penumbra Era 4.0 2016 EuropeFrance Charon / Insidious / Avalon 15
Penumbra Eden 2023 EuropeFrance Empty space / Sorrow / Underworld 15
Perfection Selection Dracula New Classic 1992 AsieJapon [Reprises de Castlevania] 14
Peter crowley's fantasy dream Conquest of the seven seas 2016 EuropeFrance Storm of the waves / Sirens from the deep / The dark ship 15
Phantom elite Titanium 2021 International The race / Glass crown / Silver lining 15
Phantom elite Wasteland 2017 International Revelation / With the gods / Lockdown 15
Phoenix Rising Versus 2014 EuropeEspagne Phoenix / Afterlife / El nombre del viento 15
Powerwolf Call of the wind 2021 EuropeAllemagne Beast of Gévandan / Dancing with the dead / Call of the wind 15
Powerwolf Preachers Of The Night 2013 EuropeAllemagne Secrets of the sacristy / Coleus sanctus / In the name of god 15
Rammstein Herzeleid 1995 EuropeAllemagne Weisses fleisch / Du riecht so gut / Laichtzeit / 15
Ravenia Beyond the walls of death 2016 EuropeFinlande Into oblivion / There is but one path / We stand as one 15
Rawkfist Chryseus 2011 EuropeAllemagne Chryseus / My heart untamed / While i was writing 15
Redemption Long Night's Journey into Day 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis Impermanant / Little men / Long Night's Journey into Day 15
Revenience Daedalum 2016 EuropeItalie Shamble / Flail / Not my choice 15
R-Genium Wonderful Wonderful World 2015 EuropeRussie Fantastic story / French kiss / Farewell to the past 15
Rhapsody of fire Glory for salvation 2021 EuropeItalie The kingdom of ice / Infinitiae Gloriae / Chains of destiny 15
Rhapsody of fire Into the Legend 2016 EuropeItalie Distant sky / Into the legend / Valley of shadows 15
Rhapsody of fire Dark Wings of Steel 2013 EuropeItalie Rising from the tragic flames / Silver lake of tears / A tale of magic 15
Rhapsody of fire Rain of a thousand flame 2001 EuropeItalie Rain of a thousand flames / Queen of the dark horizons / The wizard's last rhyms 15
Rhapsody of fire Dawn of victory 2000 EuropeItalie Dawn of victory / Dargor, shadowlord of the black mountain / Holy thunderforce / 15
Rhapsody of fire Symphony of the enchanted land 1998 EuropeItalie Wisdom of the kings / Eternal glory / Riding the wings of eternity 15
Rhapsody of fire Legendary tales 1997 EuropeItalie Rage of winter / Flames of revenche / Lord of the thunder 15
Rob Rock Holly Hell 2005 AmériqueEtats-Unis First winds of the end of time / Calling angels / The revelation 15
Sabaton The great war 2019 EuropeSuède Seven pillars of wisdom / A ghost in the trenches / Fields of Verdun 15
Sabaton Heroes 2014 EuropeSuède No bullets fly / Resist and bite / Soldiers of 3 armies 15
Sabaton Coat Of Arms 2010 EuropeSuède Midway / Screaming eagles / White death 15
Sadauk A new dawn 2017 EuropeSuède Battle a god / Sailing away / Who is king in paradise 15
Saint Deamon Ghost 2019 EuropeSuède Call my name / Hell is calling / Land of gold 15
Saint Deamon Pandeamonium 2009 EuropeSuède Eyes of the devil / The daemon within / Ocean of glory 15
Salamandra Opus Bohemica 2022 EuropeRépublique Tchèque Set the fire / Lullaby / The knights of Blanik 15
Samael Reign Of Light 2004 EuropeSuisse On earth / Oriental dawn / Door of celestial peace 15
Satyrian Eternitas 2006 EuropePays-Bas My legacy / Fall from grace / The dream 15
Savn Savn 2014 EuropeNorvège The demons in me / Longing for love / I am free 15
Scarleth Vortex 2019 EuropeUkraine No return / Pain is my name / Break the chains 15
Scarleth The silver lining 2015 EuropeUkraine Night of lies / Voices / Pure desire 15
Schwarzer Engel In Brennenden Himmeln 2013 EuropeAllemagne Auf in den kampf / Hymne fur den tod / Psycho path 15
Sebastien Act of creation 2018 EuropeRépublique Tchèque No destination / Winner / Die in me 15
Sebastien Dark Chambers of deja vu 2015 EuropeRépublique Tchèque Dorian / Voices in your heart / Silver water 15
Sebastien Tears of White Roses 2010 EuropeRépublique Tchèque Dorian / Voices in your heart / Silver water 15
Secret Sphere Heart And Anger 2005 EuropeItalie First snake / Lights on / Leonardo Da Vinci 15
Sede Vacante Conium 2022 International Dead new world / Melancholy bleed / Wheel of misfortune 15
Septon Cradle of deception 2018 AmériqueColombie Lahars / Revenge / Last living witness 15
Serenity The last knight 2020 EuropeAutriche Keeper on the knights / Souls and sins / My kingdom comes 15
Serenity Fallen Sanctuary 2008 EuropeAutriche All lights reversed / Rust of coming ages / The heartblood symphony 15
Serious Black Mirroworld 2016 International Castor skies / You're not alone / Hello moon 15
Serpentine Circle Of Knives 2015 EuropeAllemagne Forever / Circle of knives / Suicide days 15
Seven spires Solveig 2017 AmériqueEtats-Unis Choices / The paradox / Burn 15
Shadow Of Steel Crown of Steel 2013 EuropeItalie Crown of steel / Never say goodbye / The light in your eyes 15
Shaman Rescue 2022 AmériqueBrésil Time is running out / The boundaries of heaven / The spirit 15
Shaman Reason 2005 AmériqueBrésil More / Scarred forever / Iron soul 15
Shaman Ritual 2002 AmériqueBrésil Here i am / Distant thunder / Time will come 15
Shattered vessels Single Supporter Edition 2022 AmériqueMexique A Tale with two endings / Humans are alive / The Beast's last desire 15
Shokran Exodus 2016 EuropeRussie The swarm / The storm and the ruler / Firstborn 15
Signum Regis Decennium Primum 2017 EuropeSlovaquie Damnatio ad bestias / Well deserved / A psalm for life 15
Signum Regis Chapter IV - The Reckoning 2015 EuropeSlovaquie The secret of the sea / The magi / Quitters never win 15
Silent revenants Walk with fire 2017 EuropeAllemagne Winds of awe / Echoes of time / Midsummer nights 15
Silverlane Above The Others 2010 EuropeAllemagne Fallen angels / The dark side in you / In the end 15
Silverlane Inside eternal infinity 2022 EuropeAllemagne Hero inn sunset club / Medusa / Life to die for 15
Sinbreed When Worlds Collide 2010 EuropeAllemagne Book of life / Through the dark / Salvation 15
Since ever Isolation 2015 EuropeSuède All i have / Decayed / One last time 15
Sirenia Riddles, Ruins & Revelations 2021 EuropeNorvège Into infinity / Downwards spiral / Beneath the midnight sun 15
Sirenia The 13th Floor 2009 EuropeNorvège The seventh summer / Led astray / Sirens of the seven seas 15
Siren's legacy The kraken 2013 EuropeAllemagne Ghostship / Phoenix Flight / The fallen knight 15
Slaverty Beyond imagination 2020 AmériqueChili Dreamcatcher / Appreciate / The beauty of life 15
Solar Fragment In Our Hands 2011 EuropeAllemagne In our hands / Inside the circle / Come hell or high water 15
Song of Anhubis Reversed reflection 2020 EuropeEspagne Persephone's call / Progressive spirale / Lethal lens 15
Soulspell A Legacy Of Honour 2008 AmériqueBrésil The blacksmith / Weight of evil / The last life 15
Starbynary Divina Commedia Inferno 2017 EuropeItalie Gate of hell / Ulysse's journey / Stars 15
Starkill Gravity 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis Not alone / Lost of time / Evil inside 15
Steel prophet The God machine 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis Thrashed relentlessly / Soulhunter / Fight, kill 15
Stratovarius Elysium 2011 EuropeFinlande Darkest hour / The game never ends / Elysium 15
Stratovarius Polaris 2009 EuropeFinlande King of nothing / Blind / Higher we go 15
Stratovarius Elements Part 1 2003 EuropeFinlande Find your own voice / Stratofortress / Elements 15
Stratovarius Elements Part 2 2003 EuropeFinlande I walk to my own song / I'm still alive / Know the difference 15
Stratovarius Infinite 2000 EuropeFinlande Hunting high and low / Millenium / Glory of the world 15
Stratovarius Destiny 1998 EuropeFinlande SOS / Playing with here / An the moe the world 15
Stratovarius Visions 1997 EuropeFinlande Black diamond / Holy light / Visions 15
Stratovarius Episode 1996 EuropeFinlande Will the sun rise / Speed of light / Stratosphere 15
Strident When Gods Walked the Earth 2016 AfriqueAfrique du sud Above the ashes / The light in the darkness / Oblivion 15
Sunburst Fragments of Creation 2016 EuropeGrèce Symbol of life / Beyond the darkest sun / Remedy of my heart 15
Sunwalter Alien hazard 2017 EuropeRussie Green 'n' grey / Message from nowhere / Fermi paradox 15
Symphony X The Divine Wings Of Tragedy 1997 AmériqueEtats-Unis Of sins and shadows / Out of ashes / The divine wings of tragedy 15
Tales of evening A feny niomaban 2018 EuropeHongrie Emlekezz az eletre / A feny niomaban / Elszant legbelul 15
Teramaze I Wonder 2020 OcéanieAustralie Only daylight / A deep state of awake / Idle hands 15
The Dogma Black widow 2010 EuropeItalie Mindfreak / Gore gore girls / The fate of the leaders 15
The fall of Eve Eternal embrace 2015 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Abandoned / Destiny / Amongst the dawn 15
The Hourglass Through darkness and light 2014 EuropeRoumanie Dying star / Dies irae / Abandoned 15
The Unity The Unity 2017 EuropeAllemagne Firesign / Eden's fall / Killer instinct 15
The Unity The Hellish joyride 2023 EuropeAllemagne Saints and sinners / Always two ways to play / Never surrender 15
Theatre of tragedy Storm 2010 EuropeNorvège Voices / Disintegration / Storm 15
Therion Leviathan 2021 EuropeSuède Nocturnal light / Great marquis of hel / El primer sol 15
Therion Vovin 1998 EuropeSuède Wine of Aluqah / Eye of Shiva / Morning star 15
Threshold Legends of the shires 2017 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Small dark lines / Subliminal freeways / Superior Machine 15
Threshold Dead Reckoning 2007 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Elusive / Pilot in the sky dream / Fighting for breath 15
Threshold Dividing lines 2022 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Haunted / Complex / Defense condition 15
Thy Majestie ShiHuangDi 2012 EuropeItalie Seven reigns / Siblings of Tian / Ephemeral 15
Timo Tolkki's Avalon Angels of the Apocalypse 2014 EuropeFinlande Jerusalem is falling / You'll blessed forever / Angels of the apocalypse 15
Triosphere The Road Less Travelled 2010 EuropeNorvège The road less traveled / Watcher / Twenty one 15
Turisas Turisas 2013 EuropeFinlande Piece by piece / Into the free / We ride together 15
Turisas Stand Up and Fight 2011 EuropeFinlande Venetoi ! - Prasinoi ! / Fear the fear / End of an empire 15
Twilight force At the heart of Wintervale 2023 EuropeSuède At the heart of Wintervale / Highlands of the elder dragon / Skynights of Aldaria 15
Twilight force Tales of Ancient Prophecies 2014 EuropeSuède Twilight horizon / Forest of destiny / Gates of glory 15
Twilightning Swinelords 2007 EuropeFinlande Swinelord / Perfection of the cuckoo / The gun 15
UnSun Clinic for dolls 2010 EuropePologne Clinic for dolls / Home / Why 15
Vandroya Beyond the Human Mind 2017 AmériqueBrésil The path to the endless fall / Time after time / I'm alive 15
Vanishing Point The Fourth Season 2007 OcéanieAustralie Tyranny of distance / Surrender / Ashen sky 15
Vanishing Point Embrace The Silence 2005 OcéanieAustralie Of only i / Reason / A life less 15
Visions of Atlantis Wanderers 2019 EuropeAutriche To the universe / The silent scream / At the end of the world 15
Visions of Atlantis The deep and the dark 2018 EuropeAutriche The deep and the dark / Dead reckoning / Words of war 15
Visions of Atlantis Eternal Endless Infinity 2002 EuropeAutriche Lovebearing storm / Lords of the sea / Chasing the light 15
Vivaldi Metal Project EpicClassica 2022 International Threshold of miracles / Tears to splendor / Dies irae 15
Voyager Ghost mile 2017 OcéanieAustralie Misery is only company / Ghost mile / As the city takes the night 15
Wildpath Non Omnis Moriar 2009 EuropeFrance Ghost memories / Light heart / The cathedral 15
Wintersun The Forest Seasons 2017 EuropeFinlande The forest that weeps [Peu de pistes] 15
Wintersun Time, Vol. 1 2013 EuropeFinlande Sons of winter and stars [Peu de pistes] 15
Wintertide Rain 2018 EuropeNorvège Smoke / Skyfall / Sarskader 15
Wishmasters Afterworld 2018 EuropeRépublique Tchèque Prophecy / Great escape / Ridicule 15
Wolfcry Warfair 2005 EuropeGrèce …Here we are / Semper casta / On the edge 15
Wuthering Heights The Shadow Cabinet 2006 EuropeDanemark Demon desire / Faith / I shall not yield 15
Xandria Salome - The Seventh Veil 2007 EuropeAllemagne Vampire / Firestorm / Sisters of the light 15
Xandria India 2005 EuropeAllemagne India / Fight me / Return to India 15
Yngwie Malmsteen World on Fire 2016 EuropeSuède Sorcery / Top down, foot down / No rest for the wicked 15
Yngwie Malmsteen Rising Force - Spellbound 2012 EuropeSuède High compression figure / Majestic 12 / Poisoned mind 15
Against Myself Unity 2019 EuropeEspagne Hero's soul / Over the clouds / Kill to live 14.75
Ani Lo. Projekt A Time called forever 2020 EuropeBulgarie A time called forever / The letter / Dont' leave 14.75
Aperion Act of hybris 2010 EuropeSlovénie Shine / Light / The concept 14.75
Autumn's Grief Dead by the Dawn 2022 EuropeFinlande Under the belt of Orion / The cleaning / They walk to me 14.75
Beyond The Black Horizons 2015 EuropeAllemagne Some kind of monster / Golden pariahs / Welcome to my wasteland 14.75
Boudika Chaos Theory 2019 AmériqueArgentine Another day under the rain / The tides of doubt / Master of your own thoughts 14.75
Circle unbroken Vincere 2016 EuropeBelgique Black fire / There is more / Vampire 14.75
Demether Beautiful 2007 EuropeSerbie Autumn / Dont'linger / Requiem 2012 14.75
Galneryus Between dread and valor 2023 AsieJapon Run to te edge / With pride / Bravehearts 14.75
Kings winter Edge of existence 2021 EuropeAllemagne Edge of existence / Crusaders of today / Discard the ashes 14.75
Memoir Sonata Seven Hills of Rome 2023 EuropeDanemark The Ronin / Seven hills of Rome / Enigma 14.75
Morpheus' Dreams What dreams may come 2017 AmériqueBrésil Shakespeare's garden / Ribat da Arrifana / What dreams may come ? 14.75
Mutum Premonitions of war 2013 AmériqueMexique The memories / Beyond the sun / Four : curses 14.75
Nachtmuse Solemn Songs of Nightsky & Sea 2022 AmériqueCanada Under the yoke / The night is my muse / The rivers have parted 14.75
Narnia Ghost town 2023 EuropeSuède Thief / Glory daze / Ghost town 14.75
Phoebus the knight Ferrum Fero Ferro Feror 2023 EuropeFrance Ante Lux / The scarlet dance / The queen of the black sun 14.75
Redemption I am the storm 2023 AmériqueEtats-Unis Seven minutes from sunset / Remember the dawn / Resilience 14.75
Scars of tears Just dust 2017 EuropeGrèce Darkest hour / Icefall / Wait 14.75
Silvercast Chaos engine 2012 EuropeRussie The step of perfect silence / Labyrinth / Alexandrite 14.75
Soulslide Amaurotic 2014 EuropeAllemagne Amaurotic / Soldiers of reality / Nightmare 14.75
Synthwailer Highway to the Stars 2021 EuropeFinlande Cinderella shoes / An escape into the moonlight / Diablo's call 14.75
Victorius Dinosaur warfare pt.2 2022 EuropeAllemagne Jurassic jetfighters / God of roar / Shadow of the shinobi 14.75
Volturian Red dragon 2022 EuropeItalie Stay / Empty world / Bury me 14.75
Warnot His blood is yours 2012 EuropeSuède My darkest hour / Secrets of mythology / His blood yours 14.75
Wonderonce Freedom Odyssey 2016 EuropeEspagne The journey / Frozen fire / Dawn 14.75
Wooden blade Dark forest 2018 EuropeRussie Constellation of the devil / The shadow of a happy heart / Battle for the fort 14.75
Acid empire Acid empire 2011 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Denial / Into the void / Finale 14.5
Agarthic The Inner Side 2021 EuropeItalie The ancient secret scroll / Negotations failed / Escape to antartica 14.5
Agharti Change 2013 EuropeCroatie Fallen / Rise again / Awaken 14.5
Allen / Olzon Army of dreamers 2022 International A Million of skies / Look at me / Never too late 14.5
Anacreon Svědomí 2019 EuropeRépublique Tchèque Nocni muri / Cisty karty / Svedomi 14.5
Anaria Ancestors 2014 AmériqueEtats-Unis Awaken / Pain / Faces in the mirror 14.5
Apologies Dark Fire 2014 EuropeEspagne Valhalla / Warrior's promise / Sores 14.5
Apostolica Animae Haeretica 2023 EuropeItalie The sword of sorrow / Thanatos / The doom 14.5
Aryem Dangerous Paradise 2020 AmériqueMexique I will fly away / Betrayed / Flames of passion 14.5
Aventhur Fractured Memories 2023 AmériqueBrésil Vows of lies / Through the mirror / Black river 14.5
Chris Brookes The End of a New Dawn 2020 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Forgiveness is for the weak / Heretic / Day of redemption 14.5
Chrysilia Et in arcadia ego 2017 EuropeGrèce By the gates of Ypsus / Arcadia / Altar of silence 14.5
Cold Sight A/H1N1 2013 EuropeRussie До конца / Карантин / Эпидемия 14.5
David Lyon Lyonhart 2021 AmériqueEtats-Unis The Siege / Retreat! / I am not the devil you seek 14.5
Delia Recollection 2013 EuropeUkraine Delight / New time / Illusion 14.5
Destrose Destrose 2013 AsieJapon Headless goddess / Sword of avenger / Destination 14.5
Dimitriy Pavlovskiy's Powersquad Mysterizer 2020 EuropeUkraine Fill the sky / Return from the grey / Mysterizer 14.5
Dreamferno Euquilibrium 2014 EuropeFinlande Last days of innocence / Delirium / Ego Veritas 14.5
Elfika Secretum secretorum 2020 EuropeFrance So Human / Dark virgin / Broken wing 14.5
Elysion Someplace better 2014 EuropeGrèce Someplace better / Awake / Changing 14.5
Enemy of reality Where Truth May Lie 2023 EuropeGrèce Downfall / The Vineyard song / Deliverance 14.5
Ergus Insomnium 2020 AmériqueBrésil Something to believe / One way path / All against you 14.5
Fairyland Osyrhantia 2003 EuropeFrance Across the snow / The hidden kingdom of Eloran / Hubris et orbis 14.5
Imaginature Imaginature 2021 EuropePologne Imaginature / Renegate / Through the cellar door 14.5
Impulse The dark of men 2019 EuropePays-Bas Waste away / Army of one / Fall of the phoenix 14.5
In divinia Unthawed 2014 EuropeFinlande Say it / Good enough / Welcoming the night 14.5
Inner core Soultaker 2017 EuropeAllemagne Sweet addiction / Screwx that / Monsters 14.5
Kelly Simonz's blind faith Overture Of Destruction 2017 AsieJapon Road to destruction / Road to ruin / Regeneration 14.5
Lost domain Merchant of emotions 2022 EuropeSuède Merchant of emotions / Reclaim a life / Undone 14.5
Lost opera Hidden sides 2016 EuropeFrance Follow the signs / Betrayal / O.P.S 14.5
Luminatus Forbidden passages 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis Lust / Chasing rainbows / The last dragon 14.5
Lyriel Skin and bones 2014 EuropeAllemagne Skin and bones / Your eyes / Worth the fight 14.5
Marius danielsen's legend of valley doom The Legend Of Valley Doom Pt.3 2021 EuropeNorvège Journey to the north / March into the storm / Stars will light the way 14.5
Meteora Tragedy of Delusion 2020 EuropeHongrie Memento mori / My reality / Black rose 14.5
MoonSun Escapalace 2020 EuropeAllemagne Wanted and wild / Deep within / Hearing your screams 14.5
Morlas Memoria Mine of pictures 2017 EuropeAllemagne Whateaver you want / Stormgiants / The battle 14.5
Mythodea Mythodea 2012 EuropeGrèce Hope / In my soul / Ultimate pain 14.5
Neopera Destined ways 2014 EuropeAllemagne Destined ways / Error / Equilibria 14.5
Nevaria Finally Free 2019 EuropeAllemagne Raise your fist / Leaving you / Anyway 14.5
Norhod Voices from the Ocean 2016 EuropeItalie The abyss of knowledge / Bleeding path / Farthest dream 14.5
Onirik illusion The 13th hour… 2017 EuropeFrance Without wings / London 1887 / Triskaidekaphobia 14.5
Painters of Ether Painters of Ether 2021 EuropeItalie Euterpe / The Young pharisee and the apprentice / Elders of Serion 14.5
Phoenix Rising / Fire & Ashes Acta Est Fabula 2021 EuropeEspagne Acta est fabula / Deriva spenranza / Ira cierga 14.5
Rage of light Imploder 2019 EuropeSuède Battlefront / Imploder / Twilight of the thunder god 14.5
Revontulet Hear me 2014 EuropeRussie Rainheart / The pianist and the darknest night / Hears 14.5
Seraphic Chrysalis 2020 OcéanieAustralie Garden of unearthly delight / The monster within / The phoenix 14.5
Seven nails Factory of dreams 2013 EuropeAllemagne Factory of dreams / Let me breathe / Choose your weapons right 14.5
Seven spires Gods of debauchery 2021 AmériqueEtats-Unis Gods of debauchery / Dare to live / Oceans of time 14.5
Silent elegy Gone with the wind 2016 AsieChine Indelible memory / Never gone / In my dreams 14.5
Stonelight Into the unknow 2016 EuropeRoumanie Insanity / The fallen / Universe 14.5
Stranger vision Poetica 2021 EuropeItalie Gates of tomorrow / Rage / Defying gravity 14.5
Stryge MMXII 2012 EuropeFrance Madness rules / Insomnia / Deliverance 14.5
Symfobia The smog of tomorrow 2019 EuropeSlovaquie Atlantis / Into the night / From survivor to creator 14.5
Tarja In the raw 2019 EuropeFinlande Tears in rain / Silent masquerade / Shadow play 14.5
Tears of Magdalena Myths and legends 2008 EuropeFinlande Cut em down / In the silence / Mermaid 14.5
Terrateya Whispers torn from a raven's dream 2011 EuropeAllemagne Memories / From heaven / Masquerade 14.5
Therion Leviathan II 2022 EuropeSuède Aeon of maat / Lunar coloured fields / Marijin min nar 14.5
Visionatica Enigma fire 2019 EuropeAllemagne The pharaoh / To the fallen Roma / Secrets of the ancestors 14.5
Whyzdom Of Wonders and Wars 2021 EuropeFrance Child of damnation / Touch the sky / Pyramids 14.5
Winterage Nekyia 2023 EuropeItalie The cult of Hecate / Numen / Metamorphosis 14.5
Xes Dreams NC - 17 2011 EuropeUkraine March / Delta Orionis / 13 14.5
Aeronwen Aeronwen 2023 AmériqueEtats-Unis Kingslayers / Demons in paradise / Venom 14.25
Ain Flor d'elixir 2019 AmériqueMexique Adonia / Lake noir / Here we go again 14.25
Angeldark Angélique 2008 EuropeEspagne The Night song / Saint-Germain part 1 / Follow the chain 14.25
Apolinara Shadows and Signs 2022 AmériqueEtats-Unis You can't get away with this / The smile of the demon / Shadows and sign 14.25
Apparition The Awakening 2018 EuropeRoyaume-Uni The dames of darkness / Eternity / Break the chains 14.25
Ariel Perchuk Outsider 2021 AmériqueArgentine Rondo: Allegro / Prelude / Jonah's rebellion 14.25
Astral amethyst Where Souls Rest 2023 AmériqueArgentine The seafarer / Mistaken perceptions / Unholy awaken 14.25
Beseech Sunless Day 2005 EuropeSuède Everytime i die 14.25
Beseech Souls highway 2002 EuropeSuède Souls highway 14.25
Céphée lyra A sinner's Loneliness 2010 EuropeFrance Horsemen of the apocalypse / A destructive victory / The myth 14.25
Die Verbannten Kinder Evas Dusk And Void Became Alive 2006 EuropeAutriche Winter's night / Moon muse / Catharsis 14.25
Disturbed The Sickness 2000 AmériqueEtats-Unis The game / Shout 2000 / Meaning of life 14.25
Domina Noctis Migration of souls 2013 EuropeItalie The illusionist / Misplaced / Rosemary 14.25
Domine Stormbringer Ruler 2001 EuropeItalie The hurricane master / The ride of the valkyries / The bearer of the black sword 14.25
Elvenking Readers of the runes - Rapture 2023 EuropeItalie Bride of the night / Red mist / The repentant 14.25
Enzo and the Glory Ensemble In the name of the world spirit 2020 EuropeItalie The bronze age / Just in my heart the blame / My pillory 14.25
Fenrir Echoes of the wolf 2012 EuropeFrance Macbeth / Fenrir / Tristan and Iseult 14.25
For my pain… Fallen 2003 EuropeFinlande My wound is deeper than yours / Dancer in the dark / Rapture of the lust 14.25
Forgotten north Ära II 2022 EuropeAllemagne Hinter den wolken / Dreischeusslichkeit / Helden müssen sterben 14.25
Infinita symphonia Unknow sound 2021 EuropePortugal Never die / Square hammer / Poison 14.25
Neuroheart (Arcane Symphony) A New Day Begins… 2015 EuropeRussie A New day beggins / Nostalgia / You are free 14.25
Novarium Omicron 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis Delusions / Remains / The unworthy 14.25
Orphanage Driven 2004 EuropePays-Bas My master's master / Driven / Infinity 14.25
Phantom divine The cosmic vision 2021 AmériqueCanada The necromancer / The cosmic vision / Break your patterns 14.25
Selene The ravages of time 2017 EuropeRoyaume-Uni The great heart / Calm before the flame / Our regrets 14.25
Semblant Obscura 2020 AmériqueBrésil Left behind / Porcelain /Wasteland 14.25
Seventh wonder Mercy Falls 2008 EuropeSuède Unbreakable / A day away / Hide and seek 14.25
SheWolf SheWolf 2022 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Lone wolf / Safe in the dark / The thrill of the chase 14.25
Stéphan Forté Enigma Opera Black 2014 EuropeFrance Zeta Nemesis / Entered sigma scorpii / Suspende tears into space 14.25
Symphonity Marco Polo 2022 EuropeRépublique Tchèque Crimson silk / The plague / I found my way back home 14.25
5150 シンフォニック東方Ⅸ 2015 AsieJapon Star light / Vanish high / Glow away 14
Abstract symphony Out of the Ashes into the Light 2017 AmériqueChili Into your eyes / The master of sorrow / Wondering why 14
Abyss gazes Theatrum mundi 2019 International Predator / Creature / They are watching 14
Adagio Archangel in black 2009 EuropeFrance Codex obscura 14
Adagio Underworld 2003 EuropeFrance Missa Aeterna 14
Adivarius El despertar de los dioses olvidados 2020 AmériqueColombie Nada que decir / Efimeros / Hypnotizame 14
After Forever Decipher 2001 EuropePays-Bas Monolith of doubt / My pledge of allegiance 1&2 14
Afterlife Symphony Lympha 2018 EuropeItalie Era / Nebula / Enemy 14
Aftermath Tides of Sorrow 2008 EuropeSuède Dark lady anthem / White swan / Symphony of death 14
Age of Dust Messenger in a Soulless World 2015 EuropeEspagne Desires / Moon for a poet / Trial 14
Aggelos Silentium 2016 AmériqueColombie Panis vitae / 14
Aghonya Oxygen 2008 AmériqueChili Wish you gone / Oxygen / Endless illusion 14
Akoma Revangels 2017 EuropeDanemark Revangels / Change of propensity / Bittersweet memories 14
Alcyona Trailblazer 2018 EuropeBélarus Sacred fire / The lost valley / The king of show 14
Alestorm Curse of the cristal coconut 2020 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Fannybaws / Zombies ate my pirate ship / Wooden leg 14
Alex Stephens The path 2022 AmériqueEtats-Unis The Path / Guiding light / Ghosts of the sky 14
Allen - Lande Revenge 2007 International Victory / Her spell / Who can you trust 14
Allen / Olzon Worlds appart 2020 International Worlds appart / I'll never leave you / Who you really are 14
Almah Unfold 2014 AmériqueBrésil Raise the sun / Treasure of the gods / Pegasus fantasy (Reprise Saint Seiya) 14
Almah Motion 2011 AmériqueBrésil Living and drifting / Zombie dictator / Soul alight / Daydream lucidity 14
Almanac Rush of death 2020 International Soiled existence / Bought and sold / Satisfied 14
Alsatia Lost in the storm 2017 AmériqueEtats-Unis Across the fray / Dissonance resolved / Celestial goodbye 14
Altaria Divine Invitation 2007 EuropeFinlande Unchain the rain / Unicorn 14
Amaran Pristine In Bondage 2002 EuropeSuède Without stains / Wraith / Primal nature 14
Amberian dawn Looking for you 2020 EuropeFinlande Eternal fire burning / Awakening / Go for a ride 14
Amberian dawn Magic Forest 2014 EuropeFinlande Warning / Memorial / Firefly 14
Amberian dawn Circus Black 2012 EuropeFinlande Cold kiss / I share with you this dream / Lily of the moon 14
Amberian dawn River of Tuoni 2008 EuropeFinlande Valkyries / The curse / Sunrise / Evil inside me 14
Ancient myth Aberration AG 2016 AsieJapon Mortal heaven / Against the fate / Skoal! 14
Andre Matos The turn of the lights 2012 AmériqueBrésil Unreplaceable / Oversoul / Light-years 14
Andre Matos Mentalize 2010 AmériqueBrésil I will return / The myriad / Whan the sun cried out 14
Anemonia Moonlit Numina 2009 AmériqueCanada The Quest / Cruel beauties / Tribal dreams 14
Angelwings Primordium 2021 EuropeGibraltar Primordium / Fallen angel song / Prayer 14
Antalgia Twisted dreams of dark commander 2016 EuropeEspagne The valley of broken dreams / The seventh days / The enemy inside 14
Anubis Gate Covered in black 2017 EuropeDanemark The combat / Black / From afar 14
Apocalyptica Worlds Collide 2007 EuropeFinlande Grace / Stroke / Burn 14
Aquaria Luxaeterna 2005 AmériqueBrésil Here comes the life / Your majesty Gaia 14
Arcana Elysium Corpus Callosum 2021 AmériqueBrésil Hunting in the shadows / The only one / Taste hell to deserve heaven 14
Archaic revival Pagan evolution 2007 AmériqueEtats-Unis Son of the fallen / Unsung hero / Unjust prophecy 14
Ark Storm Voyage Of The Rage 2018 AsieJapon Voyage Of The Rage / The meek to rule the world / Dice 14
Arven Black Is the Colour 2013 EuropeAllemagne Don't look back / The one for me / My fall 14
Arwen The Soul's Sentence 2018 EuropeEspagne The void / Beyond pain / My worst self 14
Ashes to ashes Cardinal VII 2002 EuropeNorvège Embraced in black / Behind closed eyes / Cardinal VII 14
Asriel Abyss 2013 AsieJapon Raison d'être / 永遠に綴りし/ Diana 14
Astral Doors Notes From The Shadows 2014 EuropeSuède Disciples of the dragonlord / Wailing wall / Southern conjuration 14
At the Lake Māÿā 2012 EuropePologne Forget / The spring of forgiveness / The perfect man 14
At Vance Chained 2005 EuropeAllemagne Rise from the fall / Tell me / Run leave 14
Audiovision Focus 2010 EuropeSuède We are not alone / You are the reason / We will go 14
Aurium The 2nd sun 2020 EuropeSerbie Leaden skies / Timekeeper / Son of the morning star 14
Auvernia Towards Eternity 2008 AmériqueArgentine Meeting / Self reflective fear / We are complete 14
Avantasia The Scarecrow 2008 EuropeAllemagne I don't believe in your love / Shelter for the rain / The scarcrow 14
Ayreon Transitus 2020 EuropePays-Bas Condemned without a trial / This human equation / The great beyond 14
Ayreon The Human Equation 2004 EuropePays-Bas Mystery / Loser / Realization 14
Ayreon Ayreonauts Only 2000 EuropePays-Bas Through the wormhole / Beyond the last horizon / Eyes of time 14
Bane of winterstorm The Last Sons of Perylin 2013 OcéanieAustralie 14
Battlelore Swords song 2003 EuropeFinlande Swords song / Attack the orcs / Forked height 14
Beautiful Sin The Unexpected 2006 International Take me home / Metalwaves 14
Belle morte Crime of passion 2021 EuropeBélarus Who are you / Beauty and the beast / My legacy 14
Bendida Goddess of the moon 2017 EuropeBulgarie Goddess of the moon / Whispers in the dark / The farthest shore 14
Benighted Soul Start From Scratch 2011 EuropeFrance Wrong reflection 14
Beto Vazquez Infinity Existence 2010 AmériqueArgentine 14
Black Corsair Seven Seas 2019 EuropeItalie Northmen's way / Brothers of the coast / Ghost ship / 14
Black Daffodils Into the sun 2016 EuropeAllemagne Dust and stone / Rearrange / Before i die 14
Black Majesty In Your Honour 2010 OcéanieAustralie Millenium / Wish you well / Two hearts 14
Blind guardian Nightfall In Middle Earth 1998 EuropeAllemagne Into the storm 14
Blindside symphony The castle of a thousand mirrors 2014 AmériqueArgentine Anatomy of chaos / Riding of dreams / Reaching my gracefull fate 14
Blood Stain Child Epsilon 2011 AsieJapon 14
Blood Stain Child Idolator 2005 AsieJapon Live inside / Nuclear transe / Life story 14
Brainstorm Soul Temptation 2003 EuropeAllemagne Doorway to survive / Shiva's tears / Fornever 14
Brocelian Guardians of Brocéliande 2019 EuropeAllemagne Guardians of Brocéliande / Now it's time / The signs 14
Brothers of metal Prophecy Of Ragnarök 2017 EuropeSuède Prophecy of Ragnarök / Siblings of metal / Sleipnir 14
Cat o' nine tails Captain's flag 2015 EuropeFinlande The long lost ruby / Temptations / Splicing the mainbrace 14
Celesty Mortal Mind Creation 2006 EuropeFinlande Unreality / Empty room / Last sacrifice 14
Celesty Legacy Of Hate 2004 EuropeFinlande Dream / Settlement / Shelter 14
Celesty Reign of Elements 2002 EuropeFinlande Revenge / The sword and the shield 14
Celtian Sendas de leyenda 2021 EuropeEspagne Hiedra / Sendas de Leyenda / Eala 14
Chaos Factory Horizon 2019 EuropeItalie We believe / Horizon / Running wild 14
Chaos Magic Chaos Magic 2015 Finlande / AmériqueChili Seraphim / Passionflow / The point of no return 14
Charon Songs for the Sinners 2005 EuropeFinlande Deep water / Ride on tears / House of the silent 14
Children of bodom Are you dead yet 2005 EuropeFinlande Living dead beat / In your face / We're gonna fall 14
Chorosfear Chorosphere 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis Ideal forms / Fire and ether / Still these waters breathe 14
Civilization One Calling the Gods 2012 EuropeAllemagne Caling the gods / Archangel / True believer 14
Civilization One Revolution Rising 2007 EuropeAllemagne Legends of the past / Sacred / Time will tell 14
Cloudscape New Era 2012 EuropeSuède Pull the brake / Seen it all before / Before your eyes 14
Cloudscape Global Drama 2008 EuropeSuède Paid in blood / Static / Justice 14
Communic Payment Of Existence 2008 EuropeNorvège Through the labyrinth of years 14
Conquest IV 2011 EuropeUkraine Last battle / Seventh gate / Anthem 14
Constraint Tides of Entropy 2020 EuropeItalie Eerie euphoria / Omniscient oblivion / Leben ist sterben 14
Coronatus Lux Noctis 2011 EuropeItalie The scream of the butterfly /My rose desire / Hot and cold / 14
Crimfall Amain 2017 EuropeFinlande The last of stand / Sunder the sewenth seal / Dawn without a sun 14
Crimson cry Lost reality 2017 EuropeRussie Burning my soul / Borderline / Fear 14
Crimson tears The Dark Awakening 2007 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Eternity / Razorblade Serenade / Strange 14
Crimson Wind Last Poetry Line 2015 EuropeItalie Still / The storm / Heirloom 14
Dakrua Inner Wastelands 1999 EuropeItalie Mist / Amor, vita, mors / Inner wasteland / 14
Damnation Angels The Valiant Fire 2015 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Finding requiem / Closure / The fire inside 14
Damnation Angels Bringer Of Light (Japanese Edition) 2012 EuropeRoyaume-Uni I hope / Bringer of light / Pride 14
Dark horizon Aenigma 2018 EuropeItalie Future world / Never again / Sea sirens voices 14
Dark laboratory Tragedy at heart 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis Europa / Poison to cure the sickness / Angels 14
Dark Moor Project-X 2015 EuropeEspagne The existance / Gabriel / Nevermore 14
Dark Moor Ars Musica 2013 EuropeEspagne First lance of Spain / The road again / Living in a nightmare 14
Dark Moor Dark Moor 2003 EuropeEspagne Eternity / From hell / The dark moor / 14
Dark Moor The Hall of the Olden Dreams 2000 EuropeEspagne Maid of Orleans / Beyond the fire / Quest for the eternal flame 14
Darksun The dark side 2007 EuropeEspagne The dark side / Prisonners of fate / Elegy I - Confrontation 14
Dawn of destiny The beast inside 2019 EuropeAllemagne Pain in me / Looking for a hero / Signs in the sky 14
Dawn of destiny …Begins 2007 EuropeAllemagne Condemnation / Another fallen angel / Alone at night 14
Deathstars Everything destroys you 2023 EuropeSuède Anti all / Between volume and void / The infrahuman masterpiece 14
Delain Lucidity 2006 EuropePays-Bas Shattered / The gathering / Day for ghosts 14
Delight The fading tale (2001) 2001 EuropePologne Carving the way / Careless whisper / Great words of altars 14
Demist Guilt and pleasures 2015 EuropeSerbie Faith remains / Break the chains / Welcome to the underworld 14
Derdian Human Reset 2014 EuropeItalie Gods don't give a damn / Human reset / My life back 14
Desert Never regret 2015 Moyen-OrientIsraël Assassin's fate / Son of a star / 1812 14
Diablo Swing Orchestra The Butcher´s Ballroom 2006 EuropeSuède Heroines / Pink noises waltz 14
Dialith Extinction six 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis Libra / Quiver of deception / Extinction six 14
Die kreatur Panoptikum 2020 EuropeAllemagne 14
Dignity Project Destiny 2008 EuropeAutriche Inner Demons (Reprise de Castlevania) 14
Dionysus Fairytale and reality 2006 EuropeSuède True at heart / The world / The end 14
Dionysus Sign Of Truth 2002 EuropeSuède Sign of truth / Pouring rain / Never wait 14
Divinefire Eye Of The Storm 2011 EuropeSuède Unchain my soul / Send me out / Masquerade 14
Divinefire Farewell 2008 EuropeSuède Unity / Pass the flame / King of kings 14
Divinefire Hero 2005 EuropeSuède Divinefire / Leaving the shadows / New begenning 14
Divinefire Glory Thy Name 2004 EuropeSuède Never surrender / Live my life for you / Free like an eagle 14
Divino disturbo Op I 2013 EuropeEspagne Lux aeterna / Eternal spring / Wolf song 14
Dol Ammad Ocean Dynamics 2006 EuropeGrèce Lava / Aquatic majesty / Liquid desert 14
Dol Theeta The Universe Expands 2008 EuropeGrèce Silver air / Samothing called tomorrow / Godess 14
Domine Ancient Spirit Rising 2007 EuropeItalie Tempest calling / On the wings of the firebird / Sky ride 14
Domine Emperor of the Black Runes 2004 EuropeItalie Arioch the chaos star / The song of the swords / Alstar of the king 14
Dooren The darkest days 2019 AmériqueBrésil Mirror image / Rise and fall / Masquerade 14
Drace XII Supreme legacy 2016 AmériqueBrésil Dark opus / Arise again / The 12th order 14
Dragonforce Ultra Beatdown 2008 EuropeRoyaume-Uni The fire still burns / The warrior inside 14
Dragonforce Sonic Firestorm 2004 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Fury of the storm / My spirit will go on / Soliders of wasterland 14
Dragonforce Valley Of The Damned 2003 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Black winter night / Revelations / Heart of a dragon 14
Dragonhammer Obscurity 2017 EuropeItalie Believer / Fear of a child / Free land 14
Dragonhammer The X Experiment 2013 EuropeItalie Seek in the ice / My destiny / Last solution 14
Dragonhammer Time for Expiation 2001 EuropeItalie The eye of the storm / The game of blood / Fighting the beast 14
Dragonland Holy War 2002 EuropeSuède Majesty of the mithril mountains / Holy war / A thousand points of light 14
Dragony Master of the multiverse 2018 EuropeAutriche Defenders / Angel of neon wings / Eternia Eternal 14
Dream Theater A View from the Top of the World 2021 AmériqueEtats-Unis Answering call / Transcending call / A View from the Top of the World 14
Dream Theater Distance over time 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis Paralysed / S2N / At Wit's end 14
Dream Theater A Dramatic Turn of Events 2011 AmériqueEtats-Unis Bridges in the sky / Outcry / Breaking all illusions 14
DreamEvil Dragonslayer (2002) 2002 EuropeSuède In flames you burn / The chosen ones / The prophecy 14
Dreams of agony A forgotten tale 2017 EuropeEspagne The crown of fate / The moon spell / The other half 14
Dreamstoria Dreamstoria 2012 AsieJapon Go! / Another way / Fly away 14
Dreamtale Phoenix 2008 EuropeFinlande Failed states / Take what the heavens create / Lady dragon 14
Dreamtale Ocean's Heart 2003 EuropeFinlande Fool's gold / Garden of eternity / Wasteland 14
Dueño del Mar Despertar 2012 EuropeEspagne Tu lugar / A las puertas der las tormenta / Debes despertar 14
Ebony wall Time 2015 EuropeAllemagne Dance of the dead / Oracle / Time 14
Eclipse prophecy Days of judgment 2013 AmériqueCanada Circle of torment / Days of judgment / Inferno 14
Edenbridge The Great Momentum 2017 EuropeAutriche Shiantara / Return to grace 14
Edenbridge The Bonding 2013 EuropeAutriche Mystic river / Shadows in my memory 14
Edenbridge Solitaire 2010 EuropeAutriche Higher / Bon voyage vagabond / A virtual dream ? 14
Edenbridge My Earth Dream 2008 EuropeAutriche Shadowplay / Undying devotion / Fallen from grace 14
Edenbridge The Grand Design 2006 EuropeAutriche Flame of passion / Evermore / See you fading afar 14
Edenice Secret worlds 2018 EuropeItalie The queen and the witch / Flowers in flame / Secret world 14
Edguy Hellfire Club 2004 EuropeAllemagne We don't need a hero / Down to the devil / Rise of the morning glory 14
Edguy Mandrake 2001 EuropeAllemagne Golden dawn / Fallen angels 14
Edguy Theater of Salvation 1999 EuropeAllemagne Babylon / Theater of salvation 14
Eldritch Underlying Issues 2015 EuropeItalie Resistance / Once is enough / We all bleed red 14
Eldritch Tasting The Tears 2014 EuropeItalie Tasting the tears / Seeds of love / Don't listen 14
Eldritch Gaia's Legacy 2011 EuropeItalie Deviation / Thinning out / Thoughts of grey 14
Eldritch Blackenday 2007 EuropeItalie Black rain / Frozen / The fire 14
Elessär Dark desires 2013 AmériqueArgentine Ice queen / Heroes born dead / Dark desires 14
Elvenking The Pagan Manifesto 2014 EuropeItalie Moonbeam stone circle / Grandier's funeral pyre 14
Embersland The art of peace 2017 EuropeEspagne Purity / Fatal obsession / Feel the passion 14
Emëra Leap in the dark 2014 EuropeFrance Once upon a time / The elements / Out of breath 14
Entropy coding Tales of the moon 2018 EuropeItalie Feel the air / Running before the dawn / Shining though our light 14
Enuma Elish An endless tomorrow 2011 EuropeEspagne The serpent under the flower / Seek to know no more / No forgiveness / 14
Epica The Holographic Principle 2016 EuropePays-Bas Divide and conquer / The cosmic algorithm / Tear down your wall 14
Equilibrium Erdentempel 2014 EuropeAllemagne Waldschrein / Freiflug / Apokalypse 14
Equinox The cry of Gaïa 2014 EuropeFrance Wings of fire / Time of the chosen / The Gates of the universe 14
Eteddian Destiny 2016 EuropeEspagne Animal within / Below the surface / Destiny 14
Eternus Labyrinth Of Reason 2014 EuropeSuède Nemesis of the gods / Prison of mortality / Chalice of blood 14
Eve Desire Prelude to Singularity 2020 AmériqueBrésil Chronos / New past / Black hole 14
Evereal Evereal 2017 AmériqueCanada Caution / Sinful / Wish 14
Everfall From Beneath the Shade 2014 AmériqueBolivie Damned eternity / Infected / Selfless 14
Everfrost Blue eyes emotion 2015 EuropeFinlande The lonesome prince / Silver nights, golden dreams / Clockwork wilderness 14
Evergrey The Atlantic 2019 EuropeSuède A secrect Atlantis / The beacon / This ocean 14
Evergrey Hymns for the Broken 2014 EuropeSuède King of errors / Barricades / The fire 14
Evergrey Glorious Collision 2011 EuropeSuède Leave it behind us / Out of reach / It comes from within 14
Evergrey Torn 2008 EuropeSuède Fear / Fail / These scars 14
Evergrey Monday Morning Apocalypse 2006 EuropeSuède Monday morning apocalypse / The curtain fall / Still in the water 14
Evergrey The Inner Circle 2004 EuropeSuède Ambassador / In the wake of the weary / More than ever 14
Evergrey Recreation Day 2003 EuropeSuède As i lie here bleeding / Recreation day / Blinded 14
Evgenica В зеркалах… 2012 EuropeRussie Сердце / Приворот / Индиго 14
Exxiles Oblivion 2015 International Anthem of lies / Dictator of trust / Entropy 14
Fairyland The Fall Of An Empire 2006 EuropeFrance Lost in the dark lands / The story remains 14
Fairyland Of Wars in Osyrhia 2003 EuropeFrance Ride with the sun / Fight for your king / A dark omen 14
Falanstèr Dark matters 2017 AmériqueBrésil Save yourself / Angst / Starfire 14
Falkkone Intense Symphonic Metal Covers: Hunting Edition, Vol. 4 2019 EuropePologne [Reprises de jeux vidéos japonais] 14
Fatal Cliché Commonplays 2017 EuropeItalie Changeling / Immemory / Milions of lights / 14
Firewind Firewind 2020 EuropeGrèce Break away / Perfect stranger / All my life 14
Firewind Few Against Many 2012 EuropeGrèce Wall of sound / Few against many / O heroes no sinners 14
Firewind The Premonition 2008 EuropeGrèce Head up high / Angels forgive me / The silent code 14
Firewind Allegiance 2006 EuropeGrèce Ready to strike / Breaking the silence / Dreamchaser 14
Firewind Forged By Fire 2005 EuropeGrèce Tyranny / The forgotten memory / Feast of the savage 14
Flowerleaf Stronger 2018 AmériqueBrésil Firesoul / Tupana / We will stand 14
Flowing Tears Serpentine 2002 EuropeAllemagne Serpentine / The carnage people / Merlin 14
Fogalord Masters of War (2017) 2017 EuropeItalie Rising through the mist of time / Masters of war / The storm of steel 14
Forever Slave Tales For Bad Girls 2008 EuropeEspagne Gothix girls / Our story / Gasoline 14
Forever storm Soul Revolution 2009 EuropeSerbie Battle cry / Storm / Who i am 14
Fugatta Tales of a new century 2019 AmériqueMexique Rise your pride / Owners of this world / Far away 14
Galloglass Legends from Now and Nevermore 2003 EuropeAllemagne Remember the fire / Legends from now and nevermore / The last stand 14
Galneryus Union Gives Strength 2021 AsieJapon Flames of rage / Bleeding sanity / See the light of freedom 14
Galneryus Ultimate sacrifice 2017 AsieJapon Heavenly punishment / Wings of justice / Rising infuriation 14
Galneryus Under The Force Of Courage 2015 AsieJapon The voice of grievous cry / Rain of tears / The force of courage 14
Galneryus Vetelgyus 2014 AsieJapon There's no escape / The guide / I wish 14
German Pascual A new beginning 2012 EuropeSuède Seek the truth / If the sky would fall / Fate of the blind 14
Gloriam Dei The Covenant 2015 EuropeFinlande Jokainen / Look to the cross / We will see again 14
Golden Resurrection One Voice For The Kingdom 2013 EuropeSuède Spirit war / One voice for the kingdom / Eternal freedom 14
Golden Resurrection Man With A Mission 2011 EuropeSuède Identity in Christ / Finally free / Standing on the rock 14
Golden Resurrection Glory To My King 2010 EuropeSuède See my commands / Never look back / Proud to wear the holy cross 14
Graveshadow Ambition's price 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis Widow and the raven / Hero of time / Cal of the frostwolves - Liberator 14
Hamen Unreflected Mirror 2018 AmériqueBrésil The silence of the soul / Invisible eyes / Song of the heart 14
Hammerforce Dice 2009 EuropeRussie Fury of the nordmen / Fall of Monsegur / Quest to the lonely mountain 14
Heaven rain Second sun 2012 EuropeBosnie-Herzégovine Second sun / Face of misery / Vejte Snegovi 14
Heavenly Sign of the winner 2001 EuropeFrance Destiny / The sandman / Words of change 14
Heavenly Coming from the sky 2000 EuropeFrance Carry your heart / Number one / Until i die 14
Heliosaga Towers in the distance 2014 AmériqueEtats-Unis Lost / Hunter's moon / Luminary 14
Helloween The Dark Ride 2000 EuropeAllemagne The departed / If i could fly / The dark ride 14
Highland Glory Forever Endeavour 2005 EuropeNorvège Break the silence / Edge of time / Forever endeavour 14
Highlord Freakin' out of hell 2022 EuropeItalie If you say yes / Eyes wide open / One eyed Jack 14
Highlord The Death Of The Artists 2009 EuropeItalie Every thrash of me / Dance in a flame / Slave to darkness 14
Highlord Instant Madness 2006 EuropeItalie 14
Highlord Medusas Coil 2004 EuropeItalie Far from the light of god / Dancing with destiny / The hand of god 14
Highlord Breath Of Eternity 2002 EuropeItalie Dream chaser / Show me youyr kingdom / Phoenix's fire 14
Hizaki Rosario 2016 AsieJapon Dark classical / Presto / Beating the sky 14
Hydra Solar empire 2016 EuropeAllemagne Between two worlds / Memorial / Days of thunder 14
Illusoria King 2018 EuropeAllemagne King / Behinf the mirror / Werewolf 14
Imaginaria The legend of Gingelur 2014 EuropeRussie Gingelur / Warriors of the sun / Valhalla 14
Infinita symphonia Liberation 2018 EuropeItalie Never forget / Coma / Be wise or be fool 14
Infinita Symphonia A Mind's Chronicle 2011 EuropeItalie Mighty storm / Planet universe / Lost and found 14
Infinity Overture Kingdom of Utopia 2009 EuropeDanemark Millenia / Kingdom of utopia / War cry 14
InHuman InHuman 2021 EuropeBelgique Clockwork in the past / Unbearably human / Casus belli 14
Innerwish InnerWish 2016 EuropeGrèce Broken / Needles in my mind / Zero ground 14
Innerwish No Turning Back 2010 EuropeGrèce Chosen one / Save us / Lawmaker 14
Inside mankind Oikoumene 2015 EuropeItalie City / Keep me by the stars / Fear 14
Instanzia Ghosts 2010 AmériqueCanada Ghosts of the past / Heavenly hell / The key 14
Iron savior Kill or get killed 2019 EuropeAllemagne Eternal quest / Heroes ascending / Sinner of saint 14
Isidris Fire, Stone & Blood 2014 AmériqueArgentine Higher / My own life / Holy fire 14
Judicator The last emperor 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis Take up your cross / Nothing but blood / It falls to Jerusalem 14
Julian Lehmann Keeper of the wild 2019 EuropeSuisse The awakening of giant / Mjölnir / Daydreamer 14
Juvaliant Inhuman Nature 2010 EuropeAutriche Heroes / Hells roundabout / On wings of steel 14
Kantica Reborn in Aesthetics 2018 EuropeItalie Albatross / R.E.M state / Mescaline 14
Karelia Golden Decadence 2011 EuropeFrance War party / Keep watch on me / Out for awalk 14
Karelia Restless 2008 EuropeFrance Letter for an angel / Blind / Slave of time 14
Kawn Kawn 2019 AfriqueMaroc Cosmic entropy / Rebirth / Ecstatic freedom 14
Kiuas The New Dark Age 2008 EuropeFinlande The new dark age / Of sacrifice, loss and rewards / The summoning 14
Kondzik The age of war 2020 EuropePologne The price of freedom / Remembrance / Chariots of Elysium 14
Kotipelto Serenity 2007 EuropeFinlande Serenity / King anti-midas / Angels will cry 14
Kronomatopea Time it's time 2015 EuropeItalie Time it's time / The song of light / Valkyries's land 14
Krypteria All Beauty Must Die 2011 EuropeAllemagne Messiah / Thanks for nothing / Victoria 14
L.I.A.M Life is a masquerade 2017 AmériqueArgentine Down the rabbit hole / Life is a masquerade / Fight back 14
Labyrinth Return To Heaven Denied 2010 EuropeItalie New horizon / Thunder / Time after time 14
Lacuna coil Karmacode 2006 EuropeItalie To the edge / What i see / In invisible light 14
Last days of Eden Chrysalis 2018 EuropeEspagne The roots of life / Dead man's tale / Aedea's daughter 14
Legado de una Tragedia Aquelarre de sombras 2023 EuropeEspagne Rapsodia del caos / Misantropia / Los hijos de Mefistofeles 14
Liv moon The end of the beginning 2012 AsieJapon Black fairy / Valhalla / Hell 14
Lonewolf Raised On Metal 2017 EuropeFrance Souls of black / Skinless smile / Dark world order / 14
Lonewolf The Heathen Dawn 2016 EuropeFrance When the angels fall / Rise to victory / Song for the fallen 14
Lori Lewis Carmina Romanus 2020 AmériqueEtats-Unis Messenger of dreams / Deus Pater / Crown of the ocean 14
Luca Turilli Prophet Of The Last Eclipse 2002 EuropeItalie War of the universe / Prince of the starlight / Prophet of the last eclipse 14
Lunatica New Shores 2009 EuropeSuisse Two dreamers / New shores / My hardest walk 14
Machinae supremacy Redeemer 2006 EuropeSuède Seventeen / Through the looking glass / Ghost 14
Machinae supremacy Deus Ex Machinae 2004 EuropeSuède Attack music / Blind dog prime / Soundtrack to the rebellion 14
Machine Men Circus of Fools 2007 EuropeFinlande Tyrannise / Border of the real world / The cardinal point 14
Majestica A christmas carol 2021 EuropeSuède A christman story / Ghost of Marley / Ghost of christmas present / 14
Manticora To Kill To Live To Kill 2018 EuropeDanemark Katana (Awakening) / The farmer's tale (P1) / Katana (Opium) 14
Mary's Blood Mary's Blood 2021 AsieJapon Blow up your fire / Be myself / Let my out 14
Masqued The light in the dark 2017 AmériqueEtats-Unis The light in the dark / Let go / Bullet by bullet 14
Matenrou Opera Avalon 2014 AsieJapon 隣に座る太陽 / 3時間 / 天国の在る場所 14
Max Pie Odd memories 2015 EuropeBelgique Odd future / Unchain me / The fountain of youth 14
Maya The prophecy is broken 2015 EuropeItalie Spirit / Treasure world / The day after 14
Melted space Darkening light 2018 EuropeFrance The dawn of man / Trust in me / Fallen world 14
Mena Brinno Wicked Polly 2009 AmériqueEtats-Unis Secrets of war / Katie cruel / Court me 14
Mercury rain St. Matthieu 2004 EuropeRoyaume-Uni The messenger / Chimarea / Eldritch mirror 14
Mercy Isle Undying Fire 2016 International Storm / Uncaged / Come to me 14
Midnight Eternal Midnight Eternal 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis Repentance / Shadows falls / Like 14
Mute prophet Cycle of fire 2022 AmériqueEtats-Unis Angel of the lake / Bleed forever / Images 14
Mysterious Narrators Episode I 2022 EuropeRussie Remains of dreams / Steps off the edge / Queen Lilith 14
Mystic prophecy Metal division 2020 EuropeAllemagne Eye to eye / Together we fall / Mirror of a broken heart 14
Mystic Prophecy War Brigade 2016 EuropeAllemagne Burning out / Good day to die / War of lies 14
Mystic Prophecy Satanic Curses 2007 EuropeAllemagne Dark forces / Demon's blood / We will survive 14
Mystic prophecy Hellriot 2023 EuropeAllemagne Demons of the night / Revenge and fire / World on fire 14
Narnia From darkness to light 2019 EuropeSuède You are the breath that i breath / The armor of god / I will follow 14
Narnia Enter the gate 2006 EuropeSuède People of the bloodred cross / Show all the world / Aiming higher 14
Nemesea In Control 2007 EuropePays-Bas In control / Lost inside / Never 14
Neurotech Symphonies 2016 EuropeSlovénie [Quatre pistes] 14
Nevermore Enemies Of Reality 2005 AmériqueEtats-Unis Ambivalent / I, voyager / Create the infinite / 14
Nick giannakos and alchemy The Alchemist 2020 AmériqueEtats-Unis The mission / Resolution / Searching 14
Nightmare Dead Sun 2016 EuropeFrance Of sleepless minds / Dead sun / Serpentine 14
Nightqueen Seduction 2019 EuropeBelgique Energy / Nightmares / In flames 14
Nightwish Angels Fall First 1996 EuropeFinlande Astral romance / Nymphomaniac phantasia / Know why the nightingale sings 14
Níobeth Silvery Moonbeams 2011 EuropeEspagne Withered lullabies / I know that i know nothing / Polovtsian dancing 14
No One Spoke Nine Mirrors 2021 AmériqueBrésil Bridhe to sanity / Rise again / Milonga para las reinas 14
Northern Kings Rethroned 2008 EuropeFinlande [Reprises] 14
Nova orbis Imago 2009 AmériqueColombie Unstable mind / Love remains / Sarah deserve to rest 14
Nymphill Fractum Lux 2016 EuropePologne Victoria / This is what we missed / Cruise to the dreamworld 14
Odyssey Eastern symphony 2019 AmériqueArgentine God's punishment / Dreams and nightmare / Across a tunnel of light 14
Oknos Old world 2017 EuropeAllemagne Sin / Fire / Sailor's love song 14
Olympos Mons Conquistador 2004 EuropeFinlande Stars / Wanted man / Black desiree 14
Operus Score of nightmares 2020 AmériqueCanada Phantasia / Where falcons fly / The mirror 14
Ophelia falling Destroyed in Delight 2020 AmériqueCanada Tangled / Destroyed in delight / Witigo 14
Opus doria The compass rose 2016 EuropeFrance Dancing sun / Frozen flame / Ghost odyssey 14
Order of Týr Destiny, reignited 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis Angels of majesty / Identity / Dawn of reckoning 14
Orphonic orchestra Orphonic orchestra 2004 AmériqueEtats-Unis No surrender / Overcome / Reasons 14
Oversense The Storyteller 2017 EuropeAllemagne Purgatory / Phobia / When the undead rise 14
Paladin Ascension 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis Divine providence / Bury the light / Shoot for the sun 14
Paradise's fall Understanding 2018 AmériqueBrésil Understanding / Somewhere / Creation 14
Pellek Absolute steel 2018 EuropeNorvège You will be a star / Live and let live / Above the clouds 14
Perpetual legacy A new symphony for him 2015 AmériqueBrésil Looking for the endless light / Kairos in aeternum / I looked up high 14
Persona Metamorphosis 2017 AfriqueTunisie The omen of downfall / Invidia / The seeress of triumph 14
Phallax Relics of harmony 2015 EuropeAllemagne Jorn / Brainwashed and blind / Trollinger 14
Phantasma The Deviant Hearts 2015 International The deviant hearts / Enter dreamscape / Novaturient 14
Poemisia La danza degli spiriti 2013 EuropeItalie Amnesia / La danza degli spiriti / Ars moriendi 14
Portread Decayeon 2020 Estonie God of robots / Mortality / Born in secrecy 14
Power Quest Sixth Dimension 2017 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Lords of tomorrow / Face the raven / Revolution fighters 14
Power Quest Blood Alliance 2011 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Battle stations / Rising anew / Blood alliance 14
Power Quest Master Of Illusion 2008 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Master of illusion / Hearts and voices / Never again 14
Power Quest Wings of Forever 2007 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Far away / Beyond the stars / Follow your heart 14
Power Quest Magic Never Dies 2005 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Diamond sky / Soulfire / Magic never dies 14
Power Quest Neverworld 2003 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Sacred land / Well of souls / Into the light 14
Powerwolf The Sacrament of Sin 2018 EuropeAllemagne Demons Are a Girl‘s Best Friend / Nightside of siberia / Venom of Venus 14
Powerwolf Blood Of The Saints 2011 EuropeAllemagne Sanctified by dynamite / Dead boys don't cry / Night of the werewolves 14
Powerwolf Lupus Dei 2007 EuropeAllemagne Saturday satan / In blood we trust / Vampires don't die 14
Primal Fear Apocalypse 2018 EuropeAllemagne The ritual / Eye of the storm / Cannonball 14
Project Alcazar Lost in Centralia 2020 AmériqueEtats-Unis Occam's razor / 55 Ludovico Lane / Looking glass 14
QFT Live in space 2018 EuropeSuède Big bang / Aliens / Time 14
Rammstein Reise, Reise 2004 EuropeAllemagne Keine lust / Moskau / Morgenstern 14
Ravenheart Valley Of The Damned 2008 EuropeSuisse Reborn / Watcher in the sky / Cry for tomorrow 14
Realm of glass Reveries from the haunted 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis Forsaken / Broken / Redemption 14
Rebellion Miklagard 2007 EuropeAllemagne On the edge of life / God of thunder / The uprising 14
Regicide Break the Silence 2006 EuropeAllemagne The hanger on / Break the silence / Forgotten primises 14
Rhapsody of fire From Chaos To Eternity 2011 EuropeItalie From chaos to eternity / Aeons of raging darkness / Tornado 14
Rhapsody of fire Triumph Or Agony 2006 EuropeItalie Heart of the darklands / Silent dream / The mystic prophecy of the demon knight / 14
Rising sunset Decretum 2016 EuropeMalte Nephilim / Rameses II / Caligula 14
Rite of Thalia Discordia 2018 EuropeItalie Sacrificium / Confession / Tales of sudden fate 14
Royal Hunt A Life To Die For 2013 EuropeDanemark A ballet's tale / One minute left to live / Won't trust, won't fear, won't beg 14
Royal Hunt Show me ho to live 2011 EuropeDanemark One more day / Hard rain's coming / Show me how to live 14
Royal Hunt Paradox II Collision Course 2008 EuropeDanemark Exit wound / Divide and reign / Chaos A.C 14
Sabaton The war to end all wars 2022 EuropeSuède Stormtroopers / Soldier of heaven / The valley of death 14
Sabaton The Last Stand 2016 EuropeSuède Rorke's drift / Shiroyama / The last battle 14
Sabaton Carolus Rex 2012 EuropeSuède The lion from the north / Carolus rex / Killing ground 14
Sabaton The Art Of War 2008 EuropeSuède 40:1 / Talvisota / Firestorm 14
Saidian Evercircle 2009 EuropeAllemagne Tokyo / Stroke of genius / Sign in the sky 14
Samael Solar Soul 2007 EuropeSuisse Slavocracy / On the rise / Valkyries new ride 14
Samael Era One 2006 EuropeSuisse Sound of galaxies / Night ride / Voyage 14
Sarkonia Cesta 2020 EuropeRépublique Tchèque Strazne majaky / Zrudy / Trinacta komnata 14
Savage Circus Of Doom & Death 2009 International Devil's spawn / Chasing the rainbow / From the ashes 14
Scardust Strangers 2020 Moyen-OrientIsraël Break the ice / Concrete cages / Addicted 14
Scarlet aura Stormbreaker 2020 EuropeRoumanie Battle cry / Stormbreaker / A blast from the past 14
Secret chord Aurora 2021 EuropePortugal Lack of contact / Egocentric lust / Demon angels 14
Secret rule Against 2020 EuropeItalie Rise again / Endless promises / Dont' late me fade 14
Secret Sphere Scent of human desire 2003 EuropeItalie Rain / 1000 eyes' show / Runaway train 14
Serenity Death and Legacy 2011 EuropeAutriche Far from home / Serenade of flames / Beyond desert sands 14
Seven spires Emerald Seas 2020 AmériqueEtats-Unis No words exchanched / Succumb / The trouble with eternal life 14
Seven thorns II 2014 EuropeDanemark Queen of swords / Night of temptation / A joker's game 14
Shaaman Origins 2010 AmériqueBrésil Lethal awakening / Rising up to life / Blind messiah 14
ShadowIcon Empire in ruins 2011 EuropeSlovénie Eastbound / Deceptive dreams / Immortal 14
Shadowrise Shadowrise 2018 EuropePays-Bas Cryptkeeper / Evil conductor / Atlantis 14
Shaman Immortal 2007 AmériqueBrésil Inside chains / Tribal by blood / Strenght 14
Signum Regis The seal of a new world 2019 EuropeSlovaquie Prisoner's elegy / A memory / Never surrender / 14
Silent delusion In state of delusion 2016 EuropePortugal Equilibrium / Come fly away with me / Hollow 14
Silent Force The empire of future 2000 EuropeAllemagne Live for the day / Tell me why / Broken wings 14
Silent Opera Immortal Beauty 2011 EuropeItalie Morningstar / Hidden lies / The silent opera 14
Silent revenants The Withering of the Blue Flower 2022 EuropeAllemagne Embers / Siren / Horizons 14
Silent Saga Rise! 2018 EuropeAllemagne Three lives / Immortal / Bittersweet 14
Silverlane My Inner Demon 2009 EuropeAllemagne The dark storm / The flight of Icarus / Kingdom of sand 14
Silvis vetus Wonderland pit 2017 EuropeEspagne Latest intifada / Night's creed / Delirium 14
Sinamore A New Day 2006 EuropeFinlande Crimson leaf / My rain / Fallen 14
Sinbreed IV 2018 EuropeAllemagne Pale-hearted / The purge / At least i am 14
Sirenia An Elixir For Existence 2004 EuropeNorvège A mental symphony / In my darkest hour / Star-crossed 14
Skyliner Condition Black 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis Condition black / Starseeker / Vendetta 14
Solamnia The legend saga 2016 EuropeFinlande Valhalla / The orchian mines / The ultimate end 14
Sonata Arctica The Ninth Hour 2016 EuropeFinlande Fairytale / Fly, navigate, communicate / The elephant 14
Sonata Arctica Stones Grow Her Name 2012 EuropeFinlande Somewhere close to you / Alone in heaven / Cinderbox 14
Sonata Arctica The Days Of Grays 2009 EuropeFinlande Deathaura / Flag in the ground / The truth is out here / 14
Sonata Arctica Unia 2007 EuropeFinlande It won't fade / The harvest / Out in the fields 14
Sound Horizon Moira 2008 AsieJapon [Titres en japonais] 14
Spulrium With vast infernals 2016 Moyen-OrientTurquie The Dragon people / Retaliation / Serpentsong 14
Storm of wind The total glorification 2017 EuropeAllemagne Dragon of fire / Dragon of power / Dragon of feelings 14
Supremacy Vicious circle 2007 OcéanieAustralie Angel / Lost / Fading to nothing 14
Sylvanum This with me remains 2012 EuropeRussie In your eyes / War on us / Whispering ghost 14
Symakya Majestic 12 2011 EuropeFrance Genesis / The inner control / Supervision 14
Symfonia In Paradisum 2011 EuropeFinlande Come by the hills / Santiago / In paradisium 14
Symphony X The Odyssey 2002 AmériqueEtats-Unis King of terrors / Awakenings / Frontiers 14
Symphony X Twilight In Olympus 1998 AmériqueEtats-Unis Church of the machine / In the dragon's den / The relic 14
Symphorce Become Death 2007 EuropeAllemagne Death has come / Towards the light / Ancient prophecies 14
Sypherion Flames of the immortal heart 2011 EuropeEspagne Vision of the soul / Flames of Osiris / Immortal dreams 14
Tacere Beautiful Darkness 2007 EuropeFinlande I devour / Excursions / Black roses 14
Teramaze And The Beauty They Perceive 2021 OcéanieAustralie Untide / Modern living space / Son rise 14
The arrow Lady Nite 2009 EuropeRussie Centuries behind / Keeper of souls / Sign of lady Nite 14
The codex The codex 2007 EuropeSuède Beyond the dark / Raise your hands / Running out of hate 14
The dark element The dark element 2017 EuropeFinlande My sweet mystery / Dead to me / Halo 14
The Mystic euphoria project It's a Mad Metal World 2022 AmériqueCanada The resistance / We live for darkness / The last crusade 14
Theocracy Theocracy 2003 AmériqueEtats-Unis Ichthus / Mountain / Theocracy 14
Theopsya Endless 2017 EuropeFrance Meridian / Emerald heart / Nightcall 14
Third Dim3nsion Where the Dragon Lies… 2014 EuropeEspagne Tree of life / I am the gun / Welcome too 14
Thy Majestie Dawn 2008 EuropeItalie To an endless devotion / Out the edge / Day of the changes 14
Thy Majestie Jeanne D'arc 2005 EuropeItalie Maiden of steel / Seige of Paris / The trial 14
Tigersclaw Force of destiny 2019 International Walpurgis night / Ligthyears away / Dimitte me 14
Timo Tolkki's Avalon The Enigma rebirth 2021 EuropeFinlande Enigma birth / Beaufitul lie / Time 14
Timo Tolkki's Avalon The Land of New Hope 2013 EuropeFinlande A world without us / We will find a way / The magic of the night 14
Trillium Tectonic 2018 EuropePays-Bas Stand up / Hit me / Shards 14
Tristania Darkest White 2013 EuropeNorvège Darkest white / Night on earth / Cypher 14
Trophallaxy Resilience 2013 EuropeSuisse Scar me to the death / Devil's score / Resurrection / 14
Turisas Battle Metal 2004 EuropeFinlande As torches rise / Among ancestors / Sahti waari 14
Twisted Tower Dire Wars in the Unknown 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis True north / Light the swords on fire / Riding the fortress 14
Tyranny of hours Darkling 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis Oceandead / Unwired / The king's mirror 14
Unsoulicited Reflections 2023 EuropeAllemagne I wish we could / Autumn clouds / Kingsleigh 14
Van Helsing's curse Oculus infernum 2004 AmériqueEtats-Unis Let me pray / Revenge / Halloween 14
Vanden Plas The Ghost Xperiment - Illumination 2020 EuropeAllemagne Under the horizon / The lonely psychogon / Fatal Arcadia 14
Vanden Plas The Ghost Xperiment - Awakening 2019 EuropeAllemagne The phantoms of Prends-toi-garde / Three ghosts / The Ghost Xperiment / 14
Venus meadow As far as hearts can feel 2013 EuropeAllemagne Carpe notcem / Remnant of sanity / Black and black 14
Vhaldemar Against all kings 2017 EuropeEspagne 1366 / Howling at the moon / Walking in the rain 14
Vinide Reveal 2018 EuropeFinlande Believe / The Great voyage / Save the earth 14
Violet sun Loneliness in Supremacy 2010 EuropeItalie When the lights go down / My flame still burns / Pray on the grave 14
Virtuocity Northern twiliught symphony 2004 EuropeFinlande Forever young / Wheels of time / Land of a thousand lakes 14
Vision Divine Vision Divine 1999 EuropeItalie Black mask of fear / Exodus / The miracle 14
Warmen Accept the Fact 2005 EuropeFinlande Invisible power / Puppet / Return of Salieri 14
Warmen Unknown Soldier 2000 EuropeFinlande Fire within / Into the oblivion / Treasure within 14
Whispering woods Fairy woods 2015 EuropeRoumanie Ghosts in the monastery / Queen medusa / Fairy woods 14
White skull The dark age 2002 EuropeItalie The dark age / The edict / Fortune 14
Whyzdom As Time Turns to Dust 2018 EuropeFrance Armageddon / Free as a bird / Dust we are 14
Wildpath Disclosure 2015 EuropeFrance Confined / Absentia / Disclosure 14
Winterage The Harmonic Passage 2015 EuropeItalie The harmonic passage / Victory march / Crown to the crowds 14
Winterborn Farewell To Saints 2009 EuropeFinlande Chaos dwells within / The winter war / Last man standing 14
Winterborn Cold Reality 2006 EuropeFinlande Last train to hell / Lovehunter / The king and the god 14
Within Temptation Enter 1997 EuropePays-Bas Enter / Deep within / Candles 14
Wolfcry Nightbreed 2003 EuropeGrèce Vanguard / The dying of innoncence / Saint-Sinner 14
Worlds beyond Symphony of dawn 2020 EuropeBelgique Winterstorm / The fay / Edge of faith 14
Xandria Ravenheart 2004 EuropeAllemagne Fire of universe / Black flame / Keep my secret well 14
An Ancient Legend, Long Forgotten Myth 2023 AmériqueEtats-Unis In a land of dreams / Uniting all realms / Acceptance 13.75
Analgesia Saint Dreamers 2013 AfriqueMaroc 13.75
Anima Anima 2018 AmériquePérou Liberty for the kill / Just in my head / Dirty face 13.75
Ankhy Prologue 2017 AmériqueBrésil 13.75
Antonello Giliberto The Strategy of Chaos 2019 EuropeItalie Before the battle / Arthemesia's revenge / Wrath of the northmen 13.75
Art X The redemption of Cain 2016 EuropeItalie 13.75
Arturius Arturius 2017 EuropeSuède 13.75
Benevolence God 2011 EuropeSuède 13.75
Beyond forgiveness Live to tell the story 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis One last time / Labyrinthe / When rivers turn red 13.75
Blood red soul River of melancholia 2019 International Neverland / Just for one night / The grind 13.75
Borislav Mitic Electric Goddess 2013 EuropeSerbie Win or lose / Machine world / The Golden throne 13.75
Broderick Gray Metal Machine 2008 AmériqueEtats-Unis The Prize / The Changeling / Presto 13.75
Coronatus Atmosphere 2021 EuropeAllemagne Firedance / Williwaw / Time of the raven 13.75
Cygnus Liquid mirrors 2011 AmériqueGuatemala In the blink of an eye / The passion / Wrath of divine saints 13.75
Dark desire Unveil the Beauty 2014 EuropeAllemagne 13.75
Dark spell Na křídlech noci 2013 EuropeRépublique Tchèque 13.75
Darkest escort Nemesis 2019 EuropeRussie Infinity ahead / Comprehension I / My fading sun 13.75
Echoterra Land of the midnight sun 2011 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13.75
Equinoxem Nightgenesis 2015 AmériqueArgentine Dark days comes / Initium / Master of light 13.75
Eternyx Unknow way 2013 AmériqueBrésil 13.75
Ex Libris Medea 2014 EuropePays-Bas 13.75
Exxistence Phusis 2019 EuropeFrance 13.75
Graeme Swallow Portrait of zebra 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13.75
Half past dark Dimensions 2018 EuropeHongrie 13.75
Heaven's Guard Pathfinder 2022 EuropeAllemagne Heaven's Guard / Pathfinder / Worlds 13.75
Infinitys Mortus Transmutationis 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13.75
Lipshok Shadows of a dark heart 2020 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13.75
Marenne The past prelude 2009 EuropeFinlande Frozen tears / My time / Do you think of me 13.75
MaterDea Pyaneta 2018 EuropeItalie 13.75
Mathias Holm Klarin Dream catch 2017 EuropeSuède Dream catch / A Past reflexion / Divine journey 13.75
Mythery The awakening of the beast 2013 EuropeDanemark 13.75
Naos Unity in diversity 2017 EuropeFrance 13.75
Octavision Coexist 2020 International 13.75
Poseidon Infinity 2014 EuropeRussie 13.75
Raven tide Novarize 2017 EuropeItalie Real / Blue / Dark horse 13.75
Roman Rouzine Humans 2019 EuropeFrance 13.75
Sarah Jezebel Deva The Corruption of Mercy 2011 EuropeRoyaume-Uni The world won't hold your hand / Silence please / Sirens 13.75
Scorching winter Victim 2016 OcéanieAustralie 13.75
Sense of creation Forsaken Era 2020 International 13.75
Serenade Onirica 2017 EuropeItalie Kill your pain / Hold me back / Lullaby 13.75
Shine in ash No way out 2013 EuropeItalie 13.75
Sirenade Wish to fly away 2015 EuropeSlovaquie 13.75
Talvienkeli Hybris 2017 EuropeFrance 13.75
Teodasia Metamorphosis 2016 EuropeItalie 13.75
Thanit Cult of the ancestors 2022 EuropeItalie 13.75
The legion of Hetheria Awakening 2016 AmériqueMexique 13.75
The Murder of my sweet A Gentleman's legacy 2021 EuropeSuède 13.75
The SymphOnyx Opus 1 : Limbu 2005 EuropePortugal 13.75
Thy despair The song of desolation 2020 EuropeUkraine Burned by love / Last breath / War 13.75
Thy shade The last goodbye 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13.75
Timeless oceans Enigma of a lost world 2015 AmériqueCanada 13.75
Timo Tolkki Renaissance acoustica 2023 EuropeFinlande 13.75
TruEnd Of Soul and dust 2018 EuropeGrèce 13.75
Unliving sin Symphony of the wicked 2019 EuropeEspagne 13.75
Uriel Multiverse 2019 AmériqueCanada 13.75
Valcata Valcata 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13.75
Vaticide Eye of the void 2021 EuropeRoyaume-Uni 13.75
Veil of mist Disenchantment 2016 EuropeFrance 13.75
Velvet darkness Nothing but glory 2018 AmériqueMexique 13.75
Walk in darkness Leaves rolling in time 2022 EuropeItalie 13.75
Wildrun Epigone 2022 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13.75
Winter in eden Court of conscience 2014 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Toxicate / Before it began / Behind closed doors 13.75
Wizardmask Песнь воина 2014 EuropeRussie 13.75
Xeria Tierra 2019 EuropeEspagne 13.75
7th Symphony Written with blood 2013 AmériqueBrésil 13.25
Ancient knights Camelot 2019 EuropeItalie The usurper / Camelot / Prophecy of the magic kingdom 13.25
Angelwings The Edge of Innocence 2017 EuropeGibraltar Lilith / Nile goddess / Embracing fantasy 13.25
Ansoticca Rise 2010 EuropeAllemagne I'm alive / In Silence / Open the gates 13.25
Anton Johansson's Galahad suite Galahad suite 2013 EuropeSuède 13.25
Appelman Me 2015 AmériqueEtats-Unis Crying out / Know thyself / Says who ? 13.25
Ariel Perchuk's Odyssey Eastern Symphony 2019 AmériqueArgentine Reflections / Shades of mysteria / Solfeggietto 13.25
Atriell Tale of the Dragon Claw 2016 EuropeBulgarie On a long journey / Through a storm of fire / Beyond the dream 13.25
Ayutrica Die Krone von Bernstein 2010 AsieJapon Hakumu no ori / Shirayuri no kakan / Setsuna no vira / 13.25
Berserker Dark worlds collide 2015 EuropeLituanie Warhell / The day human died / Mūšis už Žemę 13.25
Calypso Marvelous 2014 AmériqueMexique 13.25
Dark assembly Melodies of darkness 2019 AmériqueMexique 13.25
Edenbridge Shangri-La 2022 EuropeAutriche Somewhere else but here / Freedom is a roof made of stars / Alpha and omega 13.25
Elysian gates Crossroads 2016 EuropeLuxembourg Crossroads / Whispering premonition / Broken inside 13.25
Emerald shine Misty tales 2018 EuropeRépublique Tchèque The elven king / The only one / We'll be back 13.25
Emma Piedrahita Path to the Awakening 2019 AmériqueColombie Highness / The seer / Where the eagles lies 13.25
Era Nova Children of Alcyone 2010 EuropeFrance 13.25
Exordum Return form good and evil 2020 AmériqueMexique Rebellion / A forest of doubts / Erase the pain 13.25
Fading Azalea Maze of Melancholy 2017 EuropeSuède 13.25
Fastlane flower Abusement park 2018 EuropeNorvège 13.25
Giotopia Trinity of evil 2021 EuropeBelgique 13.25
Iahsari Shrine of the Ancient Gods 2018 EuropeGéorgie 13.25
Inner Sense Life Sentence 2015 EuropeSuède 13.25
Kârma Illusions 2018 EuropeGrèce 13.25
Kein Zurück Aetas 2011 EuropeRussie 13.25
Khaelys Across the ages 2015 EuropeFrance 13.25
Khimera Fábulas et Fábulis 2019 AmériqueColombie 13.25
Kingdom waves Damned beauty overture 2013 EuropePologne 13.25
Kortofertos The scorched book 2017 EuropeUkraine 13.25
Lost devotion When it finally falls apart… 2016 EuropePays-Bas 13.25
Märchenbilder Flickering Truth 2013 AmériqueCanada 13.25
Mirium Предчувствие 2014 EuropeUkraine 13.25
Mute tale The gordian knot 2015 EuropeGrèce 13.25
Nahtram An Ominous Journey 2018 EuropeAllemagne 13.25
Neith The secret 2013 AmériqueMexique 13.25
Neophobia Monstermind 2018 EuropeItalie 13.25
Oniricide Revenge of souls 2016 EuropeItalie 13.25
Opium Doll Dark bloom 2016 EuropeRussie If the wall could speak / Schwarze Madonna / Dark bloom 13.25
Oriic Opus II 2020 EuropeAllemagne 13.25
Quintessente Songs from celestial spheres 2017 AmériqueBrésil 13.25
Red masquerade The seventh room 2018 EuropeItalie 13.25
Reign of sirius Mirror figures 2014 EuropeRoyaume-Uni 13.25
Release hallucination Imperfection of imaginary number 2019 AsieJapon 13.25
Revelation attic The cradle of life 2018 EuropeLettonie Hiding place / Never again / Don't need those saints 13.25
Shadowpath Rumours of a coming dawn 2017 EuropeSuisse 13.25
Sirgaus Il treno fantasma 2017 EuropeItalie 13.25
Sleeping romance Alba 2017 EuropeItalie 13.25
Sorronia Words of silence 2013 EuropeHongrie 13.25
Sovereign council Laniakea 2015 AmériqueCanada The burden of life / Decima / Fear itself 13.25
Taleteller The path 2020 EuropeHongrie 13.25
The loudest silence Aestheric illusion 2018 EuropeBosnie-Herzégovine Two faced ghost / Soul reflection / Wake up in my dream 13.25
The sign of ampersand Dark shades of mystery 2017 EuropeRussie 13.25
Time of the sinners Eternity 2016 EuropePologne 13.25
Unseelie Urban fantasy 2014 EuropeFrance 13.25
Vault of Acanthus Life, Light and darkness 2018 EuropeGrèce 13.25
White skull Metal never rusts 2022 EuropeItalie Skull in the closet / Black ship / Pay to play 13.25
X Japan Art of life 1993 AsieJapon 13.25
Xiphea Everland 2018 EuropeAllemagne Salt and diamonds / Love of a beast / From the overworld 13.25
Yarimā The strings of fate 2021 EuropeRoyaume-Uni 13.25
Yotangor We speak 2012 EuropeFrance 13.25
Adrian phoenix New world 2014 EuropeEspagne 13.25
Anzeria Holy Defy 2021 Moyen-OrientTurquie The world's rising / Hour of reaper / Kangren 13.25
EvenSong Mysterium 2001 EuropeHongrie 13.25
GlossyTeria Точка невозврата 2010 EuropeRussie 13.25
Orisonata Orisonata 2014 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13.25
Venus in fear The Dot above the eye 2018 Moyen-OrientIsraël 13.25
4th Dimension Dispelling The Veil Of Illusions 2014 EuropeItalie 13
Achillea Fight of fall 2013 International 13
Adrastea The ruins of reminiscence 2016 AsieJapon Blood for emprise / The undead castle / The forbidden 13
Adrenaline Mob Men of honnor 2014 AmériqueEtats-Unis Come on get up 13
Adrenaline Mob Omerta 2012 AmériqueEtats-Unis Down to the floor 13
After Apocalypse After Apocalypse 2015 EuropeItalie World of mazipan / Glorious way / Mechanical mask 13
After Forever Prison Of Desire 2000 EuropePays-Bas Follow in the cry / Silence from afar 13
Age of Artemis Overcoming Limits 2012 AmériqueBrésil Break up the chains / You'll see / Till the end 13
Allegro From My Requiem Chapter 1 2012 EuropeEspagne 13
Allen - Lande The Battle 2005 International 13
Almah Fragile Equality 2008 AmériqueBrésil Beyond tomorrow / You'll understand / Meaningles World 13
Altaria The Fallen Empire 2006 EuropeFinlande Abyss of twilight / The lion / The dying flame 13
Amberian dawn Take a chance 2017 EuropeFinlande 13
Amberian dawn Innuendo 2015 EuropeFinlande Innuendo / Chamber of dreadful dreams 13
Amberian dawn Re-Evolution 2013 EuropeFinlande [Reprises avec la nouvelle vocaliste] 13
Ancient bards The Alliance of the Kings 2010 EuropeItalie Four magic elements / Only the brave / Lode al padre 13
Andre Matos Time To Be Free 2007 AmériqueBrésil Letting go / Time to be free 13
Anemone Danse macabre 2022 EuropeSerbie Paradigm / Soulist / Lament 13
Angel Dust Of Human Bondage 2002 EuropeAllemagne Inhuman / Unite / Killer 13
Angelical tears The Eleventh hour 2012 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13
Angra Aqua 2010 AmériqueBrésil Arising thunder 13
Angtoria God Has A Plan For Us All 2006 EuropeSuède I'm calling / Six feet under's not deep enough 13
Anthriel The Pathway 2010 EuropeFinlande Light divine 13
Antillia Древние силы 2015 EuropeRussie 13
Anubis Gate Covered in colors 2020 EuropeDanemark Covers 13
Anubis Gate Anubis Gate 2011 EuropeDanemark World in a dome / Desiderio omnibus / 13
Anubis Gate Purification 2004 EuropeDanemark 13
Apocalyptica Apocalyptica 2005 EuropeFinlande Quutamo 13
Apocalyptica Reflection 2003 EuropeFinlande No education / Cohkka / Pandemonium 13
Appearance of Nothing In times of darkness 2019 EuropeSuisse Storm / Erase / The huntress 13
Arago The flying dutchman 2017 EuropeAutriche 13
Ariadna project Novus mundus 2016 AmériqueArgentine Age gone wild / The fury of your hate / Novus mundus 13
Arrayan Path Archegonoi 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis Sins of Pandora / Bellerophon / Lion of amphipolis 13
Arthemis Black Society 2008 EuropeItalie Free spirit / Here comes the fury / Thunder wrath 13
Arwen Illusions 2004 EuropeEspagne Between love and pain / So high / At the end 13
Autumn Summer's end 2004 EuropePays-Bas Gallery of reality / The green angel 13
Auvernia Afraid Of Me x vasco 2010 AmériqueArgentine A little of lust / The master throne 13
Avidity for… Restart 2018 EuropeRépublique Tchèque 13
Awe.Some Ad astra 2013 EuropeRussie 13
Axenstar The Final Requiem 2006 EuropeSuède The divine / Thirteen / End of the line 13
Battle beast No More Hollywood Endings 2019 EuropeFinlande Eden / The golden horde / World on fire 13
Beto Vazquez Infinity Beyond space without limits 2012 AmériqueArgentine 13
Beto Vazquez Infinity Darkmind 2008 AmériqueArgentine 13
Beto Vazquez Infinity Flying towards the New Horizon 2006 AmériqueArgentine 13
Beto Vazquez Infinity Beto Vazquez Infinity 2001 AmériqueArgentine 13
Black Desert The Road Is Open 2015 EuropeEspagne Red hour / 64 bones / Seduced by the sand 13
Blackthorne This sacrifice 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13
Blodwen Winter falls 2014 AsieIndonésie For a new world / Ghost town / Running out of time / 13
Blood Stain Child Mozaiq 2007 AsieJapon Freedom / Innocence 13
Boanerges Hora Novena 2009 AmériqueArgentine Un mundo diferente / Siglo virtuale 13
Borealis World of silence MMXVII 2017 AmériqueCanada Lost voices / Eyes of a dream / The dawning light 13
Brother Firetribe Heart Full Of Fire 2008 EuropeFinlande Heart full of fire / Chasing the angels 13
Caligatum Epidemus 2018 AmériqueMexique Basilisco / La dama de las tormentas / Dante 13
Cardiant Tomorrow's Daylight 2009 EuropeFinlande Fire on ice / Morning here no more / Tomorrow's daylight 13
Cartagena Roma Delenda Est 2018 AfriqueTunisie Glory / Liu Heng / Progenies 13
Catharsis Зеркало судьбы 2019 EuropeRussie Лечу за Тобой / Зеркало судьбы / Даль 13
Celestial flames Power of the star 2016 AmériqueBrésil Power of the star / Sweet pain of war / Final destination 13
Charon project Ruined soul 2017 AsieJapon Time of awakening / Lucifer / Violet flame 13
Chinchilla Madtropolis 2003 EuropeAllemagne A dance with the devil / Entire world / Battle of the world 13
Chinchilla The Last Millennium 2002 EuropeAllemagne War machine / Father forgive me / The highest price 13
Citadellion Adventurers of Taeloth 2009 EuropeSuède 13
Communic The bottom deep 2011 EuropeNorvège In silence with my scars / Wayward soul / In union we stand 13
Cotos За тобой… 2015 EuropeRussie Последняя Битва / Мой Король / Понтий Пилат 13
Crimson rivers Sorrowful hell 2011 EuropeGrèce 13
Crystal eyes Killer 2014 EuropeSuède Warrior / Solar mariner / Spotlight rebel 13
Crystallion Hundred Days 2009 EuropeAllemagne A cry in the night / Sole survivors in ligny / Hundred days 13
Crystallion Hattin 2008 EuropeAllemagne Higher than the sky / Saracen ascension / Preach with an iron tongue 13
Daemon lost When violence is your guide 2015 AmériqueArgentine Beyond torture / When violence is your guide / The final struggle 13
Dangerous Project Cosmic Vision 2020 AmériquePérou Hide in the shadows / Cosmic vision / Never surrender 13
Dark Moor Ancestral Romance 2010 EuropeEspagne Love from the stone / Cancion del pirata / Ah! Wretched me 13
Darkwater Calling The Earth To Witness 2007 EuropeSuède All eyes on me / The play part I & II 13
Delight Eternity 2002 EuropePologne The hand / Spring day / I promise 13
Derdian DNA 2018 EuropeItalie DNA / Never born / Nothing will remain 13
Derdian New Era pt.2 - War Of The Gods 2007 EuropeItalie New era / Immortal's lair 13
Derdian New Era Pt.1 2005 EuropeItalie Anuby's call / Entering the cage 13
Devildriver The fury of our makers hand 2005 AmériqueEtats-Unis Hold back the day / Sin and sacrifice / The fury of our makers hand 13
Devildriver DevilDriver 2003 AmériqueEtats-Unis I could care less / Cry for me sky / Devil's son 13
Devilment II - The Mephisto waltzes 2016 EuropeRoyaume-Uni 13
Dimorfia Utopia 2017 EuropeGrèce Signs of the fall / Fatal final kiss / Become god 13
Disturbed Believe 2002 AmériqueEtats-Unis Intoxication / Liberate / Rise 13
DivUrge Point of no return 2017 EuropeGrèce Inner war / Open your mind / Trust in the stars 13
Dragonlance Shadow of the Elder Titans 2016 AsieJapon Thrist for revenge / Holy blood / Knight the wanderer 13
Dragonland The Battle Of The Ivory Plains 2001 EuropeSuède Storming across the heaven / Graveheart 13
Dragony Lords of the hunt 2017 EuropeAutriche Call of the wind / Alcador / Shadowrunners 13
DreamEvil Six (2017) 2017 EuropeSuède Sin city / 44 riders / We are forever 13
DreamEvil In The Night (2010) 2010 EuropeSuède See the light / Frostbite / The unchosen one 13
DreamEvil The Book Of Heavy Metal (2004) 2004 EuropeSuède No way / Chosen twice 13
DreamEvil Evilized (2003) 2003 EuropeSuède By my side / Live a lie 13
DüsterLust DüsterLust 2016 EuropeAllemagne 13
Dystera Journey into the shades 2009 EuropeSuisse Task of sages / Travelling the land / A traveler's destination 13
Eagleheart Dreamtherapy 2011 EuropeRépublique Tchèque Shades of nothing / Taste my pain / Burned by the sun 13
Echoes of angels Mysterapostles 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13
Edenbridge Dynamind 2019 EuropeAutriche Where oceans collide / The edge ouf our world / What dreams may come 13
Edenbridge Shine 2004 EuropeAutriche Move along here / October sky 13
Edenbridge Aphelion 2003 EuropeAutriche Fly at higher game / Farpoint anywhere 13
Edenbridge Arcana 2001 EuropeAutriche Starlight reverie / Color my sky / Suspiria / 13
Edguy Vain Glory Opera 1998 EuropeAllemagne Until we rise again / No more foolin 13
Elarmir Comen Feel, Action 2018 EuropeItalie Blackstar / Four seasons of my life / Metal sarabande 13
Eldritch Neightbourhell 2006 EuropeItalie Bless me now / More then marylin / Toil of mine 13
Eldritch Portrait of the abyss within 2004 EuropeItalie Forbidden / This everlasting mind disease / Dice rolling 13
Eleside Battle of choices 2018 EuropeItalie Battle of choices / The reverse portrait / Angels vampire 13
Elvenking Era 2012 EuropeItalie Walking dead / Chronicle of a frozen era 13
Elvenking Two Tragedy Poets 2008 EuropeItalie Another awful hobs tale / Not my final song 13
Elvenking Wyrd 2004 EuropeItalie Disappearing sand / Midnight circus 13
Elvenpath The path of the dark king 2019 EuropeAllemagne One strong voice / Black wings / About nightmares and kings 13
Elvenpath Faith through the fire 2019 EuropeAllemagne 13
Era of ephemeris Among the stars 2019 EuropeSuède 13
Eternity's End Unyielding 2018 EuropeAllemagne Blood brothers / Under crimson moonlight / Triumphant ascent 13
Eunomia The chronicles of Eunomia (Part I) 2018 EuropeNorvège Dark horizon / Eternity/ Dangerous times ahead 13
Exawatt Among different sights 2011 EuropeItalie Exa what / My friend / Patience 13
Existem Mantle 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis Descent / Mantle / The reclaimer 13
Fionn Legacy Knights of the sky and wind 2018 AmériqueMexique 13
Fogalord A Legend To Believe In (2012) 2012 EuropeItalie A legend to believe in / The march of the grey army 13
Forever Slave Alice's Inferno 2005 EuropeEspagne In the forest / Across the mirror 13
Fortaleza El ojo de la tormenta 2010 AmériqueMexique 13
From Ashes To Redemption Unleash the Warrior 2016 AmériqueCosta Rica 13
Gates of Paris Gates of Paris 2018 EuropeFrance 13
Gentaro Satomura Light and shadow 2009 AsieJapon Glory of the soldier / Electric phase / Attack of the aliens 13
Golden jubilee Experiencing lives 2017 EuropeItalie 13
Greymon Brány propastí 2014 EuropeRépublique Tchèque 13
Hammerfall Hammer of dawn 2022 EuropeSuède No son of Odin / Too old to die young / Live free to die 13
Hammerfall Dominion 2019 EuropeSuède Testify / Scars of generation / Bloodline 13
Helloween Keeper of the seven keys 2005 EuropeAllemagne Silent rain / Do you know what you're fighting for / The shade in the shadows [Remaster de 1987-1988] 13
Helloween Better Than Raw 1998 EuropeAllemagne Falling higher / Revelation / Midnight sun 13
Heroik Heart of battle 2010 AmériqueCanada Stormseeker / Heart of the battle / Until the end 13
Holy shire The legendary shepherds of the forest 2018 EuropeItalie 13
Hybrid harmony Mislaid Myths 2017 EuropeFrance 13
Imago imperii Fate of a king 2019 EuropeItalie 13
Inglorian Clarity of tomorrow 2015 AmériqueMexique 13
Intrinsic souls Voices of mind 2019 AmériqueMexique 13
Irencros Alchemy of Destruction 2005 EuropeItalie Into the howlin' tunnel / Annihilation / Gosen 13
Ivana d'Arc S.M.Q 2010 AmériqueArgentine 13
Jangli jaggas Unleashed 2003 AsiePakistan 13
Karelia Raise 2005 EuropeFrance The hermit / Cross and crescent / Unbreakable cordon 13
Kerion CloudRiders Part 1: Road To Skycity 2012 EuropeFrance Everlasting flight / Fireblast / Never more 13
Kerion The Origins 2010 EuropeFrance Time of fantasy / Dark isle / Resurrection 13
King misfit Under ancient ground 2011 AmériqueCanada 13
Kingfisher sky Technicolored eyes 2018 EuropePays-Bas 13
Kiuas Reformation 2006 EuropeFinlande The new chapter / Of ancients wounds / Call of the horns 13
Kotipelto Coldness 2004 EuropeFinlande Seeds of sorrow / Around / Here we are 13
Krypteria My Fatal Kiss 2009 EuropeAllemagne Deny / Never say die / Dying to love 13
Kyrie eleison …in the arms of decadence 2007 AmériqueArgentine 13
Lande & Holter Dracula : Swing of death 2015 EuropeNorvège Walking on water / Save me / Into the dark 13
Lapis Lazuli The downfall of humanity 2015 EuropeSuède The downfall / Stay with me / The fallen 13
Last Tribe Witch Dance 2002 EuropeSuède Bring out the brave / Behind your eyes / Dreamer 13
Leaves' eyes Njord 2009 International Emerald island / Ragnarok / Landscape of the dead 13
Leaves' eyes Vinland Saga 2005 International Farewell proud men / Elegy / Messeri 13
Leaves' eyes Lovelorn 2004 International Ocean's way / Into your light / Return to life 13
Legend of valley doom (Marius Danielsen's) Part 2 2018 EuropeNorvège 13
Legenda Aurea Sedna 2008 EuropeSuisse Vengeance / Years of coldness / Farewell 13
Leverage Determinus 2019 EuropeFinlande Mephistocrate / Hand of god / Troy 13
Lyra Твой путь 2016 EuropeRussie 13
Magna Umbra Someone at Your Door 2015 AmériqueBrésil 13
Malacoda Restless dreams 2018 AmériqueCanada 13
Marialena Vanity 2020 EuropeGrèce 13
Masterpiece Colors of conflict 2006 AsieJapon 13
Michael Angelo Batio Hands Without Shadows 2 2009 AmériqueEtats-Unis Tribute to dimebag / Symphony of destruction 13
Midnight Sorrow Pick a Tale 2017 EuropeFrance 13
Mirratal Castaway 2019 EuropeUkraine 13
Mitsein I'll Find My Way 2020 AmériqueBrésil 13
Moi dix mois Reprise 2012 AsieJapon 13
Montany Biogenetic 2013 EuropePays-Bas Without you / Change of seasons / Moment of faith 13
Mystic Prophecy Ravenlord 2011 EuropeAllemagne Eyes of the devil / Wings of destiny / Miracle man 13
Nemesea Uprise 2016 EuropePays-Bas Can't believe it / Bones / Hold on 13
Nereids A message from beyond 2015 EuropeFrance 13
Norwald Madness and heroes 2019 EuropeEspagne 13
Oniromantic Chaos frames 2020 EuropeItalie 13
Onur Hunuma Lumina 2019 Moyen-OrientTurquie Dreams i have seen / The origin / Virtual paradise 13
Operadyse Pandemonium 2013 EuropeFrance Unfold legend / The path of divine / Nevermore 13
Orion's Reign Nuclear winter 2008 EuropeGrèce Nuclear winter / A way out / Last stand 13
Oscar Rangel's Avantgarde Ghost of time 2022 AmériqueCanada 13
Overdream Navigator 2006 EuropeHongrie Navigator / Orient dream / New existance 13
Preludio ancestral Oblivion 2018 AmériqueArgentine Storm / Oblivion / Reflection in the wind 13
Primal Fear Unbreakable 2012 EuropeAllemagne 13
Primal Fear 16.6 (Before The Devil Knows You're Dead) 2009 EuropeAllemagne Night after night / The exorcist 13
Primitivity Evolution 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13
Promise land Harmony in ruins 2014 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13
Rammstein Liebe ist für alle da 2009 EuropeAllemagne Pussy / Liebe ist für alle da / Mehr 13
Reasons behind The alpha memory 2014 EuropeItalie With your light / Starlight in the shades / 1000 fading lives 13
Regicide Viorus 2004 EuropeAllemagne Behind his eyes / The fragrance / An embracing space part II 13
Reign of the architect Rise 2013 Moyen-OrientIsraël 13
Revolution Renaissance Trinity 2010 EuropeFinlande Marching with the fools / Dreamchild / Trinity 13
Rivendel's requiem Dawn is breaking 2016 AmériqueMexique 13
Roman so words Roman's 2018 AsieJapon Ballad of starlight / Lycoris / Echo tear 13
Royal Hunt Cast In Stone 2018 EuropeDanemark The last soul alive / The wishing well / Rest in peace 13
Royal Hunt X 2010 EuropeDanemark The well / Shadowman / Falling down 13
Ruins of elysium Amphitrite : Ancient sanctuary in the sea 2021 International 13
Sabaton Attero Dominatus 2006 EuropeSuède Nuclear attack / We burn / Back in control 13
Sabaton Primo Victoria 2005 EuropeSuède Panzer battalion / Counterstrike / Metal Machine 13
Samael Hegemony 2017 EuropeSuisse Angel of wrath / Black supremacy / Dictate of transparency 13
Samael Lux mundi 2011 EuropeSuisse Luxferre / For a thousand years / Soul invictus / 13
Satcconnia The tree of wishes 2017 EuropeEspagne 13
Scarlet valse Metamorphosis 2019 AsieJapon Metamorphosis / Fushico / Silhouette 13
Secrets of sin Future memories 2013 EuropeAllemagne 13
Sentire Time and motion 2019 EuropeRoyaume-Uni 13
Seraphim Rising 2007 AsieTaïwan Hope / Permanence / Time 13
Serious Black Magic 2017 International I can do magic / Mr nightmist / Newfound freedom / 13
Seven Kingdoms The Fire Is Mine 2012 AmériqueEtats-Unis After the fall / Symphony of stars / Fragil minds collide 13
Seventh wonder The Great Escape 2010 EuropeSuède Alley cat / King of whitewater / Move on through 13
SideQuest Myths and constellations 2014 EuropeEspagne Dragons die killing / The zodiac war I / The zodiac war II 13
Siegfried Niebelung 2009 EuropeAutriche Die prophezeihung / Brunhild / Dar todesmarsch 13
Sin Isomer Burst into Isomer 2017 AsieJapon Quiet sky / The last spell / Future king 13
Siren's cry Scattered horizons 2012 EuropeAutriche 13
Skadika Frozen legends 2013 EuropeAllemagne 13
Skies over Bethany Lapse 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis Panopticon / Consequence / Inculcation 13
Skywings The advent melody 2018 AsieJapon In bloom / Death element / Thousand force 13
Sonata Arctica Pariahs Child 2014 EuropeFinlande The wolves die young / What did you do in the war, dad ? / Blood 13
Sons Of Seasons Gods Of Vermin 2009 EuropeAllemagne Gods of vermin / Fall of byzanz / Third moon rising 13
SoulMarket Running from fears 2012 EuropeUkraine 13
Spirit descending Creatures of habit 2015 AmériqueEtats-Unis 13
Spiritale (ex Trinity falls) Life for a dream 2016 EuropeRussie 13
Star insight Messara 2014 EuropeFinlande 13
Suddenlash Soul's revenge 2013 EuropeEspagne 13
Suncrown You are not alone 2014 International Grandfather's song / Primordial call / Sometimes this life 13
Sunterra Graceful tunes 2005 EuropeAutriche 13
SWMM Trail of the fallen 2020 EuropeNorvège Trail of the fallen / Hymn of the lost lord / Queen anne's revenge 13
Temple of your soul For all 2012 EuropeAllemagne 13
Thaurorod Coast of gold 2018 EuropeFinlande Coast of gold / Into the flood / Illuminati 13
The L-Train Moonrise 2013 OcéanieAustralie Harmony / Battle of sun and moon / Harmony restored 13
Therion Beloved Antichrist 2018 EuropeSuède Night reborn / Remaining silent / Astral sophia 13
Therion Les Fleurs Du Mal 2012 EuropeSuède [Reprises] 13
Trans-Siberian Orchestra Night Castle 2009 AmériqueEtats-Unis Mozart and memories / Moonlight and madness / Carmina burana 13
Twilight guardians Wasteland 2004 EuropeFinlande Angels / Kings of the Wasteland / Hellward 13
Ultimatium Hwainoo 2008 EuropeFinlande Set the sails / On the edge / Whispers 13
Villagers of Ioannina City Age Of Aquarius 2020 EuropeGrèce 13
Vital science Imaginations on the Subject of Infinity 2014 International The last trial / Black judgment day / Prayer to survive 13
Walk in darkness Welcome to the new world 2019 EuropeItalie 13
Widows rite Volume 1 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis Escape / Deadly charade / The infinite 13
Winter's Verge Tales Of Tragedy 2010 EuropeChypre Old man's wish / Envy / Tomorrow's dawn 13
Woods of Wonders Lost 2022 EuropePays-Bas The pirate queens / The dragon slayer / The darkness 13
Xandria Kill the sun 2003 EuropeAllemagne She's nirvana / Wisdom / Isis-Osiris 13
Dmitriy Chebotarev Thousand Dreams 2016 EuropeRussie 12.75
Eicca Toppinen Black Ice 2007 EuropeFinlande 12.75
Exsaints Forgiveness 2018 EuropeFinlande 12.75
Fallen symphony Moonspell 2015 AmériqueUruguay 12.75
Forgotten Realm Power and Glory 2008 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12.75
Lies of the machine Freakshow 2016 EuropeHongrie 12.75
Maese Tor Anthems of the metal alliance 2021 EuropeEspagne 12.75
Odes of ecstasy Deceitful Melody 2000 EuropeGrèce 12.75
Rossometile Ostara 2022 EuropeItalie 12.75
Tears of heaven Gothesque 2022 EuropeRussie 12.75
Tiers Ensaam New kingdom symphony 2014 AmériqueMexique 12.75
Wilderun Epigone 2022 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12.75
Aural Cadence Aural Cadence 2022 EuropeFinlande 12.5
Dark spark Noční jezdec 2017 EuropeRépublique Tchèque 12.5
From the sky Rex 2021 EuropeHongrie 12.5
Lachaise In a state of oblivion 2012 EuropeItalie 12.5
Master Dy Legacy of Satan 2022 EuropePortugal 12.5
NatusSumMori Missa Mori 2021 EuropeAllemagne 12.5
Promises In the pharmacy 2007 EuropeRépublique Tchèque 12.5
Serpentyne Angel of the night 2019 EuropeRoyaume-Uni 12.5
Storm III 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12.5
Winter's eve Shards 2010 EuropeRoyaume-Uni 12.5
2Cellos In2ition 2013 Croatie / EuropeSlovénie [Reprises] 12
Ad Astra (1) Open Wide 2012 EuropeHongrie 12
Adastreia That Which Lies Within 2007 EuropeRoyaume-Uni A new light 12
Agate Black Soul 2010 EuropeNorvège 12
Akiko Shikata Raka 2006 AsieJapon 12
Alestorm Black Sails At Midnight 2009 EuropeRoyaume-Uni 12
Alestorm Captain Morgan's Revenge 2008 EuropeRoyaume-Uni 12
Altaria Unholy 2009 EuropeFinlande Unholy invasion / Wind beneath my wings 12
Amaran A World Depraved 2004 EuropeSuède Faith healer / Little victory 12
Ancient prophecy Testimony 2019 EuropeAllemagne 12
Angel Dust Enlighten The Darkness 2000 EuropeAllemagne Come into resistance / Cross of hatred 12
Angra Fireworks 1998 AmériqueBrésil Mystery Machine 12
Angra Holy Land 1996 AmériqueBrésil Nothing to say 12
Anthemon Dystopia 2005 EuropeFrance 12
Anwynn Forbidden songs 2012 EuropeBelgique 12
Apocalyptica Mettalica played by four cellos 1996 EuropeFinlande [Reprises de Mettalica] 12
Arcandia Arcandia 2014 EuropeItalie 12
Ascension Far Beyond the Stars 2012 EuropeRoyaume-Uni Blackthorne / Heavenly / Orb of the moons 12
Autumn tears The Glow of Desperation 2021 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Axel Rudi Pell Knights call 2018 EuropeAllemagne 12
Axel Rudi Pell Circle Of The Oath 2012 EuropeAllemagne 12
Axel Rudi Pell Tales of the Crown 2008 EuropeAllemagne 12
Axenstar Aftermath 2011 EuropeSuède The escape / Aftermath 12
Axenstar Far from heaven 2003 EuropeSuède Infernal angel / Far from heaven 12
Axenstar Perpetual twilight 2002 EuropeSuède Scars / Confess thy sins 12
Azagthoth Pendragon Fight for the Kingdom 2021 AmériqueMexique 12
Battlelore The Return of shadow 2022 EuropeFinlande 12
Battlelore Doombound 2011 EuropeFinlande 12
Battlelore The Last Alliance 2008 EuropeFinlande 12
Battlelore Evernight 2007 EuropeFinlande Summon the wolves / Beneath the waves 12
Battlelore Where The Shadows Lie 2002 EuropeFinlande Swordmaster / Raging gobelins 12
Beyond forgiveness The great wall 2017 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Blood of Indigo Dawn of the Shaded World 2022 AmériqueCanada 12
Breitenhold Secret worlds 2014 EuropeSuède 12
Carlos Lichman Genocide 2010 AmériqueBrésil 12
Carmilla Morte Morte di vampiria 2010 AmériqueColombie 12
Chaostar The Undivided Light 2018 EuropeGrèce 12
Chinchilla Take No Prisoners 2004 EuropeAllemagne The almighty power / Rich hounds 12
Christopher vizcarra Reins of Victory 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Claws From Ashes Rise 2014 EuropeFrance 12
Crown of sorrow Exile 2015 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Crystal Eyes Chained 2008 EuropeSuède 12
Daniele Morra The burden 2018 EuropeItalie 12
Dark Moor Origins 2018 EuropeEspagne 12
Dawn of dreams Eidolon 2001 EuropeAutriche 12
De-Illumination Onibarjo 2010 AsieBengladesh 12
Delight Breaking Ground (2007) 2007 EuropePologne Sleep with the light on / More / Your name 12
Delight Od Nowa (2004) 2004 EuropePologne Od Nowa / Mam dosc 12
Delight Last temptation (2000) 2000 EuropePologne Revelation of a sinner / The shapes and the shadows 12
Delirion Silent Symphony 2009 EuropeEspagne Eternal light 12
Devildriver The Last Kind Words 2007 AmériqueEtats-Unis Clouds over california / These fighting words / Monsters of the deep 12
Dharma storm Not an abyss prey 2017 EuropeItalie 12
Dragonhammer Blood of the Dragon 2001 EuropeItalie Age of glory 12
Dunkelmind Memory II 2018 EuropeEspagne 12
Edenbridge Sunrise in Eden 2000 EuropeAutriche Midnight at noon / My last step beyond 12
Edguy The Savage Poetry 1995 EuropeAllemagne 12
Elanor Way of the sword 2020 EuropeHongrie 12
Eldritch El nino 1998 EuropeItalie 12
Eldritch Headquake 1997 EuropeItalie 12
Eldritch Seeds of Rage 1995 EuropeItalie 12
Elementaria Strašák 2016 EuropeRépublique Tchèque 12
Emphasis Soul transfer 2018 Estonie 12
Enferia Unsound Dimensions 2014 EuropeSuède 12
Errant shadow Errant shadow 2016 EuropeItalie 12
Esperoza Aum Corrupted 2016 EuropeMoldavie 12
Evergrey Solitude Dominance Tragedy (1999) 1999 EuropeSuède 12
Evergrey The dark discovery (1998) 1998 EuropeSuède 12
Falconer From A Dying Ember 2020 EuropeSuède 12
Falconer Among Beggars And Thieves 2008 EuropeSuède 12
Falconer The Sceptre Of Deception 2003 EuropeSuède 12
Falconer Falconer 2001 EuropeSuède 12
Fates Warning Theories of Flight 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Fates Warning Darkness In A Different Light 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Firewind Burning Earth 2003 EuropeGrèce 12
Firewind Between heaven and hell 2002 EuropeGrèce 12
Flowing Tears Razorbliss 2004 EuropeAllemagne 12
Galadriel World under World 2004 EuropeSlovaquie 12
Galderia The Universality 2012 EuropeFrance Universality / Sundancers / Ocean of light 12
Gates of oblivion Mirrored reflections 2012 EuropeSuisse 12
Gladius Sky Ex Metallo 2015 AmériqueCanada 12
Hades Rebirth of the myth 2019 EuropeEspagne 12
Haggard Eppur Si Muove 2004 EuropeAllemagne 12
HammerFall Built to Last 2016 EuropeSuède 12
HammerFall No Sacrifice No Victory 2009 EuropeSuède 12
HammerFall Chapter V Unbent Unbowed Unbroken 2005 EuropeSuède 12
HammerFall Crimson Thunder 2004 EuropeSuède 12
HammerFall Renegade 2000 EuropeSuède 12
Harmony Dreaming Awake 2003 EuropeSuède 12
HB The battle of god 2011 EuropeFinlande 12
Highlord When The Aurora Falls 2000 EuropeItalie 12
Infinitus Mortus Transmutationis 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Insania Sunrise in Riverland 2001 EuropeSuède 12
Jelonek Jelonek 2007 EuropePologne 12
Jimi Mitchell's Dark Fantasy Majestic Nightmares, Pt. 1 2014 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Jorn Dio 2010 EuropeNorvège 12
Kaledon Antillius The King Of The Light 2014 EuropeItalie 12
Kaledon The Last Night On The Battlefield 2010 EuropeItalie 12
Kaledon A New Era Begins 2008 EuropeItalie 12
Kaledon Twilight of the Gods 2006 EuropeItalie 12
Kaledon The Way of Light 2005 EuropeItalie 12
Kaledon The King's Rescue 2003 EuropeItalie 12
Kaledon The Destruction 2002 EuropeItalie 12
Kamelot The Fourth Legacy 2000 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Kardinal Sin Victorious 2017 EuropeSuède 12
Karelia Usual tragedy 2004 EuropeFrance 12
Katrina Canciones de cuna para los niños muertos 2019 AmériqueMexique 12
Kerion Holy Creatures Quest 2007 EuropeFrance 12
Knights of Round Eternity 2007 AsieJapon 12
Lacuna coil In a reverie 1999 EuropeItalie 12
Lady Kate Tears of love 2017 EuropeRépublique Tchèque 12
Lanfear The Code Inherited 2016 EuropeAllemagne 12
Lanfear X to the Power of Ten 2008 EuropeAllemagne 12
Last Tribe The Ritual 2001 EuropeSuède 12
Leaves' eyes King Of Kings 2015 International 12
Lucas Mucciante's Thunderball Illusions 2022 EuropeFrance 12
Lux purus Chaos creates 2015 EuropeCroatie 12
Luziard In perpetua cycle 2018 AmériqueMexique 12
Lyriel Autumntales 2006 EuropeAllemagne 12
Lyriel Prisonworld 2005 EuropeAllemagne 12
Mad Mav The Fiddler queen 2012 EuropeAllemagne 12
Maeve of Connacht Imaginary Tales 2000 EuropeItalie 12
Magica Center Of The Great Unknown 2012 EuropeRoumanie 12
Magica Wolves And Witches 2008 EuropeRoumanie 12
Magica Lightseeker 2004 EuropeRoumanie 12
Magnifiqat Il più antico dei giorni 2004 EuropeItalie 12
Maldurin All Hail Caranthur 2021 EuropeAllemagne 12
Mario Turis Shadow shatter 2015 EuropeSlovénie 12
Marty Friedman Wall of Sound 2017 AmériqueEtats-Unis Whiteworm 12
Mena Brinno Icy Muse 2007 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Motto Perpetuo Perpetual Time 2009 EuropeEspagne 12
Munarheim Willens & frei 2019 EuropeAllemagne 12
Mystic Prophecy Savage Souls 2006 EuropeAllemagne 12
Mystic Prophecy Regressus 2003 EuropeAllemagne 12
Mystic Prophecy Vengeance 2001 EuropeAllemagne 12
Naio ssaion Out loud 2005 EuropeSlovénie 12
Naio ssaion Numedia 2004 EuropeSlovénie 12
Narnia The Great Fall 2003 EuropeSuède 12
Narnia Desert Land 2001 EuropeSuède 12
Narnia Long Live The King 1999 EuropeSuède 12
Narnia Awakening 1998 EuropeSuède 12
Nebulosa XY Entre el miedo y la verdad, Pt. 3: Epílogo 2017 EuropeEspagne 12
Neptunian horizon Descent 2011 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Neverland (dreamtone & Iris) Ophidia 2010 International 12
Nightscape Symphony Of The Night 2005 EuropeSuède 12
Noamuthen The beginning 2016 EuropeHongrie 12
Norther Mirror Of Madness 2003 EuropeFinlande 12
Nota profana The devil's playground 2013 AmériqueVenezuela 12
Númenor Chronicles from the realms beyond 2017 EuropeSerbie 12
Obscured by shadows Nuh atmospheric era 2016 AmériqueArgentine 12
Opera Magna Poe 2010 EuropeEspagne 12
Opera queen Phantasmagoric Symphony 2018 AmériqueBrésil 12
Operatika The calling 2008 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Opeth Ghost Reveries 2005 EuropeSuède 12
Orphanage Inside 2001 EuropePays-Bas 12
Orphanage Oblivion 1995 EuropePays-Bas 12
Overcrown Higher 2006 EuropeItalie 12
Petroleum Verbalia 2022 EuropeRépublique Tchèque 12
Rain Fell Within Believe 2000 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Rammstein Zeit 2022 EuropeAllemagne Schwarz / Giftig / Zick Zack 12
Raubtier Det Finns Bara Krig 2009 EuropeSuède 12
Revolution Renaissance Age of Aquarius 2009 EuropeFinlande 12
Salieri Černobyl 2020 EuropeRépublique Tchèque 12
Samael Passage 1996 EuropeSuisse 12
Seven Kingdoms Seven Kingdoms 2010 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Seven Seals …of contradiction 2012 EuropeBélarus 12
Shadow mask Talking to the Night 2000 AmériqueBrésil 12
Shadows entwined Divine darkness 2009 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Siegfried Nibelung 2009 EuropeAutriche 12
Skylark Twilights Of Sand 2012 EuropeItalie 12
Skylark Divine Gates III - The last Gate 2007 EuropeItalie 12
Skylark Divine Gates II - Gate Of Heaven 2000 EuropeItalie 12
Skylark Divine Gates I - Gate Of Hell 1999 EuropeItalie 12
Slania Proof of existence 2016 AmériqueArgentine 12
Solsticio Lost souls 2012 AmériqueArgentine 12
Staccato A new century 2003 AmériqueArgentine 12
Stravaganzza Primer Acto 2004 EuropeEspagne 12
Symphony X The Damnation Game 1995 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Symphony X Symphony X 1994 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Tad Morose A Mended Rhyme 1997 EuropeSuède 12
Tarja Breath From Heaven 2006 EuropeFinlande 12
Teräsbetoni Myrskyntuoja 2008 EuropeFinlande 12
Teräsbetoni Vaadimme Metallia 2006 EuropeFinlande 12
Teräsbetoni Metallitotuus 2005 EuropeFinlande 12
Tersivel Workship of gods 2017 AmériqueArgentine 12
The Gentle storm The diary 2015 EuropePays-Bas 12
The redhead project Matters of the heart 2017 EuropeRoyaume-Uni 12
Thor Hammer of justice 2019 AmériqueCanada 12
To the mountains Struggle of ages 2017 AmériqueCanada 12
Tower of fire This Time It's on Fire 2016 OcéanieAustralie 12
Twilight guardians Tales of the brave 2000 EuropeFinlande 12
Under sanity's bane A cosmic tragedy 2014 EuropeAllemagne 12
Vanishing Point Tangled In Dream 2000 OcéanieAustralie 12
Vanishing Point In Thought 1999 OcéanieAustralie 12
Veil of Conspiracy (ex Astral domine) Me, us and them 2019 EuropeItalie 12
Veil of delusions Untold dimensions 2020 EuropePays-Bas 12
Veritas infinita Essence of life 2014 EuropePays-Bas 12
Viper solfa Carving an icon 2015 EuropeNorvège 12
Waves of amphitrite World maker 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Whispering Tales Echoes of Perversion 2011 EuropeFrance 12
White empress Rise of the empress 2014 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Without fate Without fate 2016 AmériqueCanada 12
Wizard Fallen kings 2017 EuropeAllemagne 12
Wolfcry Power Within 2001 EuropeGrèce 12
Words unspoken Inside emotions 2016 International 12
X Opus The epiphany 2011 AmériqueEtats-Unis 12
Yngwie Malmsteen Attack!! 2002 EuropeSuède 12
Энимор Не для нас 2013 EuropeRussie 12
Blackthorn Witch cult ternion 2015 EuropeRussie 11.5
Boguslaw Balcerak's Crylord Human heredity 2022 EuropePologne 11.5
DS Powerstorm Thirteen 2013 EuropeRussie 11.5
Heonia Portraits 2015 EuropeFrance 11.5
Poetica Somnus Tormentum 2013 EuropeNorvège 11.5
The CNK L'hymne à la joie 2007 EuropeFrance 11.5
Black Ground Project One 2020 EuropeAllemagne 11.25
7 thorns Glow of dawn 2007 EuropeDanemark 11
Acta vira Brain freeze 2014 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
Akyrviron Harmony's Bastion 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
Alan King Project King of flames 2021 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
Alantia Nova Zembla 2019 EuropePays-Bas 11
Andadarius Between the Shadows 2017 AmériqueMexique 11
Aragonit Astraleum 2012 EuropeAllemagne 11
Aranrunt Time's Out… 2013 EuropeUkraine 11
Armaga From black abyss 2015 EuropeRussie 11
Avenged Sevenfold City of Evil (Advance) 2005 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
Beautiful darkness Where the moonlight is my sun 2018 EuropeAllemagne 11
Bill Leverty Divided We Fall 2020 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
Black Vatican Arcana Lament 2020 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
Cantata Sangui On Rituals and Correspondence in Constructed Realities 2009 EuropeFinlande 11
Christopher Lee Charlemagne : By the Sword and the Cross 2010 EuropeRoyaume-Uni The bloody verdict of Verden 11
Chronicler Veiled in infinite illusions 2019 EuropeFinlande 11
Cremisi Dawn of a New Era 2019 EuropeItalie 11
Daniel Martin & The Infamous A Taste of madness 2018 AmériqueCanada 11
Dark Wizardry Stream of Memories 2021 EuropeAllemagne 11
Demonic symphony Frozen Tears 2006 EuropeAllemagne 11
Dryadia Skies of mirrors 2018 AmériqueMexique 11
Dunwich Heilagmanoth 2008 EuropeItalie 11
Exsecror vecordia Pesadilla 2014 AmériqueMexique 11
Fjoergyn Monument Ende 2013 EuropeAllemagne 11
Hidden [Anti]Utopia 2014 EuropeRussie 11
Highlord Heir of power 1999 EuropeItalie 11
Homerik Homerik 2017 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
Horus Inferno 2020 AmériqueHonduras 11
Howling Sycamore Seven Pathways to Annihilation 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
Humavoid Lidless 2020 EuropeFinlande 11
Iliastrum He Who Does Not Break 2016 EuropeRussie 11
Jacobs dream Beneath The Shadows 2009 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
Julien Martinoia The insight 2016 EuropeFrance 11
Kamelot Siege Perilous 1998 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
KerecsenSólyom Aquileia Ostroma 2010 EuropeHongrie 11
Kivimetsän Druidi Betrayal, Justice, Revenge 2010 EuropeFinlande 11
Le Grand guignol The Great maddening 2007 EuropeAllemagne 11
Leaves' eyes Meredead 2011 International 11
Mørke Melancholia 2019 EuropeNorvège 11
Mundus noster Phantasmagoria 2022 EuropePologne 11
Mysterain After the End of the Valley 2016 AsieChine 11
Neverwinter Air Castle 2019 AmériqueBrésil 11
Nightland Obsession 2015 EuropeItalie 11
Norther Death Unlimited 2004 EuropeFinlande 11
Norther Unleash Hell 2003 EuropeFinlande 11
Norther Dreams Of Endless War 2002 EuropeFinlande 11
Seven Kingdoms Brothers Of The Night 2007 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
Skyfall Sleeping forest 2020 EuropeSuède 11
Stormlord Far 2019 EuropeItalie 11
Strange dream Manifest content 2022 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
Stravaganzza Sentimentos 2005 EuropeEspagne 11
Synthia Passage through the dark 2021 AmériqueCanada 11
Theatre of tragedy Theatre of Tragedy 1995 EuropeNorvège 11
Therion Symphony Masses 1993 EuropeSuède 11
Trelleborg Lands of njord 2010 EuropeRussie 11
Trocaria Mors ab alto 2016 AmériqueEtats-Unis 11
Vanguard X Mortem Amberosia 2018 EuropeFrance 11
Xaarian Secreta Vetitum II 2020 EuropeRoyaume-Uni 11
Xerath III 2014 EuropeRoyaume-Uni 11
Zatreon Shemhamphorae 2013 AfriqueEgypte 11
100 remords Le Feu en moi 2019 AmériqueCanada 10
Azeroth Historias y leyendas 2010 AmériqueArgentine 10
Cruachan Pagan 2004 EuropeIrlande 10
Diablo Swing Orchestra Swagger & Stroll down the rabbit hole 2021 EuropeSuède 10
Edguy Kingdom Of Madness 1997 EuropeAllemagne 10
Epica The Score - An Epic Journey 2005 EuropePays-Bas [B.O du film Joyride] 10
Firewind Nocturnal symphony 1999 EuropeGrèce 10
Norther Till Death Us Unites 2006 EuropeFinlande 10
Profane Burial The rosewater park legend 2018 EuropeNorvège 10
Samael Above 2009 EuropeSuisse 10
Samael Ceremony Of Opposites 1994 EuropeSuisse 10
Sinfónica Borsque eterno 2019 AmériqueArgentine 10
Vannister Embrace the death 2019 AmériqueMexique 10
Gromth The Immortal 2011 EuropeNorvège
Kris Di Natale and Dragon's Fury Thor 2017 AmériqueMexique
Samael Blood Ritual 1992 EuropeSuisse
Samael Worship Him 1990 EuropeSuisse
[Saint] Camelot I 2021 EuropeUkraine
【MU:】 Discovery of Avalon 2014 AsieJapon
3/4 неба EuropeRussie
4th Circle Worlds 2020 EuropeFrance
503 bad gateway AsieJapon
A Clockwork Opera EuropeRoyaume-Uni
A Piece of Orpheus EuropePays-Bas
A thought unleashed EuropeAllemagne
Aamon EuropeRoumanie
Aavah AmériqueBrésil
Ab Aeterno AmériqueEtats-Unis
Abaddon The Wayfarer 2014 EuropeAllemagne
Abadoom AmériqueColombie
Aberrant vascular Aegisthus 2012 EuropeFinlande
Abracadabra AmériqueParaguay
Abrasantia Forgotten Rituals 2015 AmériqueArgentine
Abstracted mind AmériqueArgentine
Abyss ex agares Genesis 2017 AmériqueNicaragua
Aces Hidup 1989 AsieSingapour
Achilla Timeless 2013 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Acts of Tranquillity EuropeSuède
Ad Astra (2) Between Souls and Dreams 2006 EuropeEspagne
Ad inferi AmériqueBrésil
Ad libitum AmériqueSalvador
Adae EuropeEspagne
Adagio del limbo AmériqueArgentine
Adalheidis EuropeFrance
Adam worrell Real music 2004 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Adana Project Veradardz 2020 Moyen-OrientArménie
Adastia EuropeRoumanie
Admiral deathship EuropeBelgique
Adolpha EuropeFinlande
Adrya EuropeHongrie
Adyta EuropeNorvège
AEA EuropeFrance
Aemerald Shadows of a past life 2002 EuropeItalie
Aeon Sun EuropeRoumanie
Aeonyzhar EuropeAllemagne
Aeryth AmériqueChili
Æsir EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Aesma Daeva The Eros Of Frigid Beauty 2002 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Aesma Daeva Here Lies One Whose Name Was Written In Water 1999 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Ætheria EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Affector Harmagedon 2012 International
Afirence EuropeRussie
After Image AsieJapon
After the darkness EuropeRussie
After the overture AmériqueEtats-Unis
After the storm AmériqueEtats-Unis
AfterGod EuropeItalie
Afterpain The Endless Cycle 2020 AmériqueArgentine
AfterTime AmériqueEtats-Unis
Age of glory EuropeSuède
Age of Sinfonia AsieSingapour
Agharta Shades of Secrets 1992 EuropePays-Bas
Agnódice Agnódice 2017 EuropeEspagne
Agogh EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Aihisna 天空都市の機械天使 Ⅰ 2019 AsieJapon
Aihisna Bloody mary 2018 AsieJapon
Aither EuropeItalie
Akashic A brand new day 2005 AmériqueBrésil
Akheth International
Al Andalus EuropeAllemagne
Al Candello Shades and shadows 2002 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Alas Absolute Purity 2001 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Alastria EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Alatyr EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Alchemy chamber Opus I : Stuble movements fro within 2018 AmériqueCanada
Aldren liebe AmériqueBrésil
Aleph AmériqueBrésil
Àletrun Nordursaga : Stormur 2014 EuropeAllemagne
Alexander Koller's Salvator EuropeAutriche
Alexandrite EuropeRussie
Alhana Tündértánc 2005 EuropeHongrie
Alia EuropeItalie
Alibech AmériqueMexique
Alina AfriqueMadagascar
Alkemyst Through Painful Lanes 2008 EuropeFrance
Alkemyst Meeting in the Mist 2003 EuropeFrance
Allegorist EuropeBulgarie
Alleri ahe Moyen-OrientTurquie
Älma AmériqueMexique
Almä AmériqueMexique
Almond Pheuz Dadjal 2012 2011 AsieIndonésie
Almôra Kıyamet Senfonisi 2008 Moyen-OrientTurquie
Alogia Secret spheres of art 2005 EuropeSerbie
Altar Un lugar sin nombre 2015 AmériqueCosta Rica
Alte eris Відчувай 2011 EuropeUkraine
Altharya The Oasis Fib, a Cosmic Sail 2007 Moyen-OrientIsraël
Altiom AmériqueEtats-Unis
Alux Illusory dimension 2013 AmériqueMexique
AM Moyen-OrientIsraël
Aman AsieMalaisie
Amaranth EuropeRussie
Amaranth AsieIndonésie
Amaranth Inc. EuropeRussie
Amaranthys EuropeFrance
Amaterasu EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Amatory Revolutionare of Triple Six 2013 AsieIndonésie
Amazon Victoria Regia 2005 AmériqueBrésil
Ambeon Fate of a Dreamer 2001 EuropePays-Bas
Amerta Believe in the miracle 2006 AsieIndonésie
Ametheon EuropePays-Bas
Amnesia Inception 2014 EuropeRussie
Amon Amarth With Oden On Our Side 2006 EuropeSuède
Amortem Mechanica 2018 EuropeRussie
Amsvartnit Phantasya 2005 EuropeItalie
Amyr abadawn The new chapter 2021 AsieSingapour
Ana Blanché EuropeEspagne
Anabanta La bella y la bestia 2021 AmériqueMexique
Anama Anama 2018 AmériqueBrésil
Anamentra AmériqueEtats-Unis
Anaphora Réalité virtuelle 2010 EuropeFrance
Anastasya Death before love against 2015 AsieIndonésie
Anatomy of the Sacred AmériqueEtats-Unis
Anatta Eternal Truth Is Anatta 2012 AsieThaïlande
Ancestral sign Driving Through the Hell 2010 EuropeEspagne
Ancient desire EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Ancient Realm EuropeEspagne
Ancient waters Isjerna 2023 EuropeAllemagne
Ancient wyrm EuropeItalie
Anckora Virus 2019 EuropeRussie
André Andersen Oceanview 2003 EuropeDanemark
Android soul Disappointing paradise 2008 EuropePays-Bas
Anexiz AmériqueMexique
Anfitrite AmériqueVenezuela
Angaschmäng Angaschmäng 2010 EuropeAllemagne
Angel A Woman's Diary 2005 EuropePays-Bas
Angel heart Angel heart 2018 EuropeNorvège
Angel smile EuropeSuisse
Angel Song AmériqueArgentine
Angelcorpus AmériqueColombie
Angelfell Vae Victis 2023 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Angelia Cerca del cielo 2022 AmériqueChili
Angélida La liga onírica 2012 EuropeEspagne
Angélida La liga onírica 2012 EuropeEspagne
Angel's Sorrow Whisper of the evil 2011 EuropePologne
Angels' temptation Anthem of the Angels 2021 AsieJapon
Angelus AmériqueVenezuela
Angker Datang dalam Cahayamu 2015 AsieIndonésie
Anima aeterna EuropeEspagne
Ánima de Luz El Fin del hombre 2019 AmériqueMexique
Aniron AmériqueArgentine
Annam Nam quốc sử ca 2021 AsieVietnam
Annatar EuropePays-Bas
Annysia The Dark Knight 2017 EuropeEspagne
Ansuz Ansuz 2009 AmériqueMexique
Ante mortem EuropeFinlande
Anthea AmériqueEtats-Unis
Anthirya EuropeItalie
Anthurium Cinematic visions 2009 EuropeEspagne
Anthyma EuropeItalie
Antiglare Bloodmoon surf 2004 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Anurak Mistake 2019 EuropeEspagne
Aphelium AmériqueVenezuela
Apologeos Ópera prima 2013 AmériqueEquateur
Appearance of Nothing A New Beginning 2014 EuropeSuisse
Aquarius EuropeFrance
Ara'kus Aeterno Elementum 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Arania EuropeNorvège
Arastral AmériqueVenezuela
Arcadia EuropeFrance
Arcane rain Nevermore 2015 EuropeAllemagne
Arcane tales Power of the sky 2019 EuropeItalie
Archantia EuropeEspagne
Architekt Eons of domination 2014 EuropeFrance
Archmage Draconia 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Ardagona Ardagona 2023 EuropeRussie
Arduinna's dawn EuropeLuxembourg
Area51 Goddess 2010 AsieJapon
Aresea EuropeItalie
Argos Miasfera 2018 AmériqueCosta Rica
Aria Flame AmériqueEtats-Unis
Ariabl'eyes 穢れなき瑠璃色のローゼンクロイツ 2018 AsieJapon
Arkana fen International
Arkyon International
Armageddon Master of peace 2020 EuropeSerbie
Armian Undefiled 2020 Moyen-OrientLiban
Art cube Luxurious cube 2009 AsieJapon
Artemis AsieTaïwan
Artemis & Apollo EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Artful Vanity EuropeCroatie
Aryavarta The Signs of the Times 2005 EuropeRussie
Asgard AmériqueCuba
Ashen All We Will See 2012 EuropePays-Bas
Ashentide AmériqueEtats-Unis
Ashenveil AmériqueEtats-Unis
Asphodelia Welcome Apocalypse 2018 EuropeItalie
Aspic Stars collide 2019 AmériqueSalvador
Aspire In defiance of fortune 2009 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Asterius A Moment of Singularity 2003 EuropeAllemagne
Asterius A Moment of singularity 2003 EuropeAllemagne
Astraeus EuropeRussie
Astral dive EuropeItalie
Asylum Pyre Spirited Away 2015 EuropeFrance
At infinitum At infinitum 2009 AmériqueColombie
Ataxia Ataxia 2008 AsieIndonésie
Ater Letum AmériqueBrésil
Athemesis AmériqueColombie
Atmas AmériqueChili
Atmosfairy EuropeFrance
Atrorium AmériqueBrésil
Atsushi yokozeki Jet Destiny 2014 AsieJapon
Attila Goth The Shadow Behind True Life 2012 AsieIndonésie
Aura Вдохновение 2013 EuropeRussie
Aura Nine AsieIndonésie
Auracle EuropePays-Bas
Australis Penumbra austral 2017 AmériqueChili
Autumn Dream Autumn Dream 2015 EuropeEspagne
Autumns Black Majesty AmériqueEtats-Unis
Autumn's Mourning EuropeSuède
Avalon burning AmériqueCanada
Avariel The dawn 2010 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Avrela Скоро рассвет 2018 EuropeRussie
Awaken the Hydra The passage 2020 EuropePays-Bas
Axis Mundi EuropePays-Bas
Ayin Aleph To be or not to die 2022 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Azteca AmériqueMexique
Balance Of Power Heathen Machine 2005 EuropePays-Bas
Balflare Tempest 2006 AsieJapon
Baranduin EuropeFinlande
Bards beyond time EuropeSuisse
Barock EuropeDanemark
Barok-projekto Sovaĝa Animo 2016 AmériqueBrésil
Barry Kuzay The Movers of the World 2021 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Battering ram EuropeBelgique
Battle symphony War on earth 2022 EuropeGrèce
Beauty of Night Sisi kelam 2016 AsieIndonésie
Become ethereal AmériqueEtats-Unis
Behind the shadows Demons 2017 EuropeGrèce
Belcute AsieJapon
Belet seri Perpetua 2021 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Belhaven EuropePologne
Belial War AmériqueBrésil
Bellatorium AmériqueBolivie
Bellatorivm AmériqueBolivie
Ben baruk What love is thath ? 2020 AmériqueBrésil
Ben Kuzay Stream of Consciousness 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Ben sebastian Kalasin III 2020 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Bengawan flame Bengawan flame 2016 AsieIndonésie
Betelgesa EuropePologne
Beyond Boundaries International
Beyond Dreams AmériquePuerto Rico
Beyond God All Strings Attached 2019 EuropePays-Bas
Beyond the forest EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Bhayu Sapoetra Bhayu Sapoetra 2018 AsieIndonésie
Black Harlequin EuropeItalie
Black knight symfonia Ancestral torments 2013 EuropeMonaco
Black rose kingdom Black roses 2017 AsieJapon
Black Sapphyre EuropePortugal
Black Stars Falling No More Now and Never Forever 2018 EuropeAllemagne
Black Storm Odyssey 2016 EuropeItalie
Black tears Past, now, future 2003 EuropeFrance
Black warrior Последний суд 2005 EuropeRussie
Blacksmith hammer AsieJapon
Bladesong AmériqueEtats-Unis
Blueberry Симфония стихий 2013 EuropeRussie
Border's burial EuropeRussie
Boréas Opus 1 2017 EuropePays-Bas
Bride adorned Blessed stillness ? 2004 EuropeFinlande
BrightStorm Through the Gates 2017 AmériqueBrésil
Bring to bear EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Burning bird AsieJapon
Burning eden EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Burning In Hell Believe 2006 AmériqueBrésil
Cacophony AmériqueEtats-Unis
Cadmium EuropeFrance
Caedeous Obscurus perpetua 2022 EuropePortugal
Cage Darker than Black 2003 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Calaspia EuropePays-Bas
Calibre infinite Crowned with guilt 2016 EuropeAllemagne
Camboja AsieIndonésie
Capriccio AsieTaïwan
Carpe Diem Victoriano 2017 AmériqueColombie
Cassiopeia EuropePays-Bas
Castle in the air AsieJapon
Cat of nine tails AmériqueEtats-Unis
Catgod AsieJapon
Cathar EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Catwitch Faces 2004 OcéanieAustralie
Cave in depth AsieJapon
Celestia Celestia 2016 EuropeEspagne
Celestial dream EuropeAllemagne
Celestial phoenix AmériqueChili
Cella'Door Dämmerung 2015 EuropeAllemagne
Cem köksal Moyen-OrientTurquie
Cerberus EuropeGrèce
Cerridwen AmériqueEtats-Unis
Chains of Sanity EuropeRussie
Chambercrypt AmériqueEtats-Unis
Chant ancestral Four seasons running 2003 EuropeItalie
Chaos o sanctuary AsieJapon
Chapter II EuropeSuisse
Chejron EuropePologne
Chernobyl Time Is Over 2020 AmériqueEquateur
Child of the night EuropeFinlande
Children of the Frost EuropeFinlande
Children of tragedy An Orchestration in hesteria 2005 AmériqueCanada
Chrysalis EuropeRussie
Churlish Porter What Lies Beyond 2009 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Cien Reyes Sinfonía de la creación 2007 AmériqueArgentine
Clair de lune AmériqueSalvador
clashing harmony Dark Moon Rising 2020 EuropeAutriche
Clockwork Heart EuropeRussie
Clouds of sadness EuropeBelgique
Cold embrace AsieJapon
Cold embrace EuropePays-Bas
Concept of time EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Conspiracy of seven EuropePays-Bas
Conspiria EuropeAllemagne
Core of Creation EuropeCroatie
Courthouse EuropeSlovaquie
Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day 2003 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Cradle of Filth Midian 2000 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Cradle of Filth Cruelty And The Beast 1998 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Cradle of Filth The Principle of Evil Made Fle 1994 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Cran arcanaria AsieJapon
Creatures of dawn EuropeHongrie
Crimson EuropeFinlande
Crimson Ice EuropePologne
Crinitus EuropeAllemagne
Cristal dream Reaching the dream 2016 AsieIndonésie
Cristal of nite アテルイ - Aterui 2009 AsieJapon
Crosswind Vicious dominion 2014 EuropeGrèce
Crows of Agartha Inner Earth 2019 AmériqueArgentine
Cruentuz Beyond freedom 2006 AmériqueMexique
Crusado Orchestra Sjunde 2016 AsieChine
Crux Elapse with relapse 2014 AsieCorée du Sud
Cryonic Temple Immortal 2008 EuropeSuède
Cryonic Temple Blood Guts and Glory 2003 EuropeSuède
Cryosphere Frostbitten Eternity 1999 EuropeAutriche
Crystal gates AmériqueUruguay
Cursed dimension Ancient encounters with a type III civilization 2020 AmériqueCanada
Curvature AmériqueEtats-Unis
Cut veins AmériqueMexique
Cypher16 The great surveyor 2015 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
D Zmei 2021 AsieJapon
D Tafel Anatomie 2006 AsieJapon
Daegonian EuropeItalie
Dakuri AmériqueMexique
Damiano's elysium The land beyond dreams 2016 AmériqueCanada
Damïr Gêddes EuropeEspagne
Dandelium EuropeEspagne
Danilo Ciamprone Delerium tremens 2019 EuropeItalie
D'Arch Moyen-OrientTurquie
Dark angels Venomous Embrace 2017 EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Dark dawn project EuropeFinlande
Dark diamonds Das gift 2008 EuropeAllemagne
Dark Eden EuropeSuède
Dark horse | White horse EuropePays-Bas
Dark of groth EuropeRussie
Dark reflections Surfaces 2000 EuropeAllemagne
Dark reverie Bring forth the light 2017 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Dark season Valley of desecration 2004 AmériqueBrésil
Dark Tranquility Fiction 2007 EuropeSuède
Dark Tranquility Lost to Apathy 2004 EuropeSuède
Dark veneris EuropeItalie
Darkroom ritual EuropeSuède
DarkSense Inspiration 2017 EuropeRussie
Darkwell Metatron 2004 EuropeAutriche
David Garrett Rock Symphonies 2010 EuropeAllemagne
Dawn of Morgana AmériqueEtats-Unis
Dawn of sorrow Mirror 2019 EuropeAllemagne
Day of atonement Hari penebusan dosa 2008 AsieIndonésie
Daybreak EuropeSlovaquie
De.mented EuropeAllemagne
DeadImage AmériqueBrésil
Deadly embrace EuropeAutriche
DeadOpera EuropeItalie
Deadwinter's child EuropeFinlande
Dear sinner Faith 2014 AsieThaïlande
December 9th Art mind destruction 2010 EuropeRussie
Deep in fantasia 怨恨のティアマト 2015 AsieJapon
Deep stare EuropeRépublique Tchèque
De-Light Ob Session 2019 EuropeRussie
Delusion EuropeUkraine
Demons & wizards Touched By The Crimson King 2005 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Demons & wizards Demons & Wizards 2000 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Densyou-Kagekidan The brave 2006 AsieJapon
D'Erlanger Roneve 2019 AsieJapon
DerZilen AmériqueMexique
Desdaemona Starcrossed 2016 EuropeItalie
DesDemon AmériqueEtats-Unis
Desolace divine EuropePays-Bas
Despair Ancient Source 2017 EuropeRussie
Despairhate Requiem for the innocent 2013 EuropeFrance
Desperation New world obscurity 2014 EuropeAllemagne
Destrania Divine Archaic Lore 2020 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Devil doll Dies irae 1996 International
Devonian EuropePortugal
Diamond dust EuropeFrance
Die after day End of fall 2013 EuropeFrance
Dies ire Legend of nhor part I 2001 EuropeItalie
Different World Wonderful World 2005 EuropePologne
Dilechmoor EuropeAllemagne
Dimansion Room one 2008 EuropeGrèce
Dimmu Borgir Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia 2001 EuropeNorvège
Dimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness Triumphant 1997 EuropeNorvège
Disanhellium Exite et coagula 2017 AmériqueBolivie
Discordia AmériqueEtats-Unis
Disease Defeating Scheme - Becoming Divine 2009 EuropeLettonie
Dismal Euphony All Litlle devils 1999 EuropeNorvège
Diversity of darkness EuropeAllemagne
Divine insanity Akka 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Divine martyr AmériqueEtats-Unis
Divine tragedy The awakening 2005 EuropeBelgique
Domine of empires AmériqueArgentine
Dominium mortis AmériqueArgentine
Dominus Inferi Age of darkness 2008 AmériqueArgentine
Đông Đô Máu thắm da vàng 2013 AsieVietnam
Draculea AsieJapon
Draculea (ex Bible Black) AsieJapon
Draculea (ex Bible black) AsieJapon
Dragón Blanco The hamelin duality 2016 AmériqueVenezuela
Dragon Guardian 少年騎士と3人の少女の英雄詩 2015 AsieJapon
Dragon Guardian Shinjitsu No Sekihi 2010 AsieJapon
Dragon tears AsieJapon
Dragonfly Falling down 2005 EuropePays-Bas
DragonHarp EuropeItalie
Dragonsfire Visions of fire 2008 EuropeAllemagne
Dragonspell EuropeRussie
Dragony Legends 2012 EuropeAutriche
Drakkar When Lightning Strike 2012 EuropeItalie
Drakon Fire walk with me 2018 EuropePologne
Drama & Delirio AmériqueUruguay
Dream Catcher EuropePays-Bas
Dream epic Twilight of december 2011 EuropeSerbie
Dreamlost Psychomedia 2009 EuropeFrance
Dreams of Sanity The Game 2000 EuropeAutriche
Dreams of victory EuropeUkraine
Dreamscore EuropeAllemagne
DreamSpell Звёздная кровь 2017 EuropeRussie
Dregoth EuropeLuxembourg
Dremora AmériqueEtats-Unis
Duel of fate Dont' leave this world 2006 AmériquePuerto Rico
Duilliath AmériqueEtats-Unis
Dusk Meridian AmériqueEtats-Unis
Dying Sun AmériqueMexique
E Nora EuropeFrance
E.G.O EuropeItalie
Eagleheart Moments Of Life 2008 EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Eagon EuropeItalie
Eärendil At the Gates of Solstice 2011 AmériqueSalvador
Eastern warrior AsieIndonésie
Echonald Változunk 2018 EuropeHongrie
Echthirion Psalms of the risen dead 2018 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Eclipseed La blessure 2013 AsieJapon
Eddy Antonini When water became ice 1998 EuropeItalie
Eden prayer EuropeBelgique
Edenfall EuropeFrance
Ederia EuropeItalie
Edge of eternity Edge of eternity 2011 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Edward Johnson AsieJapon
Egeria EuropePays-Bas
Eidon Stolen time 2018 EuropeFrance
Eihwaz Amadeus 2012 EuropeRussie
Ekzistencia The storm master 2008 EuropeUkraine
Eldehenor EuropeEspagne
Eldeweiss AsieIndonésie
Eldfaerd EuropeSuède
Electric chair EuropePologne
Elegacy Impressions 2005 EuropeItalie
Elegant rose King and queen 2011 EuropeItalie
Eleventh Ocean Eleventh Ocean 2012 AmériqueArgentine
Elfensjón AsieJapon
Elferya The Straight And Narrow 2013 EuropeSuisse
Elis Dark Clouds In a Perfect Sky 2004 EuropeLiechtenstein
Elis God's Silence, Devil's Temptation 2003 EuropeLiechtenstein
Elitania INRI 2019 AmériqueMexique
Elivtyr (Hexennacht) Kaïlenval 2011 AmériqueCanada
Elleanore EuropePays-Bas
Else Death strike 2011 AmériqueGuatemala
Elsong A lámpások népének regéje 2015 EuropeHongrie
Elvenpath Pieces of Fate 2015 EuropeAllemagne
ElvenStorm Of Rage And War 2011 EuropeFrance
Elyose Déviante 2023 EuropeFrance
Elysium echoes Into Elysium 2015 AmériqueCanada
Embers of fate EuropeRussie
Embrace depart EuropeGrèce
Embrace the darkness Filosofia, magia (k) & art 2022 AmériqueArgentine
Embracing winds EuropePortugal
Embreca vvalkyrie The Greatest Winter 2012 AsieJapon
Emerada Время тьмы 2013 EuropeRussie
Emerald Sun Escape From Twilght 2007 EuropeGrèce
Emetropia EuropeSuède
Emma pedrahita Path to the awakening 2019 AmériqueColombie
Emnisis International
Empatica EuropePays-Bas
Empires of Eden Songs of War and Vengeance 2009 EuropeAutriche
Empress AmériqueEtats-Unis
Empyrean Soliqoquies of the lost 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Empyreum EuropeFinlande
Enarmonika AmériqueBrésil
Encypted AmériqueEtats-Unis
End of an era EuropeAllemagne
Endless AmériqueArgentine
Endoras The dark legacy 2011 EuropeSuisse
Endymion (1) EuropeFinlande
Endymion (2) EuropePortugal
Eniggma AmériqueBrésil
Enraged AfriqueEgypte
Ensiferum From Afar 2009 EuropeFinlande
Ensiferum Victory Songs 2007 EuropeFinlande
Entropy Echoes from the past 2001 EuropePays-Bas
Enûma Elish AmériqueArgentine
Envinity Purity 2018 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Ephebophilia AsieJapon
Ephemera Послесмертие 2016 EuropeRussie
Ephesar Exordium 2012 EuropeItalie
Epic - the iron philharmonic Aurora Australis 2007 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Epiclore (Endeavour) Labyrinth Alpha 2008 EuropeFinlande
Epicross AsieJapon
Epicsode A Common theories 2021 AsieCorée du Sud
Epsylon EuropeEspagne
Epycenter EuropeBelgique
Equilibrium EuropePays-Bas
Equinox EuropeFrance
Era Divina Reflecții din abis 2020 EuropeRoumanie
Eregion AmériqueArgentine
Erogena Earth's crying 2000 AmériqueMexique
Escapist Hidden momories 2013 AmériqueArgentine
Esperfall EuropeHongrie
Estandarte AmériqueSalvador
Estigia synti Arima ad inferi 2017 AmériqueMexique
Eterknight EuropeFinlande
Eternal serenity In one spirit 1998 EuropePays-Bas
Eternal sleep Black paradise 2011 EuropeAllemagne
Eternal winter EuropeGrèce
Etheria AmériqueEtats-Unis
Etherkall EuropeEspagne
Ethernus Memories from eternity 2011 EuropeRoumanie
Etwas EuropeFrance
Eurasia Global eclipse 2015 AsieThaïlande
Evdemonium Web around us 2010 EuropeRussie
EvenDusk AmériqueBrésil
Ever after EuropeFrance
Everlasting tales AsieMalaisie
Everlight AmériqueMexique
Evil Masquerade Welcome To The Show 2004 EuropeDanemark
Evil Reality EuropeItalie
Evilion Vanity 2009 EuropeFinlande
Evil's desire Initium 2010 EuropePays-Bas
Ex Vivo EuropeRussie
Excelsyum AmériqueNicaragua
Exonaut EuropeFrance
Exorcet Invasión 2007 AmériqueArgentine
Eye of pariah AmériqueEtats-Unis
Eyes of Fenrir Victorious holy war 2009 AsieJapon
Eyes Of Fire Musical orgasms 2004 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Fabio montorzi EuropeItalie
Fabula Noctis EuropeItalie
Fade to black EuropeMacédoine du nord
Faint horizon EuropeAllemagne
Falaris AsieJapon
Falaris AsieJapon
Falling moon EuropeSlovaquie
Falls of despair EuropePortugal
Fantasmyc AmériqueBrésil
Fathomless Skywalker AsieJapon
Fatum Aeternum Luxury overdose 2018 Moyen-OrientIsraël
Fear Factory Digimortal 2001 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Feather crow Arlekin memories 2012 AmériqueMexique
Feridea EuropeFinlande
Fermata EuropeAllemagne
Fields of glass Origins 2010 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Final destiny EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Finis Mentis EuropeFinlande
Firewing Resurrection 2021 International
Five sided room EuropeItalie
Flag of hate White light 2016 AsieIndonésie
Fléau Noir Au bout du monde 2014 AmériqueCanada
Folkearth Viking's Anthem 2010 International
Fomoria EuropeAllemagne
Forever desire EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Forge Heimdall 2018 EuropeSuisse
Forgotten north Kinder des Zorns 2019 EuropeAllemagne
Forgotten Tales All the sinners 2004 AmériqueCanada
Forgotten Tales The Promise 2001 AmériqueCanada
Forgotten tales brotherhood EuropeFrance
Fortis Ventus EuropeGrèce
Fragment of symmetry Beyond the dreams 2009 EuropeSuède
From hell with love EuropeFrance
From the ashes to redemption Unleash the warrior 2016 AmériqueCosta Rica
Frozen splash Твой призрачный мир 2012 EuropeUkraine
Frozen wings EuropeEspagne
Fuego fatuo AmériqueUruguay
Fullforce Next Level 2012 EuropeSuède
Fumihiko Kitsutaka Never Ending Story 2005 AsieJapon
Gabriel the Poet of Doom Nepenthe 2016 EuropeItalie
Gaia Epicus Dark Secrets 2012 EuropeNorvège
Gaia Epicus Damnation 2009 EuropeNorvège
Galathea Аллерген 2014 EuropeRussie
Gallia EuropeBelgique
Gamalyel AmériqueEtats-Unis
Gamma Ray Skeletons In The Closet 2003 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Gamma Ray No World Order 2001 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Gammaray Majestic 2005 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Gandillion The 4th nightingale 2008 EuropePays-Bas
Garden of the lilium AsieJapon
Garuda force AsieIndonésie
Gåte Iselilja 2004 EuropeNorvège
Gate XIII EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Gemini Abyss Regenerate 2015 EuropePologne
Genocya Again 2012 EuropeItalie
George Constantine Kratsas The first alchemist 2020 EuropeGrèce
Geronimo EuropeRussie
Ghost reign In between shadows 2015 EuropeFrance
Ghost warfare Dusk reloaded 2016 EuropeBulgarie
Ghostnail EuropeSuède
Ghosts of Lemuria AmériqueEtats-Unis
Ghostwood EuropeUkraine
Give up the ghost EuropeItalie
Glaciem AmériqueMexique
Gnosi AmériqueColombie
Goldenhall AmériqueEtats-Unis
Gothic aspect EuropeFinlande
Gotthard Need to believe 2009 EuropeSuisse
Grand Magus Triumph and Power 2014 EuropeSuède
Green labyrinth Shadow of my past 2014 EuropeSuisse
Grievious Pusara hati 2013 AsieIndonésie
Grimgotts Dragon of the ages 2019 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Gryla AmériqueEtats-Unis
Guardians' grave EuropeFrance
Gwyllion The edge of all i know 2009 EuropeBelgique
Haggard Awaking the Centuries 2000 EuropeAllemagne
Halach Comenzar de nuevo 2017 AmériqueMexique
Hammo AsieJapon
Harmonium International
Havenlost The passage 2017 EuropeItalie
HavocS Dawn of a dream 2007 EuropeHongrie
Häxan AmériqueArgentine
Head over hell EuropeEspagne
Heaven AmériqueBrésil
Heavenly bride Wonder 2005 EuropePortugal
Heavenshine Black Aurora 2013 EuropeItalie
Heed The Call 2005 EuropeSuède
Heidevolk Uit Oude Grond 2010 EuropePays-Bas
Heimdall Hard As Iron 2004 EuropeItalie
Heliantha EuropeFrance
Hell ever after AmériqueEtats-Unis
Hell hounds AmériqueCanada
Hemifonía Extravagante 2016 AmériqueMexique
Hempírika Mentiras disfrazadas de fe 2016 AmériqueEquateur
Hephesstus AmériqueArgentine
Heretics invasion EuropeUkraine
Héros Redenção 2006 AmériqueBrésil
Herosophy EuropeAllemagne
Hexaglam (ex Sabbath black heretic) AsieJapon
Hisaoh AsieJapon
Hladdarr EuropeRussie
Horkan EuropeFrance
House of fury EuropeFinlande
Hukum karma Belenggu Hidup 2005 AsieIndonésie
Human Fortress Eternal Empire 2008 EuropeAllemagne
Hybrid symphony EuropeRoumanie
Hyena EuropeGrèce
Hymen EuropeFrance
Hyperdoom AmériqueEtats-Unis
Hyperion Monochrome 2007 EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Hypnotica La rebellion del ser 2010 AmériqueColombie
Icaros EuropePays-Bas
Ice edges EuropeAutriche
Iced blade Love in space 2014 AsieJapon
ICeD eARTH Dark Genesis 2002 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Icewind tales EuropeRussie
Ifinity EuropeRussie
Ignia AmériqueUruguay
II Dawn EuropeItalie
Illune EuropeItalie
Illusion Invincible 2006 AsieChine
Imein dargor EuropeFinlande
Immortal Angelica EuropeFinlande
Imperial circus dead decadence 狂おしく咲いた凄惨な骸は奏で、愛おしく裂いた少女は聖餐の詞を謳う 2011 AsieJapon
Imperium of vanity AmériqueChili
In darkness i dwell EuropeBelgique
In Extenso Маятник 2020 EuropeRussie
In Tenebra EuropeItalie
In vain EuropeBelgique
In victory EuropeFinlande
Indikon EuropeItalie
Induction EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Infinity fortress AmériqueEtats-Unis
Ingridi verardo AmériqueBrésil
Inner fear Cäzilia 2022 EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Inner Sea EuropeHongrie
Innocence lost AmériqueBrésil
Innocens Free /us/ 2008 EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Innocent flower EuropeItalie
Inopia EuropeRoumanie
Inside Tragedy AsieJapon
Insidious War EuropeEspagne
Insinistra EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Inspiring EuropeUkraine
Interitus In my hands 2009 EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Inzenith In the abyss of mind 2012 AmériqueChili
Iron maiden A Matter of Life and Death 2006 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Iron Mask Black As Death 2011 EuropeBelgique
Iron savior Megatropolis 2007 EuropeAllemagne
Iron savior Battering Ram 2004 EuropeAllemagne
Isilma Silent dreamers 2007 EuropeNorvège
Isis AsieJapon
Ivan Bertolla Maximum impact 2006 OcéanieAustralie
Ivory Южный крест 2015 EuropeBélarus
Ivory twilight Бъдеще 2014 EuropeBulgarie
Izar EuropeGrèce
J. hiltunen's wings of destiny J. hiltunen's wings of destiny 1996 EuropeFinlande
Jack's family One big disguise 2008 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Jamie whyte Corridor of Eternity 2012 OcéanieAustralie
Jesús Díez Mono no aware 2016 EuropeEspagne
Jesusband Kingdom Come 2004 AsieCorée du Sud
Jha Vie Thou art mine art 2020 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Johann Sebastian Orpheus' Kerubiel …and Then Love Conquered Death 2016 AmériqueColombie
Johansson The Last Viking 1999 EuropeSuède
John Cutrone Trails from the darkness 2013 AmériqueCanada
John Dee Angelus Novus 2008 EuropeAllemagne
Johnny Newman More than ever 2011 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Jonas Hansson Valhallarama 2006 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Jonel Mandres AmériqueEtats-Unis
Jormungand AsieJapon
Joshua van der stam's anaconda Kai Kai Vilu 2007 AmériqueChili
Juglares de fuergo Ignis 2015 EuropeEspagne
Julian's lullaby Prisoner of emotions 2017 EuropeGrèce
Jussi kangas's dragonwing Frame Wars Flame Wars 2011 EuropeFinlande
Kaer Morhen The longest journey 2017 EuropeItalie
Kaira Время тёмных 2021 EuropeBélarus
Kairos Augur Stormbringer 2020 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Kalki avatara EuropeItalie
Kamijo Royal Blood ~Revival Best~ 2015 AsieJapon
Karcinoma The night… apogee of madness 1998 EuropeRussie
Karuna [Dark crystal] EuropeIrlande
Kastlegar AmériqueCanada
Katra Out Of The Ashes 2010 EuropeFinlande
Katra Beast Within 2008 EuropeFinlande
Kattria AsieJapon
Kazanna AsieMalaisie
Kazukichi Ereshkigal 2019 AsieJapon
KB Eterno caminante 2013 AmériqueMexique
Keeper of time EuropeItalie
Keldian Journey Of Souls 2008 EuropeNorvège
Keltarian EuropeFrance
Kereta Keramat AsieIndonésie
Kerix AmériqueBrésil
KiaRa Storyteller 2020 EuropeRussie
Kikidakis S Nickolas The Dangerous Species 2020 EuropeGrèce
Killaneth AsieJapon
Killfor Part of my life (A) 2012 AsieIndonésie
Killswitch Engage As Daylight Dies 2006 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Killswitch Engage The End Of Heartache 2004 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Kingdom divided EuropePays-Bas
Kingfisher Sky Skin of the Earth 2010 EuropePays-Bas
Kingseeker AmériqueCanada
Kiriakos GP Running Out of Time 2019 EuropeGrèce
Kivimetsan Druidi Shadowheart 2008 EuropeFinlande
Klanghör EuropeEspagne
Koivisto EuropeRussie
Korigans EuropeItalie
Korigans EuropeItalie
Korn Untouchable 2002 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Korn KoRn 1994 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Koronis spell EuropeAllemagne
Korpiklaani Karkelo 2009 EuropeFinlande
Koyaanisqatsy From the Yearning to Burst the Perpetual Circle 2000 EuropeAllemagne
Köyliö EuropeFinlande
Kraken EuropeRussie
Kraton The Nusantara chronicles 2013 AsieSingapour
Kratos El grito del amor 2010 AmériqueBolivie
Kreigen EuropeUkraine
Kristine Obertura 2001 AmériqueArgentine
Krom EuropeItalie
Kronoceptor OcéanieAustralie
Krystal dust EuropeFrance
Kwiderach EuropeAllemagne
Kyle Morrison Pianometal 2017 AmériqueEtats-Unis
La Valliére AsieJapon
Lachesis Passato futuro eternità 2017 EuropeItalie
Lacroix Desphères Dernier Paradis - act 2 2010 AsieJapon
Lacroix Desphères Dernier Paradis - act1 2008 AsieJapon
Lacrymae OcéanieAustralie
Lamia EuropePays-Bas
Lamia antitheus EuropeSuède
Lana Lane Secrets Of Astrology 2000 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Lana Lane Garden Of The Moon 1998 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Lana Lane Curious Goods 1996 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Land of Lemuria AmériqueBrésil
Lanewin Autuua 2010 EuropeRussie
Lanthanein Lágrimas 2016 AmériqueArgentine
Lapsit exillis EuropeFrance
Larisa Labyrinth 2013 International
Last code Heritage of pain 2012 EuropeItalie
Last majesty Dreams 2004 AsieIndonésie
Last Will New chapter (A) 2015 EuropeItalie
Lauma Juun Yo 2014 EuropeEspagne
Laverite AsieJapon
Lavinium AmériqueEtats-Unis
Légende Inquisidor 2017 AmériqueMexique
LegendSword Resurrección 2014 AmériqueMexique
Legion Requiem 2020 AmériqueEtats-Unis
LegionSky Vispera belica 2014 AmériqueArgentine
Leiden Empty 2003 EuropeFrance
Leo Figaro Forbidden Concerto 2003 AsieJapon
Leonävicario Roar of the stars 2009 AmériqueMexique
Letharia AsieJapon
Levinia AmériqueEtats-Unis
Libellula Arenas eternas 2017 AmériqueBolivie
Libramentum EuropePays-Bas
Life inside the machine Величие и забвение 2014 EuropeRussie
Light Bringer Midnight Circus 2010 AsieJapon
Light of nova EuropeSuède
Lightning sword EuropeFrance
Lights of nightmares Lights of nightmares 2012 EuropePortugal
Lilium vitae AmériqueBrésil
Limelight project Memory Still Remains 2023 AsieJapon
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory 2000 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Listana Moyen-OrientTurquie
Liv Kristine Enter My Religion 2006 EuropeAllemagne
Loop flame AsieJapon
Lord Bael AmériqueColombie
Lords of Aesir Dream for eternity 2014 AmériqueBrésil
Lords of the Nether AmériqueCanada
Loreleya EuropeRussie
Lost Dawning EuropeSuède
Lost in madness EuropeEspagne
Lost valley AmériqueBrésil
Lostheaven EuropeRussie
Loudstorm Metal Battleroyal 2021 AsieJapon
Lullacry Vol. 4 2005 EuropeFinlande
Lullacry Crucify My Heart 2003 EuropeFinlande
Lullacry Sweet Desire 1999 EuropeFinlande
Luminis AmériqueEtats-Unis
Luminous soundworks AsieJapon
Lumus Bacchus' Curse 2012 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Lunae nocturna Transparency of memories 2004 EuropeFrance
Lunatenebra AmériqueVenezuela
Lust for oblivion EuropeItalie
Lux EuropeFrance
Maelsteria EuropeDanemark
Maestro alex gregory Bach on Steroids! 2009 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Magma Dragon Full Attack Action 2014 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Magma dragon AmériqueEtats-Unis
Mago de oz Ilussia 2014 EuropeEspagne
Mai Yajima Vampiress 2018 AsieJapon
Majestic Dimension Bringers of Evolution 2013 EuropeSuède
Malice Mizer Bara no seidou 2000 AsieJapon
Malice Mizer Merveilles 1998 AsieJapon
Malice Mizer Voyage - Sans retour 1996 AsieJapon
Malice Mizer Mémoire DX 1994 AsieJapon
Malombra The dissolution age 2001 EuropeItalie
Malory AmériqueArgentine
Manach Seherath Timeless tales 2018 EuropeItalie
Mandara EuropeHongrie
Mandoble AmériqueArgentine
Mandragora Scream A Whisper of Dew 2003 EuropeItalie
Mandragora Scream Fairy tells from hell's cave 2001 EuropeItalie
Mandragore EuropeGrèce
Manora EuropePays-Bas
Manticora The Black Circus, Part 2 - Disclosure 2007 2007 EuropeDanemark
Manticora The Black Circus, Part 1 - Letters 2006 2006 EuropeDanemark
Mantikhoras EuropePays-Bas
Marco bartoli's ships of wonder The Road to Forever 2013 EuropeFrance
Marge Litch Fantasien 1998 1998 AsieJapon
Maria'n Rosa AsieJapon
Marrow of kaladrius To elysium 2014 EuropeBelgique
Marywine Necessary evil 2012 EuropePays-Bas
Masakabra EuropePologne
Masquerade of shadows Wolfman 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Matias Francino Rising Agony 2021 AmériqueChili
Matnely Melpómene Parte I 2019 AmériqueMexique
Maverick hunter Maverick hunter 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Max the axe's blazing star EuropeItalie
Maze of heaven EuropeItalie
Maze of shadows EuropeFrance
Measquerage EuropeRussie
Mechanical poet Eidoline : the arrakeen code 2008 EuropeRussie
Medieval art EuropeFinlande
Medyahe El verbo antiguo 2011 AmériqueMexique
Melatonin EuropeSuisse
Melencolia EuropeItalie
Meliae EuropeDanemark
Melona EuropeRussie
Melphomene International
Memento nostri EuropeMalte
Memories of old AmériqueEtats-Unis
Memorized Dreams End of innocence 2007 EuropeNorvège
Mental Symphony Alteración accidental 2011 EuropeEspagne
Mercury eye EuropeItalie
Meridian Beyond the black 2016 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Meridian4 EuropeBelgique
Meridion AmériqueArgentine
Metalfonik Yo soy eso 2013 AmériqueMexique
Metality united AsieJapon
Metallica Ride The Lightning 1984 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Metallimessu Metallimessu 2008 EuropeFinlande
Metatron Leyenda del infinito interno II 2013 AmériqueSalvador
Mexicah AmériqueMexique
Michael Milan Fingerfood 1995 AmériqueCanada
Michael Søbygge Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 2000 EuropeDanemark
Midnattsol The Metamorphosis Melody 2011 EuropeAllemagne
Midnattsol Where Twilight Dwells 2005 EuropeAllemagne
Midnight reign Never look back 2007 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Midnight Sinfini AmériqueEtats-Unis
Midori Jewel's sorrow AsieJapon
Midwinter Foutain of Youth 2004 EuropeFrance
Mikhail Ich hatte viel bekümmernis 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Mind colour Mind colour 2002 EuropeItalie
Minded of Heart EuropeFrance
Mindfield Be-low 2003 EuropeAllemagne
Mindwake EuropeFrance
Minhiriath EuropeSuède
Minna tuusa EuropeFinlande
Minstrel Departure of daydream orbit 2013 AsieTaïwan
Misleading ways Dekade Mensch 2005 EuropeAllemagne
Misliar AsieJapon
Missing limb EuropePays-Bas
Modern Age Storytellers EuropeItalie
Modus inferi AmériqueArgentine
Monarch Woods The Ichorite's Plague 2017 AmériqueCanada
Moon whispers EuropeFrance
Moonlight fear Nereida 2008 EuropeEspagne
Moonlit lazy AsieJapon
Moonlust AmériqueEtats-Unis
MoonWind EuropeRussie
Mordeen EuropeAllemagne
Morganna AmériqueMexique
Morgiana Project EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Morncoth EuropeFinlande
Mörningstar Vikings 2018 AmériqueCanada
Mortal Love I Have Lost 2005 EuropeNorvège
Mortiferia EuropeNorvège
Mortivore EuropePays-Bas
Mortsure Hiver 2016 AmériqueBolivie
Moulk La Théorie du Moulkivers 2018 EuropeFrance
Mr. Bones and the boneyard circus The grand phantasma 2019 AsiePhilippines
Mr. Silent No Silence 2006 EuropeHongrie
Mundilfari The last soul standing 2021 EuropeFrance
My Crystal Sky EuropeRussie
My only desire AsieJapon
My Scarlet Letters EuropeItalie
Mysteria AmériqueArgentine
Mysterium AsieIndonésie
Mysterya Symbiont 2013 EuropeUkraine
Mysthologia EuropeFrance
Mystic opera EuropeFinlande
Mystic twilight The path seldom mortal goes 2009 EuropeItalie
Mythic force Escape from evil 2012 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Mythological cold towers Remoti Meridiani Hymni 2000 AmériqueBrésil
Mythological cold towers The Vanished Pantheon 2005 AmériqueBrésil
Nameless one A moment in time 2005 EuropeSerbie
Navigator Navegantes 2014 AmériqueArgentine
Nébirus Eons 2017 AmériqueChili
Nebuleyes 12 years of stellar pieces 2011 EuropeFrance
Neolithic My beautiful ennemy 2003 EuropePologne
Neospora EuropeSuède
Nerhium AmériqueChili
Nessun Dorma EuropeEspagne
Nether angel AsieJapon
Neurolepsia EuropeFrance
Neuroleptica EuropeRoumanie
Neutrino Lake of stone tears 2018 EuropeRussie
Never Again A Restless Journey 2021 EuropeEspagne
Neverstar I'll Be Waiting 2013 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Nevicate EuropeFinlande
Nevicate EuropeFinlande
Niccolo Abate EuropeItalie
Nico's fleet EuropeItalie
Niflheim Personae 2011 EuropeFrance
Nightfall Kao da ničeg nije bilo 2008 EuropeSerbie
Nightmares &nd comedy The opening &nd tales of obscura 2014 EuropeFrance
Nihilistic Disillusion EuropeItalie
Nikta EuropeRussie
Niovel Long Way from Neverland 2022 EuropeAllemagne
Nisea Alohan'ny hikipiako 2017 AfriqueMadagascar
Nith Amanecer 2018 AmériqueMexique
No credits left EuropeAllemagne
Noctambulath Cronica de un vil y seductor ritual 2010 AmériqueVenezuela
Noctis cithara AmériqueEtats-Unis
Nocturna EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Nocturnal symphony AmériqueEtats-Unis
Nocturne moonrise Nocturne moonrise 2014 AsieTaïwan
Node of Scherzo AsieJapon
Nodens EuropeBelgique
Noel Husser's tell me who i am EuropeAllemagne
Nokturnon EuropePologne
Nordic twilight EuropeFinlande
Norifumi Shima From the Womb to the Tomb 2008 AsieJapon
Norman k. anderson Casa de Chihuahua 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Nosgoth Lines of Sorrow 2006 EuropeAutriche
Nostaria EuropeFrance
Nota amara У черты 2014 EuropeRussie
Noturna Diablerie 2005 AmériqueBrésil
NouseyesuoN Death Is Nothing to Us 2020 AmériqueBrésil
NovaLotus AmériqueBrésil
Novemberry EuropeRussie
Nuiterra EuropeRussie
Nyame EuropeEspagne
Oberon OcéanieAustralie
Oblivion awaits Winter is coming 2008 EuropeSerbie
Oblivion's garden Seed 2013 EuropeEspagne
Octavia Sperati Winter Enclosure 2005 EuropeNorvège
Octavus lupus EuropeFrance
Octobers fate AmériqueEtats-Unis
Oculus EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Offertorium EuropeMoldavie
Ogma EuropeRussie
Oïkoumen EuropeFrance
Onatra EuropeUkraine
Once there was EuropeSuède
Onderah EuropeRoumanie
Onyria Feed the monster 2022 EuropeItalie
Opera fantasia Начало истории 2013 EuropeRussie
Operatika element The calling 2008 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Opereth sin EuropeItalie
Opus EuropeFrance
Opus arise Revelation 2016 AmériqueCanada
Opus Gaia AmériqueUruguay
Oracles oath A dragons tale 2008 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Oratory Beyond Earth 2003 EuropePortugal
Originy EuropeFinlande
Orion riders A new dawn 2004 EuropeItalie
Orionys EuropeFrance
Orkhys EuropeFrance
Orkyd orchestra EuropeAllemagne
Orpharion Moyen-OrientTurquie
Orpheus Effect AmériqueEtats-Unis
Oscuriam La séptima jerarquía 2013 AmériqueMexique
Oscuriam (ex Ecliptika) La séptima jerarquía 2013 AmériqueMexique
Ossidiana EuropeItalie
Ossonor EuropeFrance
Paganyny AmériqueColombie
Pagliacci EuropeBulgarie
Palace of Roses AsieJapon
Pallas Athena EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Pandora's key EuropePays-Bas
Paréidolia EuropeFrance
Passionworks Blue Play 2006 EuropeFinlande
Passionworks Passion Play 2003 EuropeFinlande
Past undone EuropePortugal
Patrick Rondat An Ephemeral World 2004 EuropeFrance
Perfect symmetry EuropeAllemagne
Perpetua AmériqueArgentine
Persevere AmériqueArgentine
Persona Animal 2021 AfriqueTunisie
Persuader When eden burns 2006 EuropeSuède
Pertapa The magic of supernatural 2014 AsieIndonésie
Phoenix & dragon AmériqueEtats-Unis
Phoenix in fire The path to eternity 2019 EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Pillars of eternity AmériqueBrésil
Pilummm AmériqueArgentine
Plagueland Dark festival 2022 EuropeBelgique
Planida XII 2016 EuropeRussie
Poema (The slime) EuropeCroatie
Poeticus severus Fulgor Sombrio 2023 AmériqueBrésil
Pologize The eden's curse 2014 EuropeFrance
Portal desire EuropeRussie
Portals of glory AmériqueArgentine
Powerdong EuropeNorvège
Powerslaves EuropePologne
Praeludium EuropeDanemark
Praetorian AmériqueEtats-Unis
Pratanallis Holy fragments 2018 AsieJapon
Prekathia The first akashic memory 2015 AmériqueMexique
Pretium doloris EuropeFrance
Priesress EuropeAllemagne
Prime prophecy Dark side of heaven 2011 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Project MSK Ghost in the Machine 2022 EuropeFinlande
Prominence AsieCorée du Sud
Prophet EuropePologne
Proxima centauri Colors of Universe 2020 EuropePologne
Proyecto Aslan AmériqueArgentine
Pugna sinistra EuropeEspagne
Puissance Grace of god 2007 EuropeSuède
Qreha's gothical sinfonia AsieJapon
Quantika AmériqueBrésil
R.D.S.K. Apocalypse of Mind 2011 EuropeFrance
Rafflesia AsieIndonésie
Rage Black In Mind 2002 EuropeAllemagne
Rage Welcome To The Other Side 2001 EuropeAllemagne
Rage Against The Machine Renegades 2000 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Rage Against The Machine Rage Against The Machine 1992 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Rai ilander Rai ilander 2012 EuropeEspagne
Rain feel within Refuge 2002 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Rainborn EuropeAllemagne
Rainknight EuropeEspagne
Random Eyes Invisible 2008 EuropeFinlande
Randy blair AmériqueEtats-Unis
Raven lands The frozen tears of angels pt.I 2013 EuropeEspagne
Ravenhill EuropeSlovaquie
Ravenlight EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Ravian EuropeAllemagne
Ravies Капля в бесконечность 2012 EuropeRussie
Raw Diabolus in musica 2006 EuropeAutriche
Re:alice AsieJapon
Realms of odoric Third age 2018 International
Rebeligion Existence Imperfect 2014 AmériqueBrésil
Recovering International
Red dawn Death or glory 2006 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Redhead AsieJapon
Reflexion Edge 2010 EuropeFinlande
Reinxeed Higher 2009 EuropeSuède
Reinxeed The Light 2008 EuropeSuède
Rekindle the fire AsieChine
Remember the light EuropeFrance
Réquiem para un Ángel AmériqueMexique
Resonecia AsieJapon
ReVamp ReVamp 2010 EuropePays-Bas
Revelance EuropeRussie
Revengin Cymatics 2012 AmériqueBrésil
Rêverie Wandel 2011 EuropeAllemagne
Rex dei Dragon rider 2017 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Rhenium EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Rhymes of destruction A sun revolution 1999 EuropeBelgique
Rhythm god พระเจ้าช่วยด้วย 1995 AsieThaïlande
Rich staats The void 2020 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Richard andersson's space odyssey Tears of the Sun 2006 EuropeSuède
Rip van wincle AsieJapon
Rising revolution AmériqueEtats-Unis
Rizzi AmériqueBrésil
Roman krokus kříž Silence 2012 EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Romance curse EuropeItalie
Rosa antica Seven 2007 EuropeItalie
Rosenkreuz Genesis ~Tuzzy Muzzy~ 2010 AsieJapon
Rubén Peña EuropeEspagne
Rudolf bittner Home of Illusions 2016 EuropeAllemagne
Runa Llena Aon 2022 EuropeEspagne
Runic Liar flags 2006 EuropeEspagne
Running Wild Rogues en Vogue 2005 EuropeAllemagne
Sabi nightsongs AmériqueArgentine
Sabinas rex A rock opera 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Sacramental wine EuropeBélarus
Sacraria EuropeRussie
Sacred serenity EuropeCroatie
Sacriversum Sigma Draconis 2004 EuropePologne
Sad alice said EuropeUkraine
Sages recital The winter symphony 2016 International
Sahara Dust EuropePays-Bas
Sainte Ombre Cornélia 2013 EuropeFrance
Salvator EuropeAutriche
Samhain Real evil 2016 EuropeRussie
Sanctuarium AmériqueColombie
Sanctus AsiePhillipines
Sanguinosa AmériqueBrésil
Saphenous EuropeAllemagne
Sapphire Dreams Мирам навстречу 2022 EuropeRussie
Sator square Sator square 2008 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Satra EuropeFinlande
Satygriall AmériqueChili
Save my name Дойти до трёх 2020 EuropeRussie
Saviour Machine Legends III:I 2001 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Sazzad arefeen angrymachine Operation angrymachine 2016 AsieBengladesh
Scarlet desire International
Scarlet Heart Memory Scar 2010 AmériqueMexique
Scarlet storm EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Scars of Chaos Humanitarian War Machine 2007 EuropeFrance
Schraapstaal EuropePays-Bas
Scigod OcéanieAustralie
Seaskeleton AmériqueEtats-Unis
Secilia luna AsieJapon
Second empire AmériqueEtats-Unis
Sedd Juntos 2014 AmériqueArgentine
Seductive enigma EuropeAllemagne
Seed of sadness EuropeGrèce
Segle XIII Entre dos mons 2004 EuropeEspagne
Seiphian EuropePays-Bas
Senfonya Moyen-OrientTurquie
Sengir Sign Of Devotion 2006 EuropeBelgique
Sensorium EuropeItalie
Sentido pésame AmériqueMexique
Septem voices Суть 2017 EuropeRussie
Septum Quiet… Listen ! 2013 AmériqueCuba
Seraphita Persona and shadow 1990 AsieJapon
Settima Draconis Legio 2013 EuropeItalie
Seven waters EuropePays-Bas
Seventh Avenue Terium 2008 EuropeAllemagne
Seventh seal The sacred test 2008 EuropeItalie
Severnica EuropeFinlande
Shadöccult AmériqueCanada
Shadow liege AmériqueEtats-Unis
Shadow mask International
ShadoWhispers Mara 2019 EuropeLuxembourg
Shalott AmériqueMexique
Shaylon AmériqueEtats-Unis
Sheckles forlorn Indonesia 2016 AsieIndonésie
Shining edge AsieJapon
Shining Fury Another Life 2006 EuropeItalie
Shiningstar EuropeRussie
Sibelius Bipolar 2020 AmériqueVenezuela
Siberius 1212 2015 EuropeRussie
Sick carnival Furorum 2018 AmériqueMexique
Silence Materia 1999 EuropeFrance
Silence City (Nights) 2012 EuropeFrance
Silencio en fa AmériqueMexique
Silent sun AmériqueEtats-Unis
Silent tears EuropeSlovaquie
Silent utopia EuropeBelgique
Silver Claw AsieJapon
Silvercast Beautiful mess 2020 EuropeRussie
Silverimage EuropeNorvège
Simeria EuropeFrance
Sin after sin AmériqueMexique
Sinister grace AmériqueEtats-Unis
Sinners moon Atlantis 2015 EuropeSlovaquie
Sirius eclipse EuropeRussie
Siti nurbaya Leluhur 2015 AsieIndonésie
Six minute century Wasting Time 2013 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Skeptical Minds Rent To Kill 2005 EuropeBelgique
Skydome Activate dream 2015 AmériquePuerto Rico
Skyline symmetry EuropeAllemagne
Sky's shadow Romeo & Juliet 2010 EuropeAllemagne
Snowite Heather 2005 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Snowkid Skyrunner 2013 EuropeFinlande
Sober up ! EuropeRussie
Sol negate AmériqueEtats-Unis
Solar signs Wait me at dusk 1999 EuropeRussie
Solreid Цена открытий 2016 EuropeRussie
Somnia Moyen-OrientIsraël
Sonata nocturna EuropeEspagne
Sonetos Sonetos 2019 AmériqueChili
Sonneillon EuropePologne
Sons of nephilim AmériqueMexique
SonusVena EuropePologne
Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows Sanatorium Altrosa 2008 EuropeAllemagne
Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows Les Fleurs du Mal 2007 EuropeAllemagne
Sorrowspirit EuropeFinlande
Sort engel EuropeEspagne
Soul of rain RAINcarnatioN 2019 EuropeUkraine
Soulitude Destroy All Humans 2008 EuropeEspagne
Soulitude The Crawlian Supremacy 2006 EuropeEspagne
SoulMirror EuropeHongrie
Sound keeper Whispers of decay 2017 AmériqueMexique
Sounds of insane music EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Source of sorrow Road to ruin 2010 EuropeAllemagne
SpellBlast Battlecry 2010 EuropeItalie
Spellcaster AsieMalaisie
Splintered soul EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Staccato The who dared 2005 EuropeRoumanie
Stàilinn Drakk EuropePays-Bas
Star queen Your true self 2004 EuropeBulgarie
Starbreeeze N7 2013 EuropeRussie
Steel violin EuropeItalie
Stellar void EuropeRussie
Stellar wind EuropeRussie
Stonehenge (1) EuropeDanemark
Stonehenge (2) OcéanieNouvelle-Zélande
Stonehenge (3) EuropeRussie
Stormbound Moyen-OrientIsraël
Stormbreaker Храм недопетой хвалы 2015 EuropeRussie
Stormwarrior Heading Northe 2008 EuropeAllemagne
Stormwind Rising symphony 2003 EuropeSuède
Stormwind Reflections 2001 EuropeSuède
Stormwind Stargate 1998 EuropeSuède
Strain of chaos EuropeGrèce
Stream Of Passion Embrace The Storm 2005 EuropePays-Bas
Suada Time drops 2010 EuropeBelgique
Subotovsky - trombini Metal project 2005 AmériqueArgentine
Sungate Neverending silence of the Pompee 2001 EuropeSlovaquie
Sunrise Trust Your Soul 2010 EuropeUkraine
Supernal prophecy AmériqueEtats-Unis
Suspyre The Sylvery Image 2005 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Svovel Fading 2016 EuropeNorvège
Swallowtail Northern requiem 2011 AsieJapon
Swan christy A Decent Album 2005 EuropeGrèce
Sword coast EuropeRussie
Sylver myst Emotions revealed 2006 EuropePays-Bas
Symbiotic systems Unheard-of Tales 2013 EuropeAllemagne
Symforia EuropeGrèce
Symphia EuropeEspagne
Sympho desert Ложь времён 2011 EuropeRussie
Symphonia EuropeItalie
Symphonia (melonia) Satria Naga 2008 AsieMalaisie
Symphony of elegy AsieIndonésie
Symphony of shadows EuropeFinlande
Symphovania Moyen-OrientJordanie
Tales of perdition EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Tales of the old EuropeGrèce
Tamer İşli Projects Yasef 2022 Moyen-OrientTurquie
Tanker Life ifs the best writer ever 2012 EuropeRépublique Tchèque
Tarot For glory of nothing 1998 EuropeFinlande
Tarot Suffer our pleasures 2003 EuropeFinlande
Tempest skies AmériqueEtats-Unis
Tenebrae Liber de Murus 2003 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Teos EuropeBélarus
Tervaskanto EuropeFinlande
Tezarchaeon EuropeRoyaume-Uni
The Abaddyon project AmériqueArgentine
The Aerium Song for the dead king 2004 EuropeRussie
The Aesthetic project EuropeItalie
The aquarius Страшные сказки 2013 EuropeRussie
The arcane legacy EuropeRépublique Tchèque
The blood countess AmériqueEtats-Unis
The Doom Police Sands of time 2019 OcéanieAustralie
The great adventure EuropeRussie
The Heavy metal orchestra Conductive metal 2019 AmériqueEtats-Unis
The instrumetal syndicate EuropePays-Bas
The Lament EuropeRussie
The Legion of Hetheria The Gate 2003 AmériqueMexique
The Mist of Avalon Here and after 2000 EuropeSuède
The Mystery hall The Voyager Through the Void 2005 EuropeEspagne
The nocturnal trap EuropeAllemagne
The orcus Estonie
The reverie AmériqueEtats-Unis
The Rose of Lilith AmériqueEtats-Unis
The sins of thy beloved Lake of sorrow 1998 EuropeNorvège
The storm Estonie
The Symphonic wings of tragedy AmériqueCanada
The symphony A New Beginning 2013 AmériqueBrésil
The unforclosure The sleeper 2016 EuropeItalie
Theomania Bury them alive 2018 EuropeFinlande
Thevon EuropeBelgique
Thirst of blood Warriors of the Light 2017 AsieIndonésie
Thomas bressel Covers from Purgatory 2017 EuropeFrance
Threads of fate AmériqueEtats-Unis
Thrist of blood Warriors of the light 2017 AsieIndonésie
Thundercross EuropeItalie
Tiamat Prey 2003 EuropeSuède
Tiamat Judas Christ 2002 EuropeSuède
Tiamat Skeleton Skeletron 1999 EuropeSuède
Tiamat A Deeper Kind Of Slumber 1997 EuropeSuède
Tiamat Wildhoney 1994 EuropeSuède
Tiamat Clouds 1992 EuropeSuède
Tiamat The Astral Sleep 1991 EuropeSuède
Tiamat Sumerian Cry Part 1990 EuropeSuède
Tierra Santa Mejor Morir En Pie 2006 EuropeEspagne
Tim merrick (Second Reflection) Army of ghosts 2008 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Time scenario EuropeGrèce
Timeless Miracle Into The Enchanted Chamber 2005 EuropeSuède
Timeless rage EuropeAllemagne
Tomb of the pharaoh Visions 2019 OcéanieAustralie
Tony MacAlpine Premonition 1994 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Torquemada EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Torquemada Delirium 2005 EuropeRussie
Tourniquet Where Moth And Rust Destroy 2003 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Tragul International
Transdellic AmériqueMexique
Transentience EuropePays-Bas
Triangulum EuropePays-Bas
Trickbook &Ripper 2018 AsieJapon
True mind EuropeRoumanie
Twenty3Fifty The Count, Act I 2009 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Twenty3fifty9 The Count, Act I - The Soul of a Prisoner 2009 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Twilight illusion EuropeSuède
Twilight opus EuropeFrance
Twilight Symphony Crossed dimensions 2003 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Twins of metal MorCar 2018 EuropeEspagne
Tyrannical symphony Beyond a dream 2006 AsieIndonésie
Ueickap Stereotyped 2006 EuropeItalie
Ultimate fate EuropeSuède
Umzac AmériqueColombie
Uncreated light Чья вина… 2009 EuropeUkraine
Undead countess AmériqueMexique
UnderHeaven EuropeRussie
Underverse EuropeFinlande
Unforeseen motion Serendipity 2019 EuropePays-Bas
Unicorn death AmériqueEtats-Unis
Unisonic Ignition 2012 EuropeAllemagne
Unisonic Unisonic 2012 EuropeAllemagne
Universe manifesto AmériqueMexique
Unlumination EuropePologne
Unreal AmériqueArgentine
Unshine Earth magick 2005 EuropeFinlande
Utópica Memorias de ficción 2016 AmériqueArgentine
Vagrant AmériqueEtats-Unis
Valaverante EuropeRussie
Vàlinor EuropeEspagne
Valjeta Moyen-OrientTurquie
Valkaya Oceanpath 2022 EuropeFinlande
Valkiria The pathway 2004 AmériqueChili
Valley of the moon EuropeRussie
Vanadis EuropePays-Bas
Vandalis Vandalis 1993 AmériqueArgentine
Vangloria Arcannus Redemption 2018 AmériqueBrésil
Vanguard Succumbra 2005 EuropeFinlande
Vanishine Tears from the sun 2015 EuropeEspagne
Vanyar EuropeItalie
Vanyar EuropeItalie
Venice in vain Venice in vain 2005 EuropeItalie
Venin noir In pieces on the lunar soil 2003 AmériqueBrésil
Verde lauro 6 aprile 2017 International
Verona septima EuropeFinlande
Versailles Jubilee (2010) 2010 AsieJapon
Versailles Noble (2008) 2008 AsieJapon
Vicious Rumors Warball (2006) 2006 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Víctor de Andrés Gloria y fortuna 2014 EuropeEspagne
Victorian Revival 2012 EuropePologne
Victorian The journey 2015 AsieIndonésie
Victum AmériqueMexique
Vigdis EuropeItalie
Villainthropy EuropeSuède
Villieläin Julma satu 2009 EuropeFinlande
Violet's diadem EuropeRussie
Viracocha The Beginning 1999 EuropeItalie
Virgin of graces EuropeItalie
Virgin steele Nocturnes Of Hellfire & Damnation 2015 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Virgin steele The Black Light Bacchanalia 2010 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Virgin steele Visions of eden 2007 EuropeEspagne
Virgin steele The Book Of Burning 2001 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Visigothika EuropeEspagne
Vital essence AmériqueColombie
Viz So beautifully human 2019 EuropeItalie
Voice of Oblivion EuropeBélarus
Vorticis AmériqueBrésil
Vrylnia AmériqueCanada
W.E.B Colosseum 2021 EuropeGrèce
Waiting silence Argent spiral 2009 AsieJapon
Wakefull nights EuropeAllemagne
WarCry La Quinta Esencia 2006 EuropeNorvège
Warren Robert Mysteries of the invisible 2011 AmériqueCanada
Waterdream EuropeSuisse
Way of thorns EuropePologne
Web of wyrd EuropeSuède
Where Angels Fall Redemption 2014 EuropeNorvège
Whisper from heaven AmériqueEtats-Unis
Whispers AsieIndonésie
Whispers of fate Embrace my winter 2010 EuropeItalie
White mirror EuropeItalie
Wicca …​De cenizas y recuerdos 2012 AmériqueMexique
Wild garden EuropeUkraine
William cesar AmériqueBrésil
Windham hell Reflective Depths Imbibe 1999 AmériqueEtats-Unis
Wings of victory The Dark Kingdom 2022 AmériqueMexique
Winter Haven Godslayer 2012 AmériqueMexique
Winter haze The storm within 2009 EuropeItalie
Winter night AmériqueGuatemala
Winter souls AmériquePuerto Rico
Winterdream EuropeItalie
Winternight AmériqueArgentine
Winteropera EuropeItalie
Winter's end AmériqueEtats-Unis
Winters Veil The storm awakens 2012 EuropeRoyaume-Uni
Wish in the dark EuropeFrance
Wishing well EuropePologne
Withered garden …When darkness falls 2004 EuropeAllemagne
Without face Astronomicon 2002 EuropeHongrie
Without face Deep Inside 2000 EuropeHongrie
Wolfang Bonfire 2017 EuropeItalie
Wong lawas Trivium 2015 AsieIndonésie
Wyvern's dust AmériqueMexique
X Japan Dhalia 1996 AsieJapon
Xilphide Secretos del viento 2013 AmériqueArgentine
Yutaro Abe's Astral wind Cycle of life 2018 AsieJapon
Zany zone AsieThaïlande
Zaphira EuropeSuisse
Zaphyria AmériqueArgentine
Ziggurath AmériqueChili
Zorbo Rapture est tribulatione 2013 AmériqueMexique
Δημήτρης Κατής Real epic 2003 EuropeGrèce
Александра Мальцева Путь домой 2014 EuropeRussie
Аллюзион Тёмная сторона Земли 2022 EuropeRussie
Асфодел Тень Рапсодии 2015 EuropeRussie
Валькирия Святым огнём 2012 EuropeRussie
Валькирия (ex Uncreated light, ex New land) Святым огнём 2012 EuropeUkraine
Версия Последний герой 2010 EuropeRussie
Вогні Цитаделі Initium 2009 EuropeUkraine
Время Жатвы Чтобы взошло завтра солнце 2018 EuropeRussie
Дыхание Пустоты Искупление 2014 EuropeRussie
Земля Ветров Моя земля 2016 EuropeRussie
Изумрудный Город Мир не прервётся 2019 EuropeRussie
Иллюзия Контроля Время 2014 EuropeRussie
Комора Истоки 2020 EuropeRussie
Косогор ПостRenaissance 2019 EuropeRussie
Маргерит EuropeRussie
Мессир За гранью… 2015 EuropeRussie
МореЖдёт Сан-Федерико: История о любви и бессмертии 2019 EuropeRussie
Нереида Сквозь вечность 2016 EuropeRussie
Нефилим Врата мироздания 2002 EuropeRussie
Нокс Темы света и тени 2013 EuropeRussie
Ноктюрн EuropeRussie
Одержимость Хозяин зла 2010 EuropeRussie
Оксидерика Вечное противостояние 2016 EuropeRussie
Проект-Фобия Каждый сам за себя 2021 EuropeRussie
Сварун Divide ut Regnes 2019 EuropeSerbie
Симфония Ветра Перекрёсток эпох 2018 EuropeUkraine
Сказки Ино Последний свет 2017 EuropeRussie
Судный День Чёрное пророчество 2008 EuropeRussie
Тартария Энергия мира 2015 EuropeRussie
Ударная Волна Живая кукла 2017 EuropeRussie
Фабула На краю 2011 EuropeUkraine
Хар Дарна Железные крылья 2017 EuropeRussie
Экскалибур Душа 2013 EuropeRussie
サディスマリィ AsieJapon
伝承歌劇団-エウロパの軌跡 The brave 2006 AsieJapon
六弦アリス 華とモノクローム 2019 AsieJapon
少女病 真典セクサリス 2022 AsieJapon
幻覚アリア 零月レセプション 2020 AsieJapon
紅-EVE- AsieIndonésie
電気式華憐音楽集団 Carnaval the abyss 2017 AsieJapon
颂歌Anthem AsieChine
黒夜葬 眞紅ノ眷屬ハ圓環スル螺旋ヲ嘆ズル 2011 AsieJapon


Notes :

Il s’agit d’une liste, qui se veut exhaustive, des groupes de musique heavy metal dans le sous-genre du symphonique, dont le point de départ historique est Art of life de X Japan en 1993. Les sous-genres du power, progressif, mélodique et néoclassique font, en sus, l’objet d’attentions particulières. Nous avons regroupé ces sous-genres sous le nom générique de metal harmonique, afin de les opposer aux metal extrêmes. Les autres sous-genres sont indiqués par commodité vis à vis des groupes inspectés dont l’œuvre peut, par ses multiples influences, y déborder. Dans le cadre de cette classification, des sous-genres ont étés groupés, 𝕍 les indications entre parenthèses. Les sous-genres de chaque groupe sont renseignés selon leur prestation globale, même s’ils peuvent effectivement faire l’objet de variations selon les albums (des détails sont parfois indiqués au cas par cas).

● Le choix de l’album inspecté initialement pour chaque groupe est fonction de sa réputation et/ou de la date de sortie; nous privilégions les dernières productions. Sauf rares exceptions, ne sont jamais pris en compte : les démos, singles, extended play et compilations. Il s’agit, autant que possible, de la version la plus complète de l’album (japonaise, limitée, spéciale…). Si l’album inspecté est qualitatif, nous pouvons étendre l’inspection aux autres productions du groupe.

Les notes sont octroyées en prenant en compte la qualité artistique et technique de la composition, de l’écriture et de l’interprétation, de l’originalité et, finalement, de l’aura de la performance. Les groupes sous 10 ne sont pas notés. La production, trop vétuste peut être la cause d’une perte importante de points indépendamment de la qualité intrinsèque des œuvres. En pratique, prévoyez pour vous-mêmes un delta de 2-3 points pour prendre en compte le facteur subjectif du aux différences d’expérience et aux inclinaisons personnelles. Cela devrait être suffisant pour l’appoint, sous réserve, évidemment, que vous preniez bonne note de l’objet de ce document i.e. le metal symphonique et les sous-genres connexes sus-cités. Un album est, en moyenne, écouté une dizaine de fois avant de prendre une décision.

◆ Ce travail, évidemment entièrement annexe au regard de l’encyclopédie, issu de centaine de milliers d’heures d’écoutes (et qui est loin d’être terminé !), classifiant et répertoriant les groupes du metal harmonique a pour but de faciliter les prospections des amateurs du genre. Puisse-t-il leur faire gagner du temps ! Pour un travail d’exposition similaire, 𝕍 l’excellente chaîne Youtube de Michał Urbaniak.

Légende :

Albums : 12.75 et moins = non conseillé. Dès 13 = conseillé. Dès 16 = recommandé. Achat à envisager = dès un album noté à 14,25.

Groupes : Dès un album à 15 = Conseillé de suivre. Bleu : Données manquantes. Orange : Sans données.

◆ Source principale des données : Encylopædia metallum. Notez que, hormis pour les groupes bien connus, il n’est pas rare que les sous-genres qui leur sont attribués le soient de façon précipitée (mais cela fait l’affaire).

■ Le format html n’étant pas des plus pratique pour manipuler régulièrement un jeu de données de cette ampleur, observant que la conversation entre formats n’est pas un acte anodin et, sauf demande particulière, nous ferons les mises à jour de façon très sporadique (? tous les 500 ajouts).

Version: 1.0
Maj : 21/03/2025